Acupuncture for dogs - What is it for?

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Acupuncture for dogs - What is it for?
Acupuncture for dogs - What is it for?
Acupuncture for dogs - What is it for?
Acupuncture for dogs - What is it for?

Natural therapies are booming and not only for us, fortunately, also for our animals. Today we will talk about acupuncture for dogs, an ancient practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, completely natural and very effective.

For this reason, currently some veterinary clinics already bet on this service, without a doubt you should know it to provide the most natural he alth to your pet. Get informed and discover the world of acupuncture, in this case for dogs.

How does acupuncture work in dogs?

This is a natural therapy recognized by both medical and veterinary associations. In fact, veterinarians currently have postgraduate training in acupuncture.

Acupuncture is based on one of the main beliefs of Traditional Chinese Medicine: the organism of living beings is inundated by a constant flow of energy and when there is an alteration or blockage in this flow, disease occurs. To balance this energy flow, the application of needles is used in certain anatomical areas that are key to a good balance of the energy of living beings, called meridians.

By applying the needles to the meridians, the flow of vital energy is restored and he alth is restored. It works exactly the same in dogs, these needles are applied to the appropriate meridians (depending on the problem that the pet presents) and the needles remain in the skin for approximately 20 minutes.

You should know that the discomfort is minimal, it is not a particularly painful process. The dog must be calm so that the session can be carried out correctly.

Acupuncture for dogs - What is it for? - How does acupuncture work in dogs?
Acupuncture for dogs - What is it for? - How does acupuncture work in dogs?

How to perform an acupuncture session on a dog?

If you want your dog to benefit from the virtues of acupuncture, it is important that you do it through trained professionals for it. Acupuncture is not performed in any veterinary clinic, it must be a specific center.

Therefore, the veterinarian must also have specific training in acupuncture that accredits him to use this technique. If you have doubts, ask about what specific degree they have, as we have already said, there is postgraduate training in acupuncture for those people who have already graduated in veterinary sciences.

What can be treated with acupuncture for dogs?

Acupuncture can be a support therapy for any pathology, but it is true that it is especially recommended in cases of allergies, dermatological problems, arthritis and osteoarthritis.

From this we can deduce that older dogs can greatly benefit from this technique since it is capable of calming all the symptoms that occur they derive from aged joints (mobility problems, inflammation, pain…) in a natural way, drug-free and without adverse consequences.
