Siberian Husky Puppy - Feeding and Care Guide

Siberian Husky Puppy - Feeding and Care Guide
Siberian Husky Puppy - Feeding and Care Guide
Feeding and care of the Siberian Husky puppy
Feeding and care of the Siberian Husky puppy

The Siberian Husky is a dog breed with an appearance as special as its character. If we are thinking of adopting a dog, the first step is to find out about its characteristics and needs. It is the best way to ensure a successful coexistence.

In this article on our site we are going to focus on the feeding and care of the Siberian husky puppy The first months of a puppy's life dog are essential to lay the foundations for their future physical and psychological he alth. Therefore, it is essential to give the puppy the attention it deserves to ensure that it grows he althy and strong.

Main characteristics of the Siberian Husky

Before specifying the basic information about the feeding and care of the Siberian husky puppy, we are going to dwell on the traits that define this breed, since it is essential to know them to determine the needs that we will have to cover.

First of all, the name indicates the dog's geographical origin: Siberia. As for its origins, they are lost to history. It is an ancient breed that accompanied the nomadic Inuit people. Siberian Huskies perfectly combine speed and endurance and this made them perfect for the task they were engaged in, which was sled pulling. This is confirmed by his athletic, robust and muscular body. They are tireless workers But, nowadays, it is almost more common to find the husky as a companion dog anywhere in the world than participating in sled races.

Your independent nature and your need for physical activity make it difficult for you to feel comfortable living in an apartment. Given its origin, its precious fur, which is found in different colors, is designed to withstand the lowest temperatures. Requires frequent grooming to keep it shiny, especially the tail.

As a curiosity, this breed can have one eye of each color Also, it doesn't bark, but it does howl like a wolf. Finally, their life expectancy is between 11-13 years. It is a medium-large dog that as an adult reaches 16-27 kg in weight with a height of 51-60 cm.

Caring for a Siberian husky puppy

The feeding and care of the Siberian Husky puppy are basically the same as those that any other puppy will need, but it is important to take into account some of the particularities that determine its characteristics.

Veterinary care

First of all, like all puppies, it is very important that we deworm him internally and externally and that we complete thevaccination calendar Keeping it protected and free of parasites is essential, especially if you are going to live or spend time abroad.

Ambience and space

We have to offer you a safe environment both inside the home and in the space we have outside, if applicable. The perimeter must be leak-proof and nothing must be left within its reach that could damage it. It needs a sheltered place where it can rest, since peaceful sleep is vital for its proper development. For this reason, it is essential to acquire a comfortable bed that is large enough so that you can stretch out if you want or turn around in it before lying down.

Regarding the location of your bed to rest and sleep, everything will depend on the rules that we have established in advance. However, it is always recommended that during the first nights, to get the little one used to his new home as soon as possible, we leave the door of our room open. If your Siberian Husky puppy won't stop crying at night, introducing his bed into your bedroom is also a way to make him feel more secure and protected. Little by little, you can move the bed further away until you place it where you really want it to sleep.

Siberian husky puppy hygiene

Hygiene is also fundamental and getting our little one used to being brushed and handled on any part of the body, whether for clean their ears, teeth or cut their nails. In addition, you will be used to accept veterinary check-ups or the administration of medications when necessary.

Brushing this breed is highly recommended to control hair loss, since it is a dog that tends to lose a lot. Therefore, we recommend brushing the Siberian Husky, puppy and adult, three times a week. As for the type of brush, since we are dealing with a dog with a double-coated coat, it is preferable to opt for a brush, a metal comb and/or a rake-type brush.

Game and exercise

All puppies need to play, but when we talk about breeds as active as the Siberian Husky, this need becomes even more important. Therefore, we must offer the Siberian Husky puppy toys to entertain himself, but we must also dedicate time to play with himOf course, in these games it is very important to avoid inciting the dog to chase our hands or our feet because we will only make him understand that biting these parts of our body is fun and correct, and he will want to do it to everyone hours.

Physical exercise should be moderate during puppyhood to avoid harming bone development, but as the dog grows, its needs will increase because we are dealing with a very active breed

Socialization and education

All the care of the Siberian husky puppy mentioned are relevant, but even more important is to take care of the socialization and education of our husky puppy. First of all, we should not adopt one until he is at least eight weeks old. First, he has to stay with his mother and brothers, who are the ones who are going to teach him the basics of behavior. Early separation is a risk factor for developing behavior problems. For our part, socialization will consist of exposing him to all possible stimuli It is the way he acquires essential experiences for a good coexistence and learns to relate positively with dogs, people and other animals. To know all the details, we recommend this article: "How to properly socialize a puppy?"

On the other hand, basic education is aimed at teaching the rules of coexistence, such as urinating and defecating outside the home, not jumping on people, living with other animals, walking without throwing, etc. Basic commands are also included to get the dog to come to our call, sit down, be still or lie down. Education is fundamental in a dog like the husky, which is large, active and has a strong personality. That is why it is not a highly recommended breed for people who have never had a dog before. If you don't know where to start, search for puppy classes in your area. There are also some for adult dogs.

In this other article you will find all our recommendations on how to train a puppy.

Feeding and care of the Siberian husky puppy - Care of a Siberian husky puppy
Feeding and care of the Siberian husky puppy - Care of a Siberian husky puppy

Feeding the Siberian Husky puppy

Husky puppies need a quality diet from weaning, which should not occur before they are eight weeks old. It is very important in a dog that is going to grow a lot in a short time, but this fact should not be translated into overfeeding it or giving it food supplements. We must also control not to overdo it with prizes in the form of food, so common during basic education. We could end up with a puppy that is overweight or has growth problems caused by poor nutrition.

The food can be divided into 3-4 servings, always respecting the amount of food for a Siberian Husky puppy marked by each manufacturer, depending on the food we choose. Thus, we can choose feed, wet or dehydrated food, always formulated for puppies. It is recommended that the main ingredient be protein of animal origin We could also decide to prepare homemade food for our Siberian Husky puppy, but to achieve a balanced diet it is essential to follow guidance from an expert in canine nutrition. Homemade food is not synonymous with giving our dog leftovers or cooking a dish like the one we would prepare for ourselves. We have to plan the menu very well so as not to make mistakes that will result in poor nutrition for our puppy at a particularly important time in its physical and mental development.

How much does a Siberian Husky puppy eat?

The amount of food varies completely depending on the type of food, the constitution of the dog, its level of activity and the size it will reach as an adult. Therefore, it is very important to buy quality food, follow the advice offered by the manufacturer and get to know our puppy.

Regardless of the food chosen, as it grows we will decrease the frequency of feedings until we reach 1-2 times a day when it is 12-18 months old. Finally, ask your vet if you have any questions about feeding and caring for your Siberian Husky puppy.
