Roborovskii Hamster: characteristics, photos and videos

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Roborovskii Hamster: characteristics, photos and videos
Roborovskii Hamster: characteristics, photos and videos
Roborovskii Hamster
Roborovskii Hamster

The Roborovskii Hamster has its origins in Asia mainly since we can find it in China, Kazakhstan and even Russia. They are the smallest of the hamster species and they have a special personality as well as a need for special care as well.

Physical appearance

As we have already mentioned, this hamster is of an exceptionally small size , thus measuring just 5 centimeters and weighing a maximum of 20 grams. They are brown on the back and white on the belly. We highlight its white spots above the eyes, which give it a bright and sweet touch.

It moves fast and easily escapes the hands of the person holding it.


The Roborowskii hamster has an independent, nervous and sometimes surly character, as it is a night animal that will not react well if we woke him up In any case, the character will also depend on their personality because there are Roborowskii who are playful and friendly.

If you are looking for a specimen to play with and enjoy having in your hands, we recommend that you make sure that it is a nice specimen before taking it home. Spend time at the time of adoption.


The diet should be based on small size seeds, thus adapting to its small body, do not choose any type of commercial feed. Read the container well because the ideal is that it contains: red millet, peeled oats, white millet, sunflower seeds, corn, canary seed, flax, whole wheat, peas, niger, rapeseed, sorghum, vetches, yeros, barley, safflower, broad beans, katjang and churas.

Like other hamsters, it should receive its dose of fruit and vegetables, although the Roborowskii can consume it practically every day. Offer vegetables such as spinach, chard, arugula, escarole, cabbage, carrot or lettuce. Fruit is also important, try kiwi, pear, apple, banana, grapefruit or pear. The pieces should always be very small.

This type of hamster is omnivorous, which means that it should not only receive vegetable food, we must supplement its diet so that it receives the adequate protein. Give him uns alted cheese, egg yolk, turkey, and even breeding paste for insectivorous birds.


Find a suitable habitat for your little Roborowskii. The best option is a terrarium or a classic cage with metal bars small enough to prevent it from escaping. Remember that he is very skilful and elastic.

He uses rodent litter in the bottom of his home, no matter what type it is exactly.

Add feeders and a drinker (for rabbits are the most suitable) that you will always keep clean and disinfected. It is very important that you do not leave rotting food within their reach.

You should also know that it is a particularly active hamster since, in the wild, it can travel several kilometers a day. Get a wheel and even a circuit for your new pet to enjoy. Finally we will add a nest or house with hay, where they will feel comfortable and warm.


Our little friend can suffer from a disease such as paralysis of the hind legs, usually due to a fall from heights. Keep him at rest and if he doesn't improve go to the vet.

You can also get pneumonia if you are in a place where there is a current of air or there is a sudden change in temperature. Avoid these problems by placing him in a place that has a constant temperature, in principle in a few days the pneumonia should subside if we place him in a more favorable environment.

Finally we will talk about the occlusion of the cheeks that can happen if he is not able to expel certain types of food, take him to the vet sooner.

Roborovskii Hamster Pictures
