ONSIOR for dogs - Dosage, what it is for and side effects

Table of contents:

ONSIOR for dogs - Dosage, what it is for and side effects
ONSIOR for dogs - Dosage, what it is for and side effects
Onsior for Dogs - Dosage and what it is used for
Onsior for Dogs - Dosage and what it is used for

Onsior is an anti-inflammatory from the coxib family that is used to relieve pain and inflammation. Your veterinarian may prescribe Onsior for dogs when he or she diagnoses a chronic problem such as osteoarthritis or as part of the medication given during some surgical procedures. The good thing about Onsior is that it can be given for a long time, but due to its potential side effects, the veterinarian has to establish regular monitoring.

In this article on our site we explain everything you need to know about Onsior for dogs, its recommended dose, what it is for and its possible side effects.

What is Onsior for Dogs?

The active ingredient in Onsior is robenacoxib, from the coxib family. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic with high affinity for COX-2. This means that it inhibits the enzyme cyclooxygenase 2, which is involved in a series of reactions that produce pain, inflammation or fever. Hence the inhibitory effect of robenacoxib acts on inflammation and pain. Onsior rapidly reaches high concentrations in the blood, is metabolized in the liver, and is excreted via the bile and kidneys.

Onsior is presented for oral administration in flavored round tablets, which make them palatable and therefore easier for the dog to ingest voluntarily. In fact, there are many who eat them directly as if they were prizes. Of course, the tablets cannot be split, they must be given whole. Onsior for dogs is also marketed in injectable solution.

Onsior for dogs - Dosage and what it is for - What is Onsior for dogs?
Onsior for dogs - Dosage and what it is for - What is Onsior for dogs?

What is Onsior for dogs used for?

Onsior for dogs is used to treat pain and inflammation in dogs suffering from chronic pathologies such asosteoarthritis These are characterized by causing lameness and require long-term treatment, although the improvement in the dog's condition can be seen in about a week. Keep in mind that Onsior does not work on all copies. If in 10 days the dog is still the same, it is advisable to stop the treatment and reassess the situation. In any case, Onsior can be given for a long time, of course, always under the supervision of the veterinarian.

In addition, it is also administered to alleviate the pain and inflammation that the dog may feel after surgical interventions orthopedic or soft tissue.

Onsior Dosage for Dogs

For the correct dosage, the weight of the dog and the situation for which it is prescribed must be taken into account. Only the veterinarian can prescribe this drug, as well as decide the dose and dosage. In general, the recommended dose for the tablets is 1 mg per kg of weight of the dog, although the veterinarian may consider it appropriate to increase it to 2. The ideal is that, once the dog is stabilized, it be maintained on the lowest dose possible. To do this, the veterinarian will schedule periodic review visits.

Onsior is intended to medicate the dog once a day, preferably at the same time each day. The tablets should be offered outside of food, since taking them with food decreases their effectiveness. At a minimum, they can be given half an hour before or half an hour after eating.

When Onsior is given for an operation, the recommended oral dose is 2 mg per kg of weight, although it can go up to 4 depending on the veterinarian's opinion. It is administered approximately half an hour before entering the operating room, usually by injection, and can be continued for two days after the intervention.

Onsior for Dogs - Dosage and what it is for - Onsior Dosage for Dogs
Onsior for Dogs - Dosage and what it is for - Onsior Dosage for Dogs

Contraindications of Onsior for dogs

Onsior is not suitable for all dogs. These are the contraindications to take into account:

  • Dogs that have been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal ulcer or liver disease.
  • You must also be careful with dogs with heart failure or kidney failure and dogs that are dehydrated, hypotensive or have lost a large amount of blood.
  • Dogs that are pregnant or lactating should also not take Onsior. There is no evidence of its safety.
  • Not recommended for dogs weighing less than 2.5 kg or less than three months old, as they are not there are studies on the safety of the drug in these cases.
  • If our dog is already taking glucocorticoids or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the veterinarian does not know it, we must inform him, since, if this is the case, it is not recommended to give Onsior. The simultaneous use of these drugs could cause or increase adverse effects. If the dog is taking corticosteroids or NSAIDs and you want to switch to Onsior, the medication should be discontinued at least 24 hours before starting the new treatment, although the recommended time will depend on each drug.
  • Caution must be taken if the dog is being treated with drugs that act on renal blood flow,such as benazepril, as there is no data on the safety of your joint administration.
  • If the dog has ever shown an allergy to the active ingredient, Onsior should not be given.

Onsior Side Effects for Dogs:

Treatment with Onsior for Dogs is usually prolonged. Therefore, it requires veterinary monitoring to control possible side effects. This means that the dog must have regular blood tests to check liver function At first they should be done frequently, approximately at 2, 4 and 8 o'clock weeks. Once this first phase has passed, the controls can last up to 3-6 months. If any increase in liver enzymes or symptoms that may be related to their elevation are detected, the veterinarian will have to stop the treatment. These symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Apathy.
  • Vomiting. Vomiting, along with nausea and diarrhea, are mild but common side effects of taking Onsior.
  • In a small percentage of cases blood may be detected in the stool.
  • It is also common for liver enzymes to increase, without associated symptoms, when treatment is prolonged, although they tend to stabilize and even decrease even if Onsior is continued.
  • An overdose of Onsior can cause gastrointestinal, kidney or liver disorders in the dog.

If you notice any symptoms in your dog, Go to the vet There is no specific antidote for poisoning, but therapy can be started of support. If overdose occurs after subcutaneous injection of Onsior, edema, redness, thickening of the skin or a wound at the point of injection may occur, as well as inflammation or bleeding at the digestive level.
