ALL ABOUT THE PEACOCK - Habitat, food and he alth

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ALL ABOUT THE PEACOCK - Habitat, food and he alth
ALL ABOUT THE PEACOCK - Habitat, food and he alth
Peacock - Habitat, feeding and he alth
Peacock - Habitat, feeding and he alth

The common peacock (Pavo cristatus) is a large bird, known mainly for its colorful and dazzling tail, which has some colorful patterns. In addition to being the national animal of India, this member of the Phaisanidae family is present throughout the world, as it is considered an icon of elegance. You want to know more? In this file on our site we will talk in detail about the common peacock, explaining in detail what its characteristics are, the most representative habitat or its diet, among others.

Origin of the Peacock

Belonging to the order Galliformes, the common peacock is one of the two species that make up the genus Pavo. The other would be the green-necked peacock, which is native to Southeast Asia. Thus, the common peacock, whose scientific name would be Pavo cristatus, is also known as Indian peacock, blue-breasted peacock, peacock or simply turkey real.

This species is native to India, appearing in really old historical documents. Its expansion is due to the fact that Alexander the Great exported it to other places, reaching Babylon, Persia or Rome, because in addition to its beauty, this animal was highly appreciated and valued for the quality of its meat and eggs. Currently the largest populations of wild peacocks are found especially in the Indian subcontinent and in Sri Lanka, in the drier parts of the island.

Even in mythology the peacock is present, as it is portrayed together with the Roman goddess Juno or the Egyptian Isis, which undoubtedly denotes the importance and consecration that this bird has had since ancient times.

Peacock Features

Due to the marking sexual dimorphism present in the species, it is not possible to establish a general standard that does not take into account this differentiation. On the one hand, males are considerably larger than females, weighing about 6 kilograms and with a length of between 100 and 115 centimeters, without considering the tail, which alone is more than a meter long, doubling the total length of this bird's body.

Male Peacock

Male plumage is green and iridescent blue, with a crown of feathers on the head, white and no feathers on the base and topped by clusters of green and blue feathers, and a gray beak framed by a blue head with green cheeks. In addition, their eyes are special, since they do not have feathers around them, but white skin. Its legs are gray, with cream-colored thighs.

Male body is cob alt blue, with scale-like feathers on the back, which are green and black and present coppery and bronze tones. The wings are black, with hidden feathers except when flying, which are tan.

And so we come to its tail, the symbol of this breed, its prodigious tail is actually brown, although what you can see are the overcovers or secondary feathers, which are golden with spots and spots blue-green and brownish in color, some of these feathers lack spots, instead presenting black crescents

Female Peacock

On the other hand, females weigh about 4 kilograms, which is quite a big difference, but they are not only different in size, because unlike what happens with other species in this case it is the females that have a more humble appearance, without that colorful plumage, since theirs is brown and red tones, with a white face and a small crown but in this case with a brown base and also brown bouquets but with green and bluish tones. They only present the green color marked with metallic flashes on the neck and in some localized points on the chest. For this reason, they are much more discreet than their male counterparts, even looking like two different species at first glance.

Peacock feeding and habitat

Peacocks are omnivorous animals, consuming a wide range of foods including insects, such as ants or worms, to arachnids, reptiles and plants , including their flowers. Also seeds, cereals and fruits are present in their diet such as raspberries. But perhaps the most important thing for these turkeys is access to clean and fresh water, which is why they tend to be located near lakes, rivers or natural water flows.

Regarding the peacock's habitat, we should know that they require woody areas with a height of less than 2000 meters, although they can adapt to places as varied as deciduous forests, not very dense jungles and even near areas dedicated to agriculture, since they are not particularly affected by the presence of populations or nuclei inhabited by man.

Peacock Play

Peacocks are polygamous birds, that is, the same male copulates with several females during the breeding season, without having one a fixed partner, not establishing a relationship with the females he fertilizes. Usually groups or harems are formed consisting of one male and up to 5-6 females

It is during reproduction that the peacock's tail male acquires its meaning, because it is the way they attract attention of the females with whom it will reproduce, displaying its magnificent tail while vocalizing, which would be the song, which they perform both before, during and even after of copulation, which together constitutes the peacock's courtship. Although they can also extend their tails in situations where they feel threatened or to keep other males at bay.

When females lay, it is usually about 3 to 5 eggsThey make it in a nest that they have previously built themselves with these of foliage and branches, there they incubate them for a period of between 26 and 30 days, at which time that the chickens hatch, being able to move on their own, although until two months later their abilities and their bodies will not fully develop to take the shape they will have as adults.

The offspring have a multicolored plumage,with shades ranging from brownish to yellowish with dark spots, resembling their plumage to that of females, except that the chicks still lack the crown on their heads and that their wings are light brown, their tail is very short and they do not develop it until they are 2 years old.

Peacock Care

If we decide to have a peacock at home, we must ensure that it receives a varied and balanced diet, not reducing it to foods only made up of cereals, since these are typical of fattening diets carried out on farms. We also need to provide them with access to fresh, clean water as well as a space where they can move around.

You must be very careful with the presence of other pets, as there could be confrontations that can cause serious damage to these birds. Likewise, care must be taken of the degree of humidity, which should not be too high, and be aware that the temperatureis enough not to affect the he alth of our peacock.

Peacock He alth

If we are going to have a peacock as a pet we have to be quite careful with regard to humidity and temperature conditions, since these birds are very sensitive to cold and excessivehumidity, which can cause respiratory pathologies or tuberculosis, which is a zoonotic disease, while their joints suffer and they can suffer from gastrointestinal infections.

Any of these conditions will require veterinary assistance and the care that said veterinarian prescribes for its improvement. The life expectancy of the common peacock is between 10 and 25 years.

Photos of Peacock - Habitat, food and he alth
