Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated?
Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated?

It is common for the gestation period of dogs to become a stage full of doubts for many caregivers. All the changes that appear week after week and, above all, those that are not visible, such as the development of puppies, lead to numerous veterinary consultations and extreme precautions to avoid scares.

Thus, in this article on our site, we are going to explain if you can vaccinate a pregnant dog or it is better to leave it for another moment.

What are dog vaccines for?

Before explaining whether or not a pregnant dog can be vaccinated, it is important that we understand what vaccination consists of. Vaccination is a veterinary procedure that consists of administering, usually by injection, a preparation containing certain pathogens that have been modified to prevent them from developing the disease.

In this way, once inoculated, the organism creates defenses against them Thus, if in the natural environment the dog comes into contact with some of the pathogens against which he has been vaccinated, his immune system will respond immediately, so he will not suffer from the disease or it will be very mild. Without vaccinating, her immune system's response may come too late. These are serious pathologies, highly contagious, especially for puppies, hence the importance of vaccination, which begins around 6-8 weeks of life

For more information, you can consult this other article on Vaccine schedule for dogs - Puppies and adults.

What happens if a pregnant dog gets vaccinated?

On the other hand, the gestation of female dogs lasts approximately two months, an average of 63 days. During this time, our mission is to offer you the best care These are specified in the veterinary follow-up, as this professional guides us, a good diet and, in general, a stress free life. The recommended diet is formulated for puppies, as it covers all the needs of this period, as we explain in this other article on Feeding a bitch pregnant. Regular exercise and tranquility are the other keys that will help us to bring the pregnancy to a successful conclusion.

As to whether a pregnant dog can be vaccinated, the truth is that pregnancy is a period that is especially sensitive to any drug, between which include vaccines. It is therefore not recommended to apply or administer any pharmaceutical or even antiparasitic product without the express prescription of the veterinarian.

This is because some substances manage to cross the placental barrier, reaching the developing puppies. Thus, if a pregnant dog is vaccinated, it can cause miscarriages or malformations in the fetuses In addition, although rare, vaccines sometimes trigger side effects such as fever or even allergic reactions, rarely serious.

Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated? - What happens if a pregnant dog is vaccinated?
Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated? - What happens if a pregnant dog is vaccinated?

Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated?

Based on the data presented so far, in general, you cannot vaccinate a pregnant dog And we say in general because each veterinarian must assess each caseThe recommendation is always that a bitch is well dewormed and vaccinated before gestating, but this is not possible in all cases. For example, if we pick up an abandoned pregnant dog, we cannot know what her immune status is or if she has received any vaccinations

Therefore, if the veterinarian considers that the dog has a significant risk of contracting a disease, he can decide, evaluating risks and benefits, to vaccinate her. Of course, always using vaccines that do not contain live viruses, since they could cross the protective barrier of the placenta. Before vaccination she should deworm internally. The vet will tell us when and with what product.

Vaccinating offers protection to the bitch against serious diseases such as canine parvovirus or distemper in dogs. About 7-10 days after the vaccine, the reaction of the dog's immune system will take place. Approximately two weeks later, the maximum level of antibodies will be reached. In addition, by vaccinating on time, this protection can cover the puppies that are gestating, especially through colostrum, so they will be in better immune conditions.

In this other article we also answer this other question: Can I deworm and vaccinate my dog on the same day?

Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated? - Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated?
Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated? - Can a pregnant dog be vaccinated?

Can I vaccinate a pregnant dog against rabies?

We have already seen that, under normal conditions, you cannot vaccinate a pregnant dog It is better to do it earlier, if possible, or wait until her maternal stage is over. If the bitch is well vaccinated and any revaccination coincides with the gestation period, it will have to be postponed. But doubt may arise with the rabies vaccine. This is mandatory in many territories. Rabies is a deadly zoonotic disease, that is, it can be transmitted from animals, in this case, dogs to people. Hence, administering rabies vaccines has become an obligation in many countries as a way to protect not only the vaccinated animals, but also public he alth. Failure to vaccinate a dog as required by law is considered an administrative infraction that entails financial fine

Therefore, if it is our turn to revaccinate our dog against rabies when she is pregnant, it is normal for us to have doubts. The recommendation is still not to vaccinate, but there are rabies vaccines suitable for pregnant bitches As always, the decision whether or not to administer it depends on the veterinarian.

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