BRITISH LONG HAIR Cat - Characteristics, colors and adoption

BRITISH LONG HAIR Cat - Characteristics, colors and adoption
BRITISH LONG HAIR Cat - Characteristics, colors and adoption
British Longhair
British Longhair

The British Longhair cat comes from the cross between British Shorthairs and Persians after the world wars. Although at first they did not want to create a new breed, over time they have been valued and today there are associations that have recognized them as a breed. Physically they are similar to the British Shorthair but with semi-long hair, the personality is independent, playful, affectionate and calm. With regard to care, they do not differ too much from those of other long- or semi-long-haired breeds. The he alth of these cats is good as long as they are treated properly, but you have to be aware of some diseases to which they are susceptible by inheritance from their parents.

Keep reading this page on our site to learn more about the breed of British longhair cat, its origin, its characteristics, character, care, he alth and where to adopt a dog.

Origin of the British longhair cat

The British Longhair or British Longhair cat originated after the cross between cats of the British Shorthair breed (British Shorthair), Persian cats and cats without pedigree. Initially, this crossing, rather than creating a new breed, was to preserve the genetic pool of British shorthairs that was reduced after the first and second world war, since if they were not crossed with other races they could become extinct.

The gene that gives British long hair has a recessive inheritance, which means that British long hair may not appear until later generations. At first, British cats born with long hair were rejected, given away, and even euthanized, as they sought to preserve the original short-haired breed. Subsequently, some breeders began to breed British Longhair cats, although it generated some controversy. Over time, these cats are becoming more and more known, being already recognized as a breed according to the WCF and the TICA, but not yet by the FIFE.

Physical Characteristics of the British Longhair Cat

British longhair cats have similar physical characteristics to their shorthair relatives, except for hair length They are between 28 and 30 cm, males can weigh up to 8 kg and females weigh between 4 and 6 kg. Specifically, the main features are:

  • Medium to large muscular body.
  • Robust chest and shoulders.
  • Head rounded, wide and with a strong chin.
  • Short, wide nose with a slight cleft.
  • Small rounded ears.
  • Large, round eyes, the color of which matches the fur.
  • Tail about ⅔ the length of the body, thick and with a round tip.
  • Strong, rounded legs.
  • Semi-long coat, soft and with undercoat.

British Longhair Cat Colors

There are more than 300 color varieties in the British Longhair, which can be unicolor or bicolor, as well as the following patterns:

  • Tabby.
  • Colourpoint.
  • Tortie.
  • Tipping (golden).

British Longhair Cat Character

British longhair cats are characterized by having a calm, balanced, reserved and independent personality They are affectionate cats with their caretakers, but more independent and less affectionate than other breeds, without being surly. It is a cat that adapts very well to various types of homes, as well as to children and other animals. However, he is somewhat shy and wary of strangers.

They are very Good hunters and won't hesitate to go after any little critter around the house. They are also very playful and will ask for affection whenever they want, it is not a breed that continually follows its handlers requesting affection.

British Longhair Cat Care

Care for a British longhair cat should not be very different from that of any other semi-longhair breed, and must take the following hygienic, nutritional and preventive:

  • Balanced diet, complete and in quantity adjusted according to your age, activity level, physiological state, he alth and environmental conditions. Dry food (feed) should be combined with wet food (envelopes or cans) daily in several feedings in order to better control urinary or dental diseases.
  • Hygiene of the ears, as well as their examination in search of signs indicative of some infection or parasitism.
  • Tooth hygiene and its control in order to prevent tartar, oral disease and feline chronic gingivostomatitis.
  • Routine deworming and vaccination.
  • Veterinarian check-ups when required and at least once a year from 7 years of age.
  • Brushing the hair several times a week, even daily in the moulting seasons (spring and autumn) to prevent hairballs.
  • Bath as needed or at times of shedding to encourage loss of dead hair and prevent ingestion.

British Longhair Cat He alth

British Longhair cats can live up to 18 years, provided they are properly cared for and fed, as well as routine check-ups and rapid diagnosis of any he alth problems that may affect them. Although they are susceptible to developing any type of disease or infection that affects cats, British longhairs seem to havegreater predisposition to certain diseases , such as:

  • Overweight and obesity: excess body fat and weight can lead to serious he alth consequences such as diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis and heart disease.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease-Fluid-filled cysts occur in the kidneys that can grow to the point of causing kidney damage and cause kidney failure.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: thickening of the heart muscle occurs, which limits the space for blood to accumulate in the heart chambers and can cause heart failure.
  • Neonatal isoerythrolysis: British cats are usually of blood group B, and if they are crossed with an A or AB male, the kittens of group A or AB that they had would suffer from this disease when they are breastfed, being able to die after producing an immune-mediated reaction with rupture of red blood cells (hemolysis).

Where to adopt a British Longhair cat

Although this breed is becoming more and more known, today it is still difficult to obtain, British Shorthairs are more common. However, if we contact local protectoras or shelters they can sometimes provide better information on how to adopt a specimen. If this is not the case, we can search the internet for an association that rescues British cats or, if there is none, cats of various breeds and see if there is availability.

Photos of British Longhair Cat
