PIXIE BOB Cat - Characteristics, Care, Character, Photos

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PIXIE BOB Cat - Characteristics, Care, Character, Photos
PIXIE BOB Cat - Characteristics, Care, Character, Photos
Pixie bob cat
Pixie bob cat

Similar in appearance to the bobcat, as both have a characteristically short tail, the pixie bob cats are here to stay. Born in the bosom of the New World, these particular North American kittens are called by many as the "dog cats" due to their affable character and incredible fidelity.

Of relatively recent appearance and uncertain origin, what we do know about the pixie bob is that they have earned the affection and admiration of all those who have been able to spend time with them. Do you want to meet these nice kittens? Well on our site we share all the features of the pixie bob cat!

Origin of the pixie bob cat

The pixie bob breed is one of the feline breeds from the American continent. Specifically, its origin is located in a mountainous area of Washington known as Mountains Cascade and its appearance is located in the late sixties.

Of The first copy of the race was born. After examining it, experts have suggested that it is the fruit of crosses between American wild lynx, the bobcat, and domestic cats.

As a curious fact about the history of Pixie Bob we can say that the first cat of the race was called Pixie, hence the race was called Pixie Bob, mixing the name of this precursor with the prefix of the prefix of the bobcats. Whatever the cross, the fact is that the breed was recognized by the CFA in 1998.

Physical characteristics of the pixie bob

Pixie Bob cats are medium to large, with an average weight of 5 kilograms, although most cats have a weight closer to 4 kilos, the males being somewhat larger. These felines are very slow to mature, since full development does not occur until they are 4 years old, when the normal thing in the rest of the cat breeds is that they have completed their growth in 1 year.

Continuing with the characteristics of the pixie bob cat, the body is strongly boned and muscular, elongated and with a tail that is normally short, although there are specimens that do not even have a tail or have a long one, always being thick. The head is long with a prominent forehead and a strong jaw. The eyes are medium and oval, with a color that matches that of the coat. The ears are broad-based and rounded at the tips, with brushes similar to those of lynxes.

Pixie Bob Cat Colors

The fur of a pixie bob is short, dense and abundant, this hair is woolly and waterproof. Colors span various shades of brown and reddish with flecks consistent with the main color.

Pixie Bob Cat Character

One of the most relevant characteristics of the pixie bob is its special character, since it is what has made it so appreciated. These kittens are really affable and affectionate, which is why many consider it the ideal cat for families with children, as they are extremely tender and patient, so we don't have to fear conflicts between them and the little ones in the house.

These cats adapt perfectly to life in flats and apartments, as they are calm and love to enjoy long naps and grooming sessions on the armchairs or sofas at home. In addition, these cats are attentive and very intelligent, so they learn really fast, being one of the easiest cat breeds to train, we can even teach them some tricks or pirouettes if we are constant in their training. To do this, we recommend consulting the article on How to train a cat.

Pixie Bob Care

One of the aspects to which we must pay attention in terms of caring for the pixie bob cat is the performance of daily exerciseAlthough these are not nervous cats, they are active, so we have to make sure they can exercise every day. For this we can play with them or prepare various kinds of toys to keep them entertained, we can get ideas to prepare search games or intelligence games. In this sense, preparing a suitable environmental enrichment, in which we provide scratchers with different heights as well as toys, is more than recommended to promote this exercise practice and stimulate your mind at the same time.

Regarding the hair care of the pixie bob, it will be enough to brush it once a week. week so that it looks nice and neat, avoiding the accumulation of hair that can cause the formation of hairballs in the digestive system of our feline. In the same way, we must provide a he althy and balanced diet, as well as ensure that fresh and clean water is always available. In addition, we must keep their ears, mouth and ears clean and be aware of possible alterations in them.

Pixie Bob Cat He alth

Due to the natural origin of the pixie bob breed, they are in really solid he alth. But of course, that does not mean that they are immune to everything. No diseases that are alarmingly typical of the breed have been detected, however, a series of genetic anomalies that could affect it stand out, although due to its recent appearance and consolidation as a breed, it will be necessary to wait a while to be able to affirm that they have a tendency to suffer from them..

Some of them are dystocia or cystic endometrial hyperplasia, which would affect the reproductive system of females, making childbirth and lactation difficult. reproduction. Another condition that seems common in pixie bob cats is cryptorchidism, which consists in one of the testicles not developing or developing inguinal. Finally, it seems that pixies may be more exposed to cardiac pathologies such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which consists of thickening of the myocardium for no apparent reason.

To detect any of the aforementioned conditions, the most important thing is to go regularly to the veterinarian for periodic check-ups that allow us to know the state of he alth of our cat, being able to detect any alteration as early as possible possible. If we provide all the care it needs, give it all our love and, in general, a good quality of life, a pixie bob cat can live up to 20 years !

Pixie Bob Cat Pictures
