LUSITAN HORSE - Characteristics, Character and He alth

LUSITAN HORSE - Characteristics, Character and He alth
LUSITAN HORSE - Characteristics, Character and He alth
Lusitanian Horse
Lusitanian Horse

Horses are one of the most majestic animals in nature, standing out not only for their enormous beauty and elegance, but also for being possessors of a brave and sensitive character at the same time. And if we talk about physical strength, courage and sensitivity, it is impossible not to go back to the Lusitano horse, which has served as the basis for the blood lineage of the current thoroughbreds that are admired all over the world.

Origin of the Lusitano horse

The origins of the Lusitanian horse go back to the ancient Roman region of Lusitania, to the west of the Iberian Peninsula, where today it is found in territory of Portugal However, it is estimated that its oldest ancestor has been the Sorraia horse, which has inhabited where the current territory of Malaga is located in the years 25,000 BC The native peoples of the Iberian Peninsula used to use them for hunting and agriculture, as well as riding them to fight against their enemies.

Likewise, the current appearance and behavior of the Lusitano horse are only beginning to be defined after several selective crosses between the native horses of the Iberian Peninsulaand horses from the east. Although there are also hypotheses that affirm that some North African horses may also have participated in the development of this Portuguese thoroughbred.

Currently, it is also known that the Romans already used horses in their combats more than seven thousand years ago and the Lusitanian horse used to be one of the favorites to perform this function in thebattlefield During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Portuguese thoroughbred reached the apex of its international fame, being considered the "horse of kings", after conquering great popularity among roy alty and nobility. At that time they were used for various activities thanks to their great versatility and excellent physical resistance, exhibiting their qualities in parades, horse riding, sporting events and other types of competitions.

However, his fame began to decline at the beginning of the 20th century, after the creation of the English thoroughbred horse. Several years later, at the end of the same century, the Portuguese horse regained popularity, and its breeding is currently widespread in countries such as Portugal, France, Brazil and Mexico. Its population is on the rise in Spain, Belgium and the United Kingdom.

Physical characteristics of the Lusitano horse

Like the Andalusian Thoroughbred, the Lusitano horse is considered to have a Baroque style, highlighting a harmonious combination of mass and surface. It is an equine of medium to large size, compact body and convex profile, whose height at the withers is usually 1.50 to 1.60 meters. Their short, soft and shiny coat usually exhibits grayish, chestnut, berry and gray tones But it is also possible to find Lusitanian horses with palomino and cremello coats, which are very valued for their rarity.

Among its most outstanding morphological features, we find the strong trunk, powerful neck and hindquarters, rounded rump, low tail and elongated limbs. His head must also be well proportioned in relation to the other dimensions of his body, highlighting a wide forehead and fine ears, whose movements and positions say a lot about his mood.

Nevertheless, it is possible to observe some morphological differences between the two currently most recognized varieties of Lusitano horse:

  • Andrade's Lusitano horse, which stands out for its tall stature, well-developed muscles that give it extraordinary strength, and a slightly straight head. It is considered one of the seven horses that form the basis of the current Thoroughbred lineage.
  • The Lusitano horse from Veiga, which is distinguished by its slightly convex head, flexible neck and shorter size.

When walking, the Lusitano horse highlights a high and wide step, combining strength and elegance in its precise and agile movements. In addition, experts say that its forward movement, ease of jumping and flexibility are particularly comfortable for riders, making it a great riding horse and very versatile for sports activities and horse therapy.

Character of the Lusitano horse

The Lusitano Thoroughbred horse is an animal that stands out for its great courage, privileged intelligence and predisposition for learning. When they receive proper care and live in a positive environment, they show a balanced and calm temperament, being able to live with other animals very easily and creating a relationship of friendship and mutual trust with their handlers and riders.

Thanks to their docile character and very receptive to riding, as well as their great versatility when it comes to learning, these equines have become the favorites of both warriors and nobles and kings in step, and elite athletes today. It stands out as one of the best dressage horses. From the battlefields of the ancient Roman Empire, to the turf of international competitions: its precise movements, its agility and its bond with its rider have written the name of the Lusitanian horse in history.

Lusitano horse care

The Lusitano horse will need to receive all the basic care of horses to maintain its optimal he alth and fully develop its physical, cognitive and emotional abilities. Among them, it is essential to highlight the importance of maintaining a good routine of grooming and hygiene, which must necessarily include daily brushing of their coat anddaily cleaning of your helmets

Depending on the training or activity being performed and the weather conditions, it may be necessary to give him a shower or at least clean his paws afterward. If you choose to completely bathe your Lusitano horse, remember to use appropriate products for its hygiene and take special care when washing it near its eyes.

Logically, the Lusitano horse needs a large space where it can graze and express itself freely, in addition to having a protected environment to rest at nightand bundle up in case of rain or adverse weather conditions. The ideal is to have at least one hectare for the equine to enjoy, which will need to be properly fenced to prevent escape attempts. It will also be essential to go through the entire extension of the land to verify if there are potentially dangerous elements or toxic plants for horses.

Other essential care for the Lusitano horse will be the quality of its nutrition, which must fully meet the nutritional needs of the horse at each stage of their life. The horse's diet is based on foods of plant origin, like all herbivorous animals, and it must consume sufficient amounts of hay, green forage, grass and some vegetables that are good for its he alth, such as potatoes, alfalfa and carrots. In general, 1 kg of food is calculated for every 10 kg of body weight of the animal.

To complement the nutrition of the Lusitano horse, it is also advisable to provide s alt stones in moderation, as they are an excellent source of minerals, mainly calcium, and vitamins that are essential to strengthen the immune system of horses. Last but not least, it should be noted that Lusitano horses need to have their body and mind stimulated daily, as they are very energetic and intelligent animals.

Lusitano horse he alth

Lusitanian horses stand out for their excellent he alth and excellent physical resistance. However, it can also be affected by some common diseases in horses, such as colic, equine influenza and tetanus. If they do not receive adequate oral hygiene, they will also be vulnerable to dental problems, such as dental abscesses. The hygiene of its environment and a good grooming routine will also be key to preventing the appearance of skin problems in the Lusitano horse, such as ringworm or mange in horses.

Of course, your horse will need to receive adequate preventive medicine to strengthen its immune system and prevent its he alth from being affected by numerous disease or parasite infestation. For this reason, remember to carry out preventive consultations every six months with a specialized veterinarian, and keep your horse's deworming and vaccinations up to date.

Photos of Lusitano Horse
