PENEDESENCA Hen - Characteristics, feeding, care and curiosities (with PHOTOS)

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PENEDESENCA Hen - Characteristics, feeding, care and curiosities (with PHOTOS)
PENEDESENCA Hen - Characteristics, feeding, care and curiosities (with PHOTOS)
Gallina penedesenca
Gallina penedesenca

The domestication of animals is a very old process, in which a species product of permanent interaction with people acquires new characteristics that are obtained by the control that is made over the animal. In this way, there are currently about 1,600 varieties or breeds of chickens. Although in general we refer to this type of bird as "hen", the truth is that this is the name given to the female, the male is known as "rooster" and the offspring as "chickens".

Within the different breeds of hens that exist, we find the penedesenca, which we will talk about in this article on our site. Discover the characteristics of the penedesenca hen, its feeding, care and much more information.

Origin of the penedesenca hen

It is estimated that the origin of this breed of chicken, which is also known as "black vilafranuina", dates back to the first half of the 20th centuryin Vilafranca del Penedés, belonging to the province of Barcelona in Catalonia, Spain. Although it is thought to be one of the oldest types of chickens in the aforementioned community, the date of when it arose is not known precisely. However, historical records mention that by the year 194, the breed was standardized and recognized in Spain, which originated from other black-colored poultry and produced eggs characterized by a very intense brown tone. This last aspect was what caught the attention of the breeders of these animals.

Although the breed later became widespread, in the middle of the 20th century it was on the verge of disappearing, in fact, it was thought that the black variety had occurred, but initially the work of a veterinarian of the time and later that of a genetic biologist established actions and recovered this type of hen, establishing the characters with which it is known today.

Characteristics of the penedesenca hen

These are the main features that we can observe in this variety:

  • The male weighs about 2.5 kg, while the female about 2 kg.
  • The black variety tends to weigh more than the rest.
  • The body is described as broad build and elongated shape, with the trunk positioned backwards.
  • The chest is long and prominent.
  • The crest is simple and has about five or six teeth, the male's being much larger and more striking. In the case of females, when they are adults the crest falls to one side.
  • It has a strong, elongated and somewhat curved beak. In males, the barbels are much more noticeable than in other breeds, elongated and of an intense red color.
  • The eyes are oval, black in color with the iris bordered by a honey tone.
  • The wings are large and inclined, although in females they are more horizontal than in males.

Colors of the penedesenca hen

The following are known penesenca hen varieties:

  • Black: Chickens are black with some white areas, but as adults they are all black with slate-colored legs.
  • Aperdizada: the chicks are born light, with brown stripes on their backs and heads. Later, a sexual dimorphism related to color begins, culminating in golden adult females with black elliptical stripes on the feathers and gray underfeathers; the male has a black chest, possibly with some red feathers, but that tends to disappear, the rest of the mantle is golden and the lower feathers are grey. The legs are slate colored.
  • Blat ('trigo' in Spanish): the chicks are light yellowish, with brown feathers on the head and eventually on the chest. As they grow they also show sexual dimorphism, where the female changes to a soft salmon color, with a lighter ventral area, and the male takes on the same coloration as the partridged variety, so that it is difficult to differentiate them, which is only done detailing the underfeather, which is white and not gray, and the spur, which is white instead of grayish black. The legs of this type are light slate.
  • Barrada: the chicks show sexual dimorphism, since the female is brown with white feathers on her head, while the male male, which is also brown, is usually mostly white towards the back. As they grow they resemble the partridge, but in the female the tones are more intense, in addition, there is the presence of white feathers all over the body. The legs are white, although in some individuals they can tend towards a slate colour.

How are the eggs of the penedesenca hen?

The pendesenca hen lays some reddish-brown eggs, being one of the darkest in this type of bird, even in the first clutches can be almost black.

Habitat of the penedesenca hen

Chickens originate from Asia, however, with the passage of time and their domestication they were taken to almost the entire world. In the case of the Penedesenca breed, which, as we know, is native to a region of Catalonia, the area in which it lives is characterized by having some mild climatic conditions, that are due to the pre-coastal formation, which somehow protects the community from extreme conditions.

In this way, this breed has tolerance to both heat and cold, although, like all companion animals, it should not be exposed to limits in this regard. Being domesticated and living in humanized spaces, chicken coops are commonly established to keep it, however, the penedesenca hen frequently requires being outdoors to move freely, in fact, this is an aspect regulated by its breeders. Thus, it should never be kept locked up in small spaces, something that should not be done with any pet.

Character of the penedesenca hen

These hens are restless birds, especially the perdizzado variety, which tend to be on the move frequently. Females tend to have a good maternal attitude, although they are described as melancholic. On the other hand, having an active attitude and vitality, they are animals characterized by being foragers that constantly search for food on the ground.

Care and feeding of the penedesenca hen

It is important that these animals have an adequate feed, either industrial or natural, but in either case they provide the nutritional requirements to stay in good he alth.

Being a foraging hen, this activity can compensate for what is related to feeding, however, in winter, because foraging decreases due to temperatures, it is important to offer them quality food to compensate for the nutrition. Likewise, within the care of the penedesenca hen, we insist, the fact of allowing it to move freely in wide and open natural spaces is includedDiscover how to take care of chickens correctly in this other post.

He alth of the penedesenca hen

For this hen to remain he althy, two main aspects are important: a good diet, to which, as we have mentioned, special attention must be paid in winter, and the possibility of moving to the air free due to its restless character. Additionally, the availability of water and hygienic conditions are also necessary. If you have all these factors, the penedesenca is a he althy and strong hen However, like any other breed, it can develop some of the most common diseases of hens.

Curiosities of the penedesenca hen

Now that you know the characteristics of the penedesenca hen, let's see some curiosities:

  • Between 4 and 5 and a half months, hens mature sexually, although it is common for the black variety to do so a little earlier.
  • Also the black variety tends to consume a little more food than the rest.

In general, chickens of different breeds have a close relationship with human beings, however, they are often subjected to intensive exploitation that makes them live in stressful conditions. From our site we always invite our readers to provide the best conditions for pets. Let us remember that they are living beings and science has been demonstrating their ability to feel pain, fear and suffering.

Photos of Gallina penedesenca
