DICLOFENAC for CATS - Dosage, uses and side effects

DICLOFENAC for CATS - Dosage, uses and side effects
DICLOFENAC for CATS - Dosage, uses and side effects
Diclofenac for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects
Diclofenac for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects

Diclofenac is an active principle that, in addition to veterinary medicine, is also used in human medicine, so it is not surprising that diclofenac is found in home medicine cabinets. It is a drug used to control certain disorders that cause pain and inflammation. For this reason, many are the people who wonder if they can administer this drug to their feline in case of suffering from an inflammatory process.

In this article on our site we will talk about diclofenac for cats and the problems that can arise from its administration if we give it to them to our cat on our own. Don't forget that only the vet can prescribe medication.

What is diclofenac?

Diclofenac is an active ingredient that belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs Perhaps the name diclofenac is not very familiar, but its trade name is much better known, since diclofenac sodium is the active ingredient in widely used medications such as Voltarén and Voltadol, which can be found in pill, injectable, cream or gel format. The latter are not presentations used in veterinary medicine for obvious reasons. Diclofenac is also found in eye drops.

Under no circumstances should we give diclofenac to cats on our own, even if we have it at home, it has worked well for us or it seems to us that it does not have any side effects. The consequences can be fatal, as we shall see.

Diclofenac for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - What is diclofenac?
Diclofenac for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - What is diclofenac?

Uses of diclofenac for cats

Diclofenac is used to control pain, especially pain caused by joint disorders or bone, such as degenerative joint disease, which will be more common in older cats. It is also prescribed for some eye pathologies, such as keratitis or blepharitis, in which there is inflammation. Of course, in its eye drop format, which is the only presentation that can be used at the ocular level. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, such as NSAIDs, and antipyretic, that is, against fever

In cats it can be difficult to assess the degree of pain, since they are animals that tend to hide their symptoms. We may notice subtle changes, such as stopping climbing on high places. Any change in their behavior or, of course, signs such as eating or grooming themselves less, are a reason for veterinary consultation. It should not be overlooked, first because any disease detected at the beginning has a better prognosis, but also because the quality of life depends on not experiencing pain. In no case should we give diclofenac without the approval of the veterinarian. You have to go to the vet.

Dosage of diclofenac for cats

We insist that only the vet can prescribe drugs to our cat. He is the only professional trained to diagnose and medicate. In the case of cats and NSAIDs, correct dosage and proper monitoring are essential to avoid serious side effects. For each NSAID there are dose ranges that are considered safe. The veterinarian, depending on the characteristics of each case, will choose the exact dose within these safety parameters.

In this type of drug, the minimum dose that achieves the desired pain relief is always sought. Veterinary recommendations regarding dosage, frequency and time of administration must be scrupulously followed. These types of anti-inflammatory drugs for cats can be given with food or right after. Do not give your cat diclofenac on your own, just reduce the dose you use, go to the veterinary clinic and follow the professional's guidelines. So what medications can a cat be given for pain? Again, the one that the veterinarian considers most appropriate depending on the cause that causes that pain. If what you want is to try to calm a cat's pain while you go to the clinic, you can heat the affected area using a hot water bottle or another natural anti-inflammatory for cats that is not harmful.

Contraindications of diclofenac for cats

Cats are very sensitive to NSAIDs, so they must be administered with care and we cannot, in any case, give diclofenac on our own. Extreme precautions must be taken, especially in those older cats or those that already have some pathology, such as kidney disease In the same way, if the cat is already taking some drug and the veterinarian does not know it, it must be communicated to prevent possible interactions between drugs that could be harmful. Currently there are different drugs with the same effect as diclofenac that can be used in cats, managing to improve their condition effectively and safely. Although the use of these medications is safe in this species, we can also only administer them if they have been prescribed by the veterinarian, since it is necessary to examine the cat and obtain a diagnosis before considering medication.

Diclofenac for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - Contraindications of diclofenac for cats
Diclofenac for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - Contraindications of diclofenac for cats

Diclofenac side effects for cats

Diclofenac in cats can cause serious alterations, as it causes adverse effects, especially at the gastrointestinal level. The most common are gastritis and ulcers, but liver damage and kidney, causing acute insufficiency, which even leads to death. The most common symptoms that we can detect after the administration of diclofenac are the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting that may contain blood.
  • Loss of appetite, the cat stops eating.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Depression and lethargy.
  • Changes in water intake and urine output.
  • Incoordination and other neurological disorders.
  • Black stools.
  • Yellowish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Respiratory problems.
  • Eat.

If we detect any of these symptoms in our cat after giving him diclofenac, we must go to the vet immediately.
