The 5 largest marine animals in the world

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The 5 largest marine animals in the world
The 5 largest marine animals in the world
The 5 largest marine animals in the world
The 5 largest marine animals in the world

The ocean is a vast world, parallel to the world of the earth. Man has put all his efforts to get to know it, explore it and conquer it, even so, its depths remain practically unknown. For all, he is a giant of powerful beauty who inspires much respect.

As I mentioned before, it is a whole world that is full of life. The sea is the origin of almost all the creatures that inhabit the planet Earth and is home to many marine animals that we know today, and many others that we have no idea of their existence.

Under the surface is like being in the immensity where so much happens and at the same time nothing seems to happen. With regard to this immensity, as we love to explore and discover our animal world on our site, we have prepared this article, where we introduce you to the 5 largest marine animals in the world, impressive creatures that make their life under and near the water.

Giant squid

It is believed to be the world's largest invertebrate which can reach up to 30 m in length and weigh about 1000 kg. Giant squid have 3 hearts It is a very mysterious animal that enjoys sailing deep in the ocean between 400 m and 1500 m below the surface, where sunlight does not reach. And by the way, living practically in the dark, they have developed a vision a hundred times more powerful than that of the human being.

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The 5 largest marine animals in the world - Giant Squid
The 5 largest marine animals in the world - Giant Squid

The blue whale

This majestic creature amazes! It is declared the largest animal in the world and has been for hundreds of years. They dominate marine life in almost the entire geography of the planet with their 30 m in length and weighing more than 130 tons.

They like to spend their time alone or as a couple, and make long migrations that go from the polar waters in the summer season to the equator in the winter. They emit thunderous sounds that can be heard over 1,500 km away, so if one day you find yourself on a boat and hear a blue whale, don't panic, it could be very far away.

The 5 largest marine animals in the world - The blue whale
The 5 largest marine animals in the world - The blue whale

The Sperm Whale

We could not fail to include in this list the Sperm Whale, king of the sea abyss, famous for being the inspiration for the classic novel "Moby Dick". The average lifespan of these cetaceans is 70 years and they can weigh up to 15000 Kg They have a huge head and very sharp teeth, being the largest species of all toothed whales.

These marine, unlike the blue whale, are very social and you will always see them in pods or groups. They establish close ties with their peers, especially with the younger ones, whom they protect a lot.

The 5 largest marine animals in the world - The sperm whale
The 5 largest marine animals in the world - The sperm whale

Southern Elephant Seal

They are the largest seals and are called the southern elephant seal because of their large size and elongated trunk measuring about 30 cm. They use their trunk to fight or threaten other males during the breeding season and to win over the female. They live in the frigid waters of Antarctica, where the foods they like best are found.

Male males, unlike the considerably smaller females, measure up to 6 m and weigh up to 4000 kg During a time, elephant seals were about to enter the list of endangered marine animals, due to excessive hunting for their body fat.

The 5 largest marine animals in the world - Southern Elephant Seal
The 5 largest marine animals in the world - Southern Elephant Seal

Giant Oarfish

This fish lives in almost all oceans, except polar waters. It is known as the longest fish in the world, which from birth, grows to about 11 m in length. Also called " the sea serpent", the oar is like a long ribbon with a spine running from its eyes to the tip of its tail. Although they are fish that remain well below the surface, from 20 m to 1000 m, in recent years. Oarfish have been found swimming on the surface in California, Mexico, and the Philippines or even washed up on shore. Experts continue to search for a scientific explanation.

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The 5 largest marine animals in the world - Giant Oarfish
The 5 largest marine animals in the world - Giant Oarfish

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