All about the Andalusian Horse - Characteristics, Character and He alth

All about the Andalusian Horse - Characteristics, Character and He alth
All about the Andalusian Horse - Characteristics, Character and He alth
Andalusian horse
Andalusian horse

As we can deduce from their name, Andalusian horses come from Andalusia, where they originated thousands of years ago, constituting one of the the horse breeds oldest in the world. In Spain they are known as "Spanish horses" or "Spanish thoroughbreds", being the most iconic horse breed in the nation, despite the fact that there are other breeds originating in Spain. These horses are a historical reference, because in addition to being the forerunners of many other equine breeds, they have the admiration of numerous monarchs of yesteryear. Do you want to meet the Andalusian horse? On our site we talk in detail about this equine breed, keep reading!

Origin of the Andalusian horse

Andalusian horses are direct descendants of the Iberian horses, that is, endemic to Spanish territory. We are talking about horses with more than 20,000 years of history, on their backs and they have a remote origin. Andalusian horses already existed at the end of the Neolithic period, when they began to be domesticated and ridden by warriors and nomadic tribes.

During the Roman era these horses were highly appreciated, participating in Roman circuses and numerous crosses with other equine breeds of which they are precursors. Some of these breeds are currently well known and recognized worldwide, such as the mustang, the Hispano-Arabian or the Friesian. But in order to preserve the purity of the breed, it was prohibited from the 12th to the 19th century to cross Andalusian horses with other horse breeds. These horses were really valued by the nobles, who paid huge sums of money to get the "purest" horses.

During the 18th century, due to the popularity of horse racing, the breed suffered a slight decline, as lighter horses were preferred. However, it quickly recovered and in 1912 the first book was opened where these purebreds could be registered, constituting in 1972 the National Association of Spanish Horse Breeders (ANCEE) In sevilla.

Physical characteristics of the Andalusian horse

Andalusian horses are medium-sized horses, with a height at the withers of between 155 and 175 centimeters and a weight of between 400 and 650 kilograms. These horses have a life expectancy that is between 20 and 35 years. The body of these equines is muscular and with harmonious and elegant proportions Their chest is broad, their back solid and their loins wide and relatively short. The legs are long and very strong. Its tail is long and bushy, as are its elegant manes, and it is short.

The head is medium in size, proportional to the rest of the body, with lively, expressive black or gray eyes. Its head is topped by ears that are also medium in size, mobile and triangular in shape. As for the coat, it can present different colors, although the most common and popular is the gray, almost all the others are also accepted except the piebald, being more dark colors appreciated.

Character and behavior of the Andalusian horse

Andalusian horses are generally impetuous horses with a strong character of their own, however they are easy to tame, as they are docile and obedient if you work with them with patience and respectIn addition, this dressage will be facilitated by its great ease for learning and its notorious intelligence

They are also very brave and somewhat daring horses, strong and resistant to the high temperatures that are reached in Andalusian summers. It also highlights its ability to recover quickly when making great efforts. An Andalusian horse has a very balanced character

Andalusian horse care

We will begin with the care of the Andalusian horse by talking about its diet, because like any equine, this animal must receive a balanced and quality diet, composed of hay, vegetables and grass. Exceptionally, feed for horses can be offered, although it is not entirely recommended, especially for continued use. The amount of daily food must be 2-3% of the animal's body weight, varying depending on the amount and intensity of exercise performed. Likewise, you must have at your disposal at all times fresh and clean water

Another aspect that will require our attention will be the hygiene and grooming tasks, among which is giving our horse at least once a day, being very scrupulous about drying them if it is winter, while in summer two showers are recommended and letting them dry naturally, refrigerating them and protecting them from high temperatures. After these baths we have to do a good brushing, paying special attention to their dense manes, which get tangled easily and are braided on many occasions. We'll also spend some time keeping her long tail free of tangles and dirt. As for their hooves, we will use a special brush and oil to keep them he althy, stimulating their growth and preventing the accumulation of dirt and infections.

He alth of the Andalusian horse

The Andalusian horse is susceptible to illness, like any other equine breed. However, it does not present known hereditary diseases and, in general, it is spoken of as a strong breed that recovers more easily from most ailments. Of the most common diseases in horses we must highlight colic, gastrointestinal pathologies and dental abscesses.

To avoid and prevent the appearance of he alth problems, it is essential to offer good care to the horse, but it is also advisable to carry out preventive veterinary visits every 6 or 12 months, in which we will follow thevaccine calendar for horses scheduled by the specialist. We will also carry out periodic deworming and any other treatment that the veterinarian advises us.

Photos of Andalusian horse
