The so-called flying fish make up the family Exocoetidae, within the order Beloniformes. There are about 70 species of flying fish, and while they cannot fly like a bird, they are capable of gliding over long distances It is believed that they developed the ability to get out of the water to escape from the fastest aquatic predators, such as dolphins, tuna, dorado or billfish. They are present in practically all the world's seas, especially in tropical and subtropical areas.
Have you ever wondered if fish can fly? Well, in this article on our site we will answer this question and talk about the types of flying fish that exist and their characteristics.
Characteristics of flying fish
Exocetids are amazing fish that can have 2 or 4 “wings” depending on the species, but in reality they are highly developed pectoral fins adapted to glide over water. Next, we will talk about the main characteristics of flying fish:
- Size: most species measure about 30 cm, the largest Cheilopogon pinnatibarbatus californicus being 45 cm long.
- Wings: 2-winged flying fish have 2 highly developed pectoral fins as well as strong pectoral musculature, while 4-winged fish have 2 accessory fins that are nothing more and nothing less than an evolution of the pelvic fins.
- Speed: Thanks to their strong muscles and "wings", flying fish can propel themselves through the water with relative ease at speeds of about 56 km/h, being able to travel about 200 meters in total at an approximate height of 1 meter above the water.
- Fins: In addition to the wings, the caudal fin of flying fish is also highly developed and is essential for their movement.
- Juvenile flying fish: in the case of juveniles, they have barbules, structures present in the feathers of birds, which disappear in adults.
- Attraction to light: they are attracted to light, which has been used by fishermen to attract them to boats.
- Habitat: they inhabit surface waters of almost all the world's seas, generally in tropical and subtropical areas with warm waters with large amounts of plankton, which is their main food, along with small crustaceans.
All these characteristics of flying fish, together with their highly aerodynamic shape, allow these fish to propel themselves outwards and use the air environment as an additional place to move, allowing them to escape of potential predators.
Types of 2-winged flying fish
Within the flying fish with 2 wings, the following species stand out:
Common flying fish or tropical flying fish (Exocoetus volitans)
This species is distributed in tropical and subtropical areas of all oceans, including the Mediterranean Sea and the Caribbean Sea. Its coloration is dark and varies from silvery blue to black, with a lighter ventral area. It measures approximately 25 cm and has the ability to fly distances of tens of meters

Flying Arrowfish (Exocoetus obtusirostris)
Also called Atlantic flying fish, this species is distributed in the Pacific Ocean, from Australia to Peru, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Its body is cylindrical and elongated with a grayish color and measures approximately 25 cm. Its pectoral fins are very well developed and it has two pelvic fins lower down, so it is only considered to have two wings.

Billbill flying fish (Fodiator acutus)
It is found in areas of the Northeast Pacific and Eastern Atlantic, where it is endemic. Smaller in size, about 15 cm, it is one of the flying fish that glides less distanceIt has an elongated snout, hence its name, and has a protruding mouth, that is, both its jaw and maxilla are outward. Its body is iridescent blue and its pectoral fins are almost silver.

Flying finfish (Parexocoetus brachypterus)
Species with wide distribution from the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, including the Red Sea, and very common in the Caribbean Sea. All species of the genus have a greater head mobility, as well as the ability to project the mouth forward. Finned flying fish reproduce sexually, but fertilization is external During reproduction, males and females can release sperm and eggs during hovering. After this process, the eggs can remain suspended on the surface and mature or sink in the water column.

Nice flying fish (Cypselurus callopterus)
This fish is distributed in the eastern Pacific Ocean, from Mexico to Ecuador. With an elongated and cylindrical body of almost 30 cm, this species has highly developed pectoral fins, which are also very striking for having black spots The rest of its body is silvery blue.
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Types of 4-winged flying fish
And now we are going to talk about the most well-known types of flying fish with 4 wings:
Spikehead flying fish (Cypselurus angusticeps)
They inhabit from East Africa throughout the tropical and subtropical Pacific. They are characterized by having a narrow, pointed head They fly distances of hundreds of meters before returning to the water. Color pale gray, its body reaches about 24 cm in length and its pectoral fins are highly developed, which gives it the appearance of having real wings.

Border white flying fish (Cheilopogon cyanopterus)
This species is present in almost the entire Atlantic Ocean. It is more than 40 cm long and has some long barbels It feeds on both plankton and other smaller species of fish, which it consumes thanks to small conical teeth that it has in its jaw.
In this other article on our site we show you other Fish with teeth - Characteristics and examples.

Banded Gliderfish (Cheilopogon exsiliens)
Present in the Atlantic Ocean, from the United States to Brazil, always in tropical waters, possibly also in the Mediterranean Sea. It has both pectoral and pelvic fins very well developed, making it an excellent glider Its elongated body reaches about 30 cm. For its part, its coloration can be bluish or with greenish tones and its pectoral fins are characterized by the presence of large black spots on the upper part.

Black-winged flying fish (Hirundichthys rondeletii)
Species found in tropical and subtropical waters of almost all the world's oceans and is an inhabitant of surface waters. Also with an elongated body, like the other species of flying fish, it is about 20 cm long and has iridescent blue or silver colors, which allows it to camouflage itself with the sky when they venture out on the glides. It is one of the few species of exocetidae that is not important for commercial fishing.
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Panorama flying fish (Parexocoetus hillianus)
Present in the Pacific Ocean, in warm waters from the Gulf of California to Ecuador, the Panamic flying fish is somewhat smaller, approximately 16 cmand, like the rest of the species, its coloration ranges from blue or silver to iridescent green tones, although the ventral part becomes almost white