CAVACHÓN Dog - Characteristics, Care, Education and Photos

CAVACHÓN Dog - Characteristics, Care, Education and Photos
CAVACHÓN Dog - Characteristics, Care, Education and Photos

From our site we talk about one of the most popular hybrid dog breeds due to its dazzling appearance, the cavachón. It is a mestizo dog that arises from the crossing of a Bichon Frize and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, two of the most recognized dog breeds in the world.

Due to the characteristics of its parents, the cavachón is a dog that has a really beautiful physical appearance. However, its benefits go much further, since we are dealing with a hypoallergenic dog with a cheerful character and, above all, very energetic. So, if you're thinking of adopting a mestizo dog like this one, keep reading to discover all about the cavachón dog, its characteristics, care and possible he alth problems.

Origin of the cavachón

The cavachón is one of the so-called design dogs, since they arise with the aim of meeting expectations generated by the characteristics of the original races. In this case, they were looking for a dog that combined the physical and psychological characteristics of the Cavalier King Charles with those of the Bichon Frize. For this reason, the breed emerged in the United States, specifically in Pine, Arizona, where some breeders, advised and assisted by geneticists and veterinarians, created a special breeding program. As a result of this program, the first cavachón emerged in 1996In this way, we can verify that the history of the cavachón is very recent, so it is considered a really new mestizo dog.

Currently, the breed does not have an official standard registered in the main international cynological organizations, since it is only recognized as a hybrid, not as an independent breed.

Characteristics of the cavachón

Before talking about the characteristics inherent to cavachón dogs, we must clarify that not all puppies are the same, since it depends on which of the two original breeds predominates in the puppy's genetics. For this reason, mongrel dogs are always unique and it is practically impossible to find two identical or very similar specimens.

Now yes, focusing on the cavachón's characteristics in general terms, we can say that they are small-sized dogs, weighing between 4 and 9 kilograms and have a height at the withers of between 23 and 33 centimeters. They have a wide body, like their back, with legs with developed and powerful muscles. Their shapes, in general, are rounded and smooth. The tail is thick and hangs down, standing up when alert, as are its ears, which are medium-sized and rounded. Likewise, the head is medium, rounded and with a long snout and a small, dark nose, although there are variations between the different specimens. The eyes are large, dark in color, usually brown, and round in shape, which are characterized by being very expressive

The coat of the cavachón, of great length, is extremely soft and silky The coat differs between specimens, because while some have curly hair others have it straight or wavy. This variation in the coat is explained, again, in the dominant genetics, since the Bichon Frize has a curly coat and the Cavalier King Charles wavy. Whatever the type, they always have a soft undercoat of fur and the coat grows extremely fast when they are small, knowing what kind of fur they will have when they are barely a month old.

Colors of the cavachón

Since we do not have an official standard, we cannot talk about accepted colors, but we can mention the most frequent ones, which are: brown, white and their combinationsblack and white or tan or white mixed with apricot flecks.

Puppy Cavachon

Cavachóns are remarkably energetic and nervous dogs, something that is exacerbated when they are in their puppy stage. At this point in their development, cavachons are often restless, hyperactive, always wanting to play and explore. These furry little balls barely weigh about 2 kilos when they are puppies, so between that and the fact that their body is not fully developed, we have to be on the lookout for blows or falls, as they can be fatal for their delicate little bodies.

As happens with adult specimens, it is very difficult to establish some characteristics of the cavachón puppy, since each one is different. In general, they are puppies with a large amount of hair, curly or wavy, so their appearance is really adorable. In addition, they are very expressive from an early age.

Cavachon Character

Cavachóns stand out for their energy, which means that they are restless dogs and need to be constantly running, playing and jumping. Some specimens can even become hyperactive, something that we must take into consideration before adopting one. If this very active character is not channeled well through games and exercise, they can be destructive due to the accumulated energy. In addition, they tend to be quite barking, always alert to anything that is new or seems dangerous to them.

They need constant attention and affection, since these dogs do not tolerate loneliness Therefore, we only have to adopt a cavachón as a pet company if we are completely sure that we can be with you long enough. If we spend too much time away from home, the cavachón can suffer quite serious emotional disturbances, developing separation anxiety or depression. Of course, this does not mean that they are not capable of learning to manage loneliness. It is possible to teach them to be alone but, as it is a generalized tendency, it is advisable to do it with the help of a dog trainer or ethologist.

Apart from the above, the cavachón's temperament is characterized by being affectionate, affectionate and attentive It is the ideal dog for everyone, both for people who live alone, because he provides love and company in abundance, and for families with children, with whom he gets along wonderfully, and for elderly people, to whom he will give infinite love and joy. It is also ideal for those who already share their home with other animals, since the cavachón is usually a sociable dog.

Cacachón care

The cavachon mainly needs to stay active by performing physical exercise on a constant and frequent basisThis is essential so that it maintains its balanced character and does not present physical or mental alterations. To do this, we can resort to games, circuits or long walks. Likewise, we can resort to games of ingenuity and intelligence, which will favor the correct intellectual development of our cavachón and will keep it entertained.

In relation to the previous point, we must not forget the attention needs that this mongrel dog demands. Remember that he does not tolerate loneliness, so toys become even more important when we are about to go out. Thus, we can buy food-dispensing toys or the aforementioned intelligence games.

Another care of the cavachón lies in his coat. It is necessary to brush it daily, since its long coat tends to get tangled if it is not brushed regularly. In addition, it is recommended to trim the hair every two or three months to keep it even and prevent it from accumulating dirt.

In terms of nutrition, cavachóns need a balanced and quality diet We can achieve this by feeding them feed made from natural and suitable foods for human consumption, that perfectly cover their nutritional needs. Now, if what we want is to establish a diet that is as natural as possible, we can also opt for homemade food. For these cases, we recommend consulting this article: "Natural food for dogs".

Cacachón education

The cavachón are attentive dogs, always alert and ready for activity This facilitates their training, because when an animal is predisposed to act it's easy to reward him when he does well, encouraging it to happen again, which is known as positive reinforcement. This training technique has proven to be very effective with all animals because it motivates them and makes them want to continue learning. Punishments or yelling do not get good results with any dog breed and when talking about the education of the cavachón it is essential to mention that in this hybrid dog these techniques have an even more negative impact compared to other dogs. Thus, in the face of these negative stimuli, the cavachón can develop stress and anxiety, but also depression due to the bond of dependency that it usually creates.

We have to combine respect, patience and, above all, perseverance in training the cavachón. Otherwise, if we relax, pamper him and are not constant in training him, we will only get him to become capricious and not respond to our requests.

Given his playful nature, we can make use of educational games, through which he learns basic notions such as where he can play, where to urinate or defecate when they are puppies and so on. In this way, using the game, he willingly learns almost everything we set out to do, enjoying both him and us in the training process.

Finally, whether we adopt a puppy or an adult cavachón, it is very important to socialize it to ensure that it learns to interact with other animals and people. Although we are dealing with a sociable dog by nature, it is convenient not to neglect this part of the education process. To do this, we recommend consulting the following articles:

  • How to properly socialize a puppy?
  • How to socialize an adult dog?

He alth of the cavachón

Dogs of the cavachón breed do not usually present the anomalies of the parent breeds with great frequency, however, they can occur in them. Some of the most frequent are eye problems, among which conjunctivitis or cataracts stand out. To avoid complications, it is recommended to keep your eyes clean and go to the vet in case of alarming signs such as irritation or abnormal secretions. They can also develop hearing problems such as otitis, for which it is also recommended to keep their ears clean and supervised.

Other diseases of the cavachón that may be a cause for concern are cardiac pathology that affects the mitral valve. We must be alert if there are symptoms of cardiac malfunction, such as lethargy, excessive tiredness or difficulty breathing, going to the veterinarian urgently.

On the other hand, it is necessary to keep our animal vaccinated, identified by microchip and dewormed, following the recommendations of our trusted veterinarian. If we offer the cavachón all the care it needs and carry out adequate preventive medicine, its life expectancy usually ranges from 12-14 years

Where to adopt a cavachon?

If we have fallen in love with this mestizo dog and want to share our home with a cavachón, we must first be sure that we are prepared for it. We must take into account the characteristics indicated in this article, such as their high energy level or their tendency to bark, as well as their need for affection and company.

If, taking all of the above into account, we are determined to share our lives with a cavachón, we recommend going to shelters and animal associations of your area, perhaps one of these dogs is currently looking for a family. By adopting an abandoned animal we help save a life and fight against animal abuse, giving it the opportunity to enjoy a happy home and to be able to give us all the love they keep.

Photos of Cavachón
