In this article on our site we will talk about cyclosporine for cats, a drug known for its anti-inflammatory effect that is used to combat different pathologies. But you have to know that it will also act on the immune system, so it is essential that we only administer it with a veterinary prescription.
Next, we will explain what are the uses of cyclosporine in cats, how this medication should be given, in which specimens it is not convenient and, above all, what side effects we have to watch out for.
What is cyclosporine?
Cyclosporine is a drug included in the group of immunomodulating agents, as it has the ability to influence the immune system, increasing or decreasing your response. It has a selective immunosuppressive effect, since it specifically affects T lymphocytes, cells that form in the bone marrow and belong to the immune system.
Cyclosporine in cats has an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect It influences the production of different substances associated with inflammation, hence the effect it achieves. This action is relatively fast, since, even in fasting oral administration, in 1-2 hours it reaches the maximum concentration in the blood. It is metabolized in the liver.
What is cyclosporine used for in cats?
Cyclosporine is commonly used to treat a condition known as chronic allergic dermatitisThis pathology usually presents with itching, inflammation of the skin, irritation especially in the head and neck, symmetrical hair loss, etc., signs that may be compatible with other skin diseases, for example parasites, infections, food allergies, among others. others. That is why it is essential that it is the veterinarian who diagnoses and determines the need to administer cyclosporine and we do not think of medicating our cat on our own. In addition, it is necessary to know that it is usual for cyclosporine to be only one of the tools to treat the clinical picture, so the veterinarian will have to prescribe other drugs and different management measures, especially to relieve the itching associated with this pathology.
There are other indications for the use of cyclosporine in cats related to its anti-inflammatory function, such as the following:
- hives
- asthma
- granulomas
- stomatitis
- certain eye disorders
- inflammatory bowel disease
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Also, only the veterinarian can prescribe its use.
Dosage of cyclosporine in cats
To calculate the dose of cyclosporine for cats it is essential to accurately determine the weight of the cat. About 7 mg for each kg of weight is recommended to be administered once a day, at least as initial treatment, but the dose varies depending on the disease to treat. The idea is to gradually reduce this frequency as the cat evolves, but you have to know that they are usually prolonged treatments, lasting several weeks, before being able to go on to give it every two, three or even four days. It is an assessment that is left to the discretion of the veterinarian. Keep in mind that sometimes the cat relapses and you have to start the daily treatment again.
Cyclosporine is usually found in an oral solution and given directly into the mouth or mixed with food in a very small amount to ensure that it the cat ingests the entire dose. There is also its transdermal administration, but it is not recommended in cats because absorption is lower. In addition, cyclosporine is found in eye drops for use in eye conditions, so there is not only atopic cyclosporine for cats, we also have ophthalmic cyclosporine for cats.
Contraindications of cyclosporine in cats
Not all cats will be able to take advantage of cyclosporine. There are some cases in which this drug is not indicated. We highlight the following:
- Items that at some point have shown allergy to this active ingredient or we suspect they may be hypersensitive.
- Leukemia patients or Immunodeficiency. If this information is unknown, the cat should be tested before giving cyclosporine.
- Diabetics.
- Kittens with less than two months old.
- Cats that weigh less than 2.3 kg, with exceptions decided by the veterinarian.
- En pregnant or lactating cats is also at the discretion of the veterinarian after assessing the risks and benefits of its use, since it is not Studies on the safety of cyclosporine in these situations are available. The possibility that it crosses the placental barrier and is excreted in the milk has been seen.
- Cats that have received a vaccine in the previous two weeks. On the other hand, do not give vaccinations during treatment with cyclosporine or before two weeks have elapsed after finishing it. Cyclosporine interferes with the effectiveness of vaccination
- Finally, if the cat is being treated with some other drug, the veterinarian will have to assess possible interactions.
Cyclosporine Side Effects in Cats
Cyclosporine inhibits T lymphocytes. This fact is related to an increased incidence of malignant tumors because it decreases the response capacity of the organism. For this reason, it is not only important that we do not even think of giving the cat cyclosporine without consulting the veterinarian, but also that the same professional must carefully assess the advantages and benefits of prescribing it. If he decides to use it, it will be necessary to monitor the cat very well and consult immediately if any enlarged lymph node is observed.
In addition, if the cat is negative for toxoplasmosis and becomes infected during treatment with cyclosporine, he may develop the disease, even severely. To avoid this, it is recommended to prevent access to the outside and not allow it to eat meat or raw prey during the treatment. On the other hand, the cat could present adverse effects, more or less frequent, such as the following:
- Digestive problems, especially vomiting and diarrhoea.
- Increased appetite.
- Lethargy.
- Hypersalivation.
- Hyperactivity.
- Gingival hyperplasia, which is an increase in the size of the gums.
- Signs consistent with diabetes, such as increased urine output or water intake.
- Weight loss and reduced appetite. If this is the case with our cat, it should be weighed regularly to avoid excessive weight loss that could lead to he alth problems.
Some of these effects can be resolved by themselves without having to stop treatment, but in other cases it will be necessary to suppress it or, at least, modify it. Therefore, you have to go to the vet.