How to deworm a puppy? - COMPLETE GUIDE

How to deworm a puppy? - COMPLETE GUIDE
How to deworm a puppy? - COMPLETE GUIDE
How to deworm a puppy?
How to deworm a puppy?

The internal and external dewormings are fundamental practices to maintain the he alth of our puppy, since younger dogs are very vulnerable, so that the parasites can cause serious complications such as anemia or life-threatening diseases such as babesiosis. To avoid this, it is essential to establish an adequate deworming schedule, following the advice of our veterinarian. In this article on our site we will explain how to deworm a puppy

Internal deworming in puppies

We know internal parasites as those that are found inside the animal, such as those that lodge in the digestive system, or in the lungs and the heart Gastrointestinal parasites are capable of causing diarrhea and vomiting that in puppies can cause dehydration and anemia, aggravating the condition and endangering their life. Parasites can be transmitted by the mother, so it is advisable for her to be well dewormed to reduce her presence in the environment

On the market we will find different antiparasitic products suitable for puppies, such as deworming tablets for dogs, which, depending on their composition, will eliminate different parasites. They do not have a residual preventive effect, so we will have to apply them periodically to ensure that we interrupt the cycle of these parasites. In the following sections we will see how to deworm a puppy.

How to deworm a puppy? - Internal deworming in puppies
How to deworm a puppy? - Internal deworming in puppies

External deworming in puppies

External parasites such as fleas or ticks can infest dogs at any age. In severe cases, by feeding on the animal's blood, they can cause anemia and are also capable of transmitting life-threatening diseases. The products that we can use usually maintain their effectiveness for a minimum of 4 weeks, at which time they will have to be applied again. In addition, some of them manage to prevent the viability of the parasite's eggs, thus helping to control its presence in the environment. To find out how to deworm your puppy, keep reading.

When to deworm a puppy for the first time?

The main thing to know about how to deworm a puppy is when to start doing it. As we have said, it would be important to have the mother dewormed but, if this has not been possible, the first dose for internal deworming will be doneat 15 days of age

As for external deworming, this usually begins after 8 weeks of life, although, if we discover that our puppy has fleas or ticks before, we can contact our veterinarian to recommend a suitable product for these little ones.

From the first dose, the specialist will determine the frequency of the following shots. However, ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites) recommends, from the first two weeks of life, deworming the puppy every 15 days, until two weeks after weaning. Afterwards, he advises following a monthly deworming until 6 months of age. For more information, don't miss the article "How often to deworm a dog?".

How to deworm a puppy? - When to deworm a puppy for the first time?
How to deworm a puppy? - When to deworm a puppy for the first time?

How to deworm a puppy?

Antiparasitics are sold in different presentations. Thus, we will find sprays, pipettes, syrups or tablets to deworm our puppies. We should always consult the vet so that he can recommend the most suitable product, not only for the type of parasite but also for the characteristics of our puppy. For example, for a small puppy we can opt for a syrup against worms, since the amount to be administered will be minimal. On the other hand, a large breed puppy would have to take so many ml that the most appropriate thing would be to give him the same drug in tablets. We will see below the ways to deworm a puppy:

  • With syrup or paste: in this case we will hold the puppy with one hand under the chest, between his front legs, supporting him against our body. With the free hand, we will place the syringe, without a needle and loaded with the appropriate amount of syrup according to the weight of the puppy, on the side of the mouth, pointing inwards, thus supplying the liquid.
  • With pills or tablet: we have the option of camouflaging it with food, but if we want to give it to it directly we must put a hand around the snout of the puppy and with our thumb and forefinger we will look for the point where its jaws meet. By placing your fingers there, the dog will open its mouth and, with the other hand, we can insert the pill just at the end of the tongue. We immediately close the mouth and gently massage the trachea to induce swallowing. On the other hand, there are palatable tablets on the market with an appearance similar to that of a treat and that do not need to be hidden in the food, since dogs eat them without difficulty. Such is the case of the tablets that offer a double deworming, that is, they help protect dogs against internal and external parasites at the same time. This type of product, therefore, is more recommended for including two products in one. Because we love them, we protect them, consult your veterinarian and deworm your pet.
  • With spray: Before applying these products, we must carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations for use. Basically we will have to handle them with gloves, in well-ventilated places and away from fire. It is about spraying the puppy's body and rubbing, against the grain, to help the product to be well impregnated. For delicate areas, such as the face, we will spray on our hand and rub very carefully so that nothing gets into the eyes or mouth.
  • With a pipette: this product is applied at several points along the back of the animal, separating the hair well to put it directly on the skin.

How to deworm a puppy less than two months old?

We have seen how to deworm a puppy internally, a treatment that we must start when the puppy is 15 days old but, in the case of external deworming, the times are different, since most of the products that we find in the market are to apply in animals older than 2 months. Therefore, if we want to know how to deworm puppies that are one month old or less than one month old, that is, when they are barely walking or opening their eyes, we must consult our veterinarianUsing an inappropriate product could poison the dog, hence the importance of following the professional's recommendations.
