BIEWER YORKSHIRE TERRIER - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

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BIEWER YORKSHIRE TERRIER - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
BIEWER YORKSHIRE TERRIER - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Biewer Yorkshire Terrier
Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, or Biewer Terrier, is similar to the Yorkshire Terrier, but with the addition of a new color to its coat: white. It is a recent breed that was established in 1984 and that has more fans every day. Both in character and morphology, the Yorkshire and the Biewer are the same, that is, they are active, friendly and cheerful dogs, which become great life companions despite being small in size, not exceeding 25 cm in height or the 3 kg weight.

Continue reading this article on our site to learn more about the characteristics of the biewer terrier, its origin, character, education, care, he alth and where to adopt these nice dogs.

Origin of the biewer terrier

The Biewer Terrier is a dog of German origin belonging to the Yorkshire group. It appeared in 1984 when Werner and Gertrude Biewer began to select them from some Yorkshire terriers that carried the recessive gene for white hair color. The resulting pup was named “Schneefloeckchen von Friedheck”, which, translated from German, means “snowflake”. He was the son of the FCI junior world champions from Dortmund in 1981.

For five years the Biewers established a genetic selection process that led to registration in 1989 as Biewer yorkshire terrier to the Pom Put in the ACH (Allgemeiner Club der Hundefreunde Deutschland), where they set the standard for this recent breed. With a clear difference in coat color, the Biewer Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier are morphologically similar, also sharing the same energetic and active character, their small size and their sociable personality. Today the name of the breed is Biewer Terrier, without adding the word Yorkshire.

Characteristics of the Biewer Terrier

The Biewer Terrier is a small-sized canine, with fine and light bones, but a compact and balanced structure, although they tend to be somewhat longer than tall. These dogs have a height of about 22 cm and a weight of 3 kg. The slender body, with long hair on both sides, straight and muscular legs and a high, curved tail ending in a plume, characterize the Biewer terrier. The head is rounded, with bright, medium-sized, round or almond-shaped eyes and dark brown, green or gold in color. The nose is black and the ears are small, V-shaped and covered with hair.

Biewer Terrier Colors

Biewers terriers come in three colors: black, gold, and white This tricolor pattern is separated in a row down the center of the back that makes it fall perpendicular to both sides. The hair is long, soft and silky. On the head it falls like a ponytail at the top and can be tied up in a lock or left loose, depending on the keeper's tastes. The white tones are located on the chest, legs and tip of the tail.

biewer terrier character

The little Biewer Terrier dog adapts very well to living in flats of all sizes, but being such active dogs, they need owners with a similar character and activity. They require frequent games, interaction, exercise and activities with their caregivers, which can be achieved with long daily walks to release their energy. If they don't get daily exercise, they can develop behavior problems and hyperactivity at home. With a good education, they are ideal dogs as pets, also getting along well with children and the elderly, exuding affection and friendliness.

Biewer terrier care

Biewer terriers are small breed dogs that need a series of care to stay happy, he althy, hygienized and with quality of life. As we have mentioned, they are very active and require daily exercise and movement to be happy. They are also cold, so we must keep them at a good temperature throughout the year. If we live in very cold areas we can help them in winter with coats for small dogs.

It is important to note that the Biewer Terrier's long coat requires almost daily brushing, if possible against the grain to properly remove the dirt that may be contained in your skin. The bathroom will be necessary when they are dirty or when you need to use a treatment shampoo for a dermatological disease.

Small dogs like the Biewer Terrier are prone to eye disorders and infections, so keeping the eyes clean with products designed for this is essential for prevention. Likewise, good hygiene of the ears and mouth must be observed to avoid infections and pathologies such as otitis, periodontal disease, cavities, abscesses or gingivitis, among others.

The feeding of these dogs must be complete and balanced, intended for the canine species and divided into two or three meals with the amount they need daily, neither more nor less. You have to take into account the activity level, physiological state, age, ambient temperature and other individual conditions of each biewer terrier.

Biewer terrier education

They are possessive, demanding, capricious and childish dogs, somewhat suspicious of strangers and other animals, but nothing that cannot be controlled with good training. This education must begin as soon as possible to properly socialize the puppy during the first weeks of life, getting him used to different scenarios, situations, people and animals. Education must be carried out through a form of conditioning called positive reinforcement, rewarding desired behaviors, without punishment or trauma. This achieves faster and more efficient learning in biewer terriers.

Biewer Terrier He alth

The life expectancy of the Biewer Terrier is between 12 and 15 years, preventive medicine and proper care being key for these dogs to reach this age in good condition. Although it is not a breed excessively prone to diseases, it is worth mentioning some that seem to be most frequent pathologies in these dogs, such as:

  • Progressive retinal atrophy, which can end up leaving them blind.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Dental problems.
  • Eye problems.
  • Patella and knee dislocation, as a small breed that they are.

For this reason, it is important that these dogs pass routine check-ups at the veterinary center to prevent or control these and other diseases, in case there were. They are also sensitive to diets, so we have to find a good quality food that meets the needs of our Biewer Terrier without doing any damage to its digestive system.

Finally, preventive medicine with vaccination, deworming, sterilization and routine checkups and controls is very important for the prevention of diseases in the biewer terriers.

Where to adopt a biewer terrier?

Biewer Terriers can be somewhat difficult to find if you don't live in Europe or the United States. If we are aware of what this breed requires and we feel we are good candidates to live with one of these dogs due to our lifestyle, the first thing to do is go to a protector or shelter and ask about the availability of a specimen. If there isn't, they may be able to tell us how to adopt one. Another option is to visit the internet and search for a Yorkshire or terrier rescue association, as there may be a Biewer terrier up for adoption.

Photos of Biewer yorkshire terrier
