ALL about the PERUVIAN GUINEA PIG - Character, care and diet

ALL about the PERUVIAN GUINEA PIG - Character, care and diet
ALL about the PERUVIAN GUINEA PIG - Character, care and diet
Peruvian or Peruvian guinea pig
Peruvian or Peruvian guinea pig

The Peruvian or Peruvian guinea pig is one of the many types of guinea pigs that exist, since there are hairless guinea pigs, long-haired guinea pigs, short-haired or very long-haired. Within this last category is the so-called Peruvian or Peruvian guinea pig. These guinea pigs have really long hair, but did you know that their fur can reach more than 40 centimeters in length?

Sociable and curious, these adorable creatures have surprised everyone who has dared to have them in their home. For this reason, in this article on our site we will talk about the precious Peruvian or Peruvian guinea pigs. Keep reading!

Origin of the Peruvian guinea pig

Unlike other breeds of guinea pigs that have emerged within the framework of different scientific investigations, that is, that have been created through genetic engineering, Peruvian guinea pigs have emerged in acompletemente natural This breed owes its name to the fact that it is endemic to Latin American countries such as Peru, as well as Bolivia or Argentina. In South America these animals have been, and unfortunately still are, consumed and highly appreciated for the flavor of their meat.

In other countries, guinea pigs or guinea pigs, other names given to guinea pigs, are not consumed as a food product, but are appreciated for their company, having become popular as pets. This is the case of the Peruvian guinea pigs, which due to their striking fur have become one of the most appreciated guinea pig breeds for keeping as a pet.

Physical characteristics of the Peruvian guinea pig

Peruanas are medium-sized guinea pigs, weighing between 700 grams and 1.2 kilograms and between 23 and 27 centimeters. This breed of guinea pigs has an average life expectancy ranging from 5 to 8 years.

These guinea pigs have a very special coat, not only because of how long this hair is, but also because there is a division of it at the top of the head, which goes down the entire back. This hair can grow up to 50 cm in length, having two very characteristic rosettes or swirls. They can be of different colors and patterns, although they are usually monocolored and bicolored, it being rare to find a tricolor Peruvian.

Peruvian guinea pig character

Like most guinea pigs, the Peruvian guinea pig is characterized by its affectionate and docile personality. They have a marked instinct to explore, as they are very curious and attentive animals.

They are also very sociable, although somewhat fearful, so they can show suspicion when new situations or people are presented, as well as when we make them interact with other animals. However, when they gain confidence they are a true love, since they are very mellow and love to be pampered and spend time by their side.

Guinea pigs do not handle being alone well, as they are gregarious animals, that is, they usually live in groups, so they are It is recommended not to have a single guinea pig, but to have at least one pair.

Peruvian guinea pig care

The long and thick fur of these guinea pigs can be, in addition to being very striking due to its beauty, one of the aspects that will most require our attention, and a lot of patience. Well, brushing must be at least once a day.

We will have to be very careful that the fur of our Peruvian guinea pig is clean and untangled, it is recommended cut the coat regularly to avoid that when the hair grows it is so long that in order to keep it without tangles we go crazy. In addition, given the characteristics of their hair, Peruvian guinea pigs must be bathed quite frequently, taking care that they are very dry afterwards, since they have a tendency to suffer from the presence of mites.

Regarding the diet of the Peruvian guinea pig, it does not vary with respect to that of other breeds of guinea pig, including feed, adjusting the quantity to the weight and age of our pet, and fruits and vegetables that they provide all the vitamins and minerals your system requires. Guinea pigs should always have access to fresh hay and water.

He alth of the Peruvian guinea pig

As we mentioned when talking about their care, the Peruvian guinea pig, having such long and dense hair, usually suffer from mite infestations, this can be prevented with regular baths, in case it has already been produced we can solve it with the help of a veterinarian who prescribes the necessary parasitants. In the case of noticing that the guinea pig is sick, we should also visit the vet.

Peruvian guinea pigs have a tremendous sweet tooth, so we have to control the supply of fruits that are too high in calories, as they tend to develop overweight and even obesityWe will prevent this with a diet adjusted to their caloric needs and complemented with daily physical activity, taking them out of the cage several times a day and preparing games that motivate them to stay active.
