Is platypus venom deadly?

Is platypus venom deadly?
Is platypus venom deadly?
Is platypus venom deadly?
Is platypus venom deadly?

The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to Australia and Tasmania, characteristic for having a beak similar to that of a duck, a tail similar to that of a spender and legs like those of an otter. It is one of the few poisonous mammals that exist.

The male of this species has a spur on its hind legs, which releases a poison that can cause intense pain In addition to platypus are the shrews, the shrews and the well-known solenodon, as species that also have the ability to produce and inject poison.

In this article on our site we want to share extensive information about the poison produced by platypuses and mainly to be able to answer the question if Platypus poison is deadlyor it's really not that deadly.

Venom production in the platypus

Both the male and female have spurs on their ankles, however only the male produces poison This is made up of proteins similar to the defensins, where three are exclusive to this animal. Defensins are produced in the animal's immune system

Venom can kill small animals, including dogs and is produced in the male's crural glands, these are kidney-shaped and are connected to the spur. Females are born with rudimentary quills that do not develop and fall off before the first year of life. Apparently the information to develop the poison is in the chromosome, which is why only males can produce it.

Poison has a different function than that produced by non-mammalian species, with effects not as lethal but strong enough to weaken the enemy. The platypus injects in one dose, between 2 and 4 ml of its venom. During the mating season, the male's venom production increases.

In the image you can see the calcaneal spur, with which platypuses inject their venom.

Is platypus venom deadly? - The production of venom in the platypus
Is platypus venom deadly? - The production of venom in the platypus

The effects of poison on humans

The poison can kill small animals, however in humans it is not lethal, but it causes intense pain. After the sting, an edema occurs around the wound and spreads over the affected limb, the pain is so strong that it cannot be relieved with morphine. In addition, a simple cough can increase the intensity of the pain.

After a few hours it can even spread to other areas of the body, other than the affected limb. After the period of pain, it turns into a hyperalgesia that can last for days or even months. Muscular atrophy has also been documented and can last for the same length of time as hyperalgesia. Few cases of platypus stings have been recorded in Australia.

Is platypus venom deadly? - The effects of poison on humans
Is platypus venom deadly? - The effects of poison on humans

Is platypus poison deadly?

In summary we can say that Platypus venom is and is not fatal. Why? Because in small animals if it is lethal, causing the death of the victim, a poison so strong that it can kill even a canine if the conditions are met for this to occur.

But if we talk about the damage that the poison does to a human, it is a very strong damage and pain compared to even one of greater intensity than gunshot wounds. It is not strong enough to kill a human though.

In any case, you must take into account that attacks by animals such as the platypus occur because the animal feels threatened or as a defenseAnd as a tip, the correct way to catch and avoid a platypus sting is by holding it by the base of its tail, so that it is upside down.

Is platypus venom deadly? - Is platypus poison deadly?
Is platypus venom deadly? - Is platypus poison deadly?

If you found this article interesting and want to know more about poisonous animals, don't hesitate to visit the 10 most poisonous animals in the world.

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