Can dogs eat cat food?

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Can dogs eat cat food?
Can dogs eat cat food?
Can dogs eat cat food?
Can dogs eat cat food?

This is a question asked by many caregivers who have both types of animals at home. The answer is that doing it sometimes does not imply anything, however, that a dog shares the same diet, in the long term, is not correct and can be harmful to your he alth.

In appearance, cat food looks like dog food, but in its content, it is not. Similarly, dogs and cats have different needs in many ways, especially nutritionally; and cat food is not made to care for and protect your type of organism.

Already answered the question Can dogs eat cat food? We invite you to read this new article on our site where we will expand the reasons why it is not good to give cat food to your dog.

Each with her food

Try not to mix the two culinary worlds. Feed your dog with food designed for him, in this way, you will avoid any he alth problem. Remember that everything starts with our food and that includes pets. Dogs love to pick up and search for food that is not theirs, even if they have already been fed.

If you leave the cat's food out in the open, it will be difficult for the dog to resist, so he will go for it. To prevent this from happening, feed your pets in separate rooms, and even place your cat's food high up where your dog can't see or access it she. Make sure each pet eats its own food

Can dogs eat cat food? - Everyone with their food
Can dogs eat cat food? - Everyone with their food

Too many calories

Cat foods contain higher amounts of fat being very high in calories, and this is not good for the dog's body. Animal nutritionists recommend at least 5% fat for dog foods and 9% fat for cats (nearly double that). This is a big difference.

The more fat, the more calories. Dogs that share the same diet as cats, in the long term, could suffer from obesity, caused by the incorrect intake of fatty foods, as well as suffer from stomach upsets, diarrhea and vomiting.

Can dogs eat cat food? - Too many calories
Can dogs eat cat food? - Too many calories

Our friends the proteins

Not only do cat foods contain more fat than dog foods, they also contain higher amounts of protein By nature, cats are obligate carnivores, and their diet needs to be very rich in protein to cover a significant part of their dietary needs. On the other hand, dogs are omnivorous animals and protein needs are much lower and that source of protein does not have to be continuously and necessarily from animals. Cat food contains at least 26% protein, versus dog food that has 18% protein levels and meets the basic nutritional needs of any dog.

Can dogs eat cat food? - Our friends the proteins
Can dogs eat cat food? - Our friends the proteins

Bad nutrition for your dog

The result of feeding your dog cat food is an improper imbalance of vitamins and minerals, and in many cases, it leads to lead to nutritional deficiencies such as lack of zinc and vitamin E (essential for dogs) and in other cases, the excessive inclusion of unnecessary nutrients in a dog's diet, such as taurine (very necessary for cats).

These nutritional differences can affect your dog's overall he alth for a lifetime. Also the needs of dogs in terms of carbohydrates that provide them with energy, is different from that of cats, since they obtain their energy mainly from fats. Cat food lacks ingredients that provide the necessary carbohydrates for dogs.

Can dogs eat cat food? - Poor nutrition for your dog
Can dogs eat cat food? - Poor nutrition for your dog

He alth risks for your dog

Excesses are not good, and that symbolizes cat food for dogs, which can lead to illness. Too much fat can affect a dog's pancreas, affecting the efficiency of its digestion and leading to pancreatitis. The same goes for protein, which can lead not only to obesity, but also overwork your dog's kidneys and liver, creating unnecessary stress on these organs and leading to kidney or liver damage.

Maybe your dog likes your cat's food because there is a lack of protein or fat in his diet, so consult your veterinarian to perform the appropriate tests and make the necessary adjustments because, excessively, dogs can't eat cat food
