Coexistence between cats and rabbits

Table of contents:

Coexistence between cats and rabbits
Coexistence between cats and rabbits
Coexistence between cats and rabbits
Coexistence between cats and rabbits

Coexistence between these two animals may seem very difficult if not impossible, but nothing could be further from the truth, since the rabbit and the cat can become great friends, as long as the first steps in coexistence occur in an appropriate and progressive manner.

If you are thinking of hosting these two animals under the same roof, from our site we give you some tips to make coexistence between cats and rabbits possible.

It's always easier with puppies

If the rabbit is the animal that entered the house first, it may try to attack the cat if it is small, because the nature of rabbitsis hierarchical.

On the contrary, if it is the rabbit that enters the house in the presence of an adult cat, it is very easy for the cat to act based on its predatory instinctand consider the rabbit your prey.

On the other hand, if this first contact occurs when both animals are puppies, it is very easy for the coexistence to be harmonic, since they understand that the other animal is a companion, forming part of a new environment and a new dynamic. But welcoming these two animals at the same time is not always possible, let's see how to act in other cases.

Coexistence between cats and rabbits - With puppies it is always easier
Coexistence between cats and rabbits - With puppies it is always easier

If the cat comes after…

Although these two animals can become great friends, it is convenient not to force contact or presence, we must understand that regardless of when the cat has arrived, the rabbit is its natural prey.

In these cases it is convenient to start contact from the cage, and no matter how small the cat is, it is convenient that the bars are narrow enough so that the cat cannot insert its claws. It is also necessary that the rabbit's cage is wide so that the cat can recognize and get used to its movements.

You must be patient since this period can last from days to weeks, and it is best that the contact be made progressivelyThe next step is to allow direct contact of both pets in one room. Do not intervene unless it is absolutely necessary. Now, if the cat tries to attack the rabbit, quickly spray it with a spray of water, so the cat will associate the water with its behavior with the rabbit.

Coexistence between cats and rabbits - If the cat comes after…
Coexistence between cats and rabbits - If the cat comes after…

If the rabbit comes after…

Rabbits are very sensitive to change and they get stressed very easily This means that we cannot introduce the cat right off the bat. It is necessary for the rabbit to first get used to its cage and to the room where it is going to be, and then to the house.

Once it has become accustomed to its environment, it is time to introduce the cat, follow the same precautions as in the previous case, first contact from the cageand then direct contact. If you have patience and are careful, the coexistence between cats and rabbits will not give you any problem, what's more, you can have two pets that have a great relationship.
