Before adopting
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Am I ready to have a dog?. This is one of the questions that haunts the minds of many people who want to adopt: Am I ready to have a dog? will i know how to take care of him
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The duck as a pet. When we talk about ducks, we are really referring to various species of birds that are part of the Anatidae family, although it is correct
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Giving away pets at Christmas, is that correct? When the date begins to squeeze us, we are already less than fifteen days away to define the gifts that we will make, errors can occur
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All the names of Greek mythology for cats and cats! With its meaning so you can choose the one that best suits your kitty
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Discover 10 breeds of hairless dogs. At AnimalWised you can find out which hairless dog you like best in case you want to adopt one. Don't miss more than one bald dog, here
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Discover all types of canaries divided by groups and subgroups. Currently more than 30 breeds of canaries are known, being one of the most appreciated birds in the world
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Discover the best names for birds! We share names for male birds, names for female birds, funny names and Japanese names. More than 200 names, do not miss them
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The cat breeds that like water the most are the Maine Coon, Siberian, Turkish Van, Manx and Norwegian Forest Cat. These cats are excellent swimmers and really enjoy baths
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The otter is an animal belonging to the mustelid family (Mustelidae) and we can find eight different species, all of them protected due to the imminent danger of extinction
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If you are thinking of having a degu as a pet, you should know that you can easily adopt them in centers that rescue exotic animals or in animal shelters specializing in rodents
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Discover our complete guide to know how to have a pigeon as a pet. For a pigeon to be happy in a home, it is essential to provide all the conditions, such as a place to rest
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There are animals that should not be considered domestic pets in any case, for this reason, at AnimalWised we will show you what they are and the main reasons to avoid keeping them
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OVER 100 NAMES for male and female hedgehogs! We share famous hedgehog names, funny names and names for African hedgehogs. Find yours
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It is important to know the legal determinations on the number of pets that can live in the same private home, in addition to prioritizing the welfare of each individual
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We will explain what is the ideal age to adopt a puppy, taking into account various factors and also offering you extra advice so that the adoption is carried out properly
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When it comes to small breeds, doubts may arise about when the dog is an adult, and even what your final size and weight will be. If you want to know at what age a Yorkshire stops growing
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Discover a complete list of dog names with the letter S with more than 100 ideas, so you can get inspired and choose the perfect name for your dog
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Types of Belgian Shepherd. Discover the different kinds of Belgian Shepherd and their characteristics. There are no different breeds of Belgian Shepherd, since it is a single breed with four varieties
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In this complete guide we will talk in detail about the behavior of puppies and adult cats, as well as the factors that intervene in the formation of the feline's character
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When we keep non-domestic species in captivity, the chances of behavioral and he alth problems are high. Discover what a parrot cage should be like for
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In this AnimalWised article, we invite you to learn more about the 10 most famous water dog breeds in the world. Do not miss it
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Types of German Shepherd. How many kinds of German Shepherd are there? The truth is that two classes are officially recognized, and within them there are different types of German shepherd depending on the color
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Discover the official Egyptian cat breeds approved by the different feline federations. In addition, we will tell you about the origin of cats and the importance of the Egyptian civilization in it
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To adapt your house to a cat you must make a series of changes that facilitate coexistence between the two, such as enriching the environment with scratching posts, toys, raised beds, a litter box
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In this AnimalWised article, we will show the ten most popular dwarf or toy rabbit breeds in the world, as well as learn a little more about their origins and characteristics
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We will talk to you about the advantages of having a Siberian husky and some disadvantages that can make it difficult to own one, so that you know everything about one of the Russian dog breeds
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Names of water dogs. If you have welcomed a dog into your home, you should know that this is an important responsibility, since as owners we must commit ourselves to taking care of our
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The rat as a pet. Rodents are currently considered excellent pets and with increasing frequency we find people who have opted for
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Care of the Australian parakeet. The common parakeet or Australian parakeet is introduced around the world as a pet, it is the most popular cage bird in the world. They are so
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Types of iguanas. They belong to the Iguanidae family, they are scaly sauropsid reptiles and are endemic to tropical climates such as the Caribbean, Central and South America
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Rabbits are social and affectionate animals. The life expectancy of these leporid mammals is very different and varied depending on the species we are talking about. Keep reading
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Differences between the Alaskan Malamute and the Siberian Husky. Many people have doubts before adopting a dog, especially when there are so many breeds and crossbreed dogs and
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Names for beagle dogs. Thinking of taking in a dog? So you should know that this is a great responsibility because the owner must provide all the necessary care
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Terrier dog breeds. Terrier is the generic name of a group of dog breeds that share a common origin, but have physical characteristics so diverse that in some
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What you should know before adopting a Northern Inuit. Do you know the Northern Inuit race? If you are a follower of the television series game of thrones surely yes, because these are the
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Prepare a hamster cage step by step. Do you know how to prepare a hamster cage step by step? If you have decided to adopt a hamster it is important that you inform yourself about its
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Types of domestic rats. There are many types of domestic rats around the world. Contrary to what many people believe, they are intelligent and sociable animals as can be
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How long does it take for a cat to adjust to a new home? The cat is an animal not only of customs, but also still retains much of what its habits and behavior would be
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Introduce a second dog into the house. Do you love dogs and want to have more than one at home? It sounds very nice in theory, but in practice, it is a bit more complex than
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Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step. If you are preparing the arrival of a guinea pig to your home, it is essential that you first have its cage or habitat ready. For this reason, in