Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Bronchitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Bronchitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

canine bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which are part of the airways of dogs. The bronchi are branches of the trachea that allow air to flow in and out of the lungs.

If your dog has recently been diagnosed with bronchitis by a veterinarian, you are concerned and would like to better understand what this condition is all about, you have come to the right article. On our site we explain in a simple way what canine bronchitis is, its symptoms, treatment and prevention In short, everything you need to know about this respiratory disease.

Types of bronchitis in dogs

Bronchitis in dogs can be acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis has a short duration and airway damage is usually reversible, unlike in chronic bronchitis.

Canine chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory diseases in dogs. This disease has a long duration, a minimum of 2 or 3 months, and causes generally irreversible changes in the respiratory tract. It is usually associated with excessive mucus production and chronic cough.

The breeds most likely to suffer from this type of disease are[1]:

  • Poodle
  • Pekingese
  • Yorkshire terrier
  • Chihuahua
  • Pomeranian

These small breed dogs are prone to other conditions that complicate bronchitis, such as collapsed trachea and mitral insufficiency of the heart.

Symptoms of bronchitis in dogs

The most common symptoms of canine bronchitis are as follows:

  • Moderate to severe cough.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Altered lung sounds, which your veterinarian will detect when listening to the animal.
  • Tachypnea (rapid breathing).
  • Purple mucous membranes, in the most severe cases.

The main reasons that take guardians to the vet are intense cough or severe mucus productionBeing these clinical signs typical of other pathologies, we always recommend going to the specialist to carry out the appropriate tests and proceed to establish the treatment to be followed.

It is important to bear in mind that in chronic cases, the cough can increase over the years and, therefore, present a greater frequency of episodes[2].

Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of bronchitis in dogs
Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of bronchitis in dogs

Diagnosis of canine bronchitis

Generally, the veterinarian relies on clinical signs and coughing episodes to diagnose bronchitis. In addition, the specialist will try to determine the cause, which may be idiopathic, that is, unknown, or as a consequence of some diseases that need to be addressed immediately, such as:

  • Allergic bronchitis.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Mycoplasma infection.
  • Dirafilariosis.

The vet may choose to take an x-ray to observe changes in the airway. However, not all cases of bronchitis in dogs exhibit such changes and therefore this test may not be conclusive.

More severe cases may require other tests to rule out other differential diagnoses. Thus, some of the possible tests are:

  • Bronchopulmonary cytology.
  • Tracheobronchial lavage culture.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • Biopsy.

Treatment of bronchitis in dogs

The treatment of canine bronchitis is non-specific, that is, it is suitable for each individual case, since it mainly consists of relieving the symptom. For this reason, if you want to know how to treat bronchitis in dogs, the first thing you should learn is that there is not only one way and, therefore, it will depend entirely on the particular case of your dog.

Generally, the treatment stipulated by the specialist includes bronchodilators, corticosteroids and, sometimes, also an antibiotic for canine bronchitis The cases more severe ones may require oxygen through a mask and may even require the administration of medications intravenously, that is, directly into the dog's veins through a catheter.

As for steroids, they are used to reduce the inflammatory process, which is the main cause of thickening of the mucosa of the airways, causing coughing and mucus production. However, it is necessary to be very careful and, therefore, you must follow your veterinarian's instructions to the letter, since these medications have several side effects. On the other hand, the veterinarian can also prescribe sprays of own products for canine bronchitis, very useful for cleaning the respiratory tract.

The bronchodilators are indicated in cases where there is bronchial constriction. These can be done by inhalation, as mentioned above, as they have fewer risks and side effects than oral.

Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of bronchitis in dogs
Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of bronchitis in dogs

Home remedies for canine bronchitis

As a complement to the treatment prescribed by your trusted veterinarian, you can help your dog with a series of home remedies for canine bronchitis. These natural treatments are designed to relieve, mainly, coughing episodes, which is the main and most annoying symptom of this pathology. Of course, before applying any of them we recommend consulting a specialist.

Mint tea

Mint is one of the most suitable plants for relieving the symptoms caused by respiratory diseases, since it helps to clear the airways thanks to its decongestant and expectorant propertiesThus, you simply have to prepare a homemade mint tea and apply a few drops of the solution directly into your dog's mouth, with the help of a syringe or a dropper.

Tea Tree Oil

Without a doubt, another of the plants with the greatest expectorant properties. Tea tree oil promotes the release of the respiratory tract fighting mucus accumulated in them. And to be able to apply this home remedy for canine bronchitis, the ideal is to create mist or steam. To do this, you can lock yourself in the bathroom with your dog, for example, fill the bathtub a little with very hot water so that steam is generated and add a few drops, checking not to overdo it and constantly monitoring the animal. Another option is to heat water in a pot, pour a couple of drops of tea tree oil, leave it in a closed room and bring the dog inside to breathe in the steam.

It is very important that you are present during the process for several reasons. First, to prevent the animal from burning with the hot water; second, so as not to generate stress in the dog by leaving it locked up and alone; and third to monitor its status at all times. It is not necessary to put the animal right next to the hot water, placing it in an area of the space where it can easily inhale the steam is sufficient.

Coconut oil

This natural product favors the immune system, relieves the cough caused by canine bronchitis and helps the animal to recover, little by little, energy and vitality. In order for him to benefit from this home remedy, you just have to dilute one or two tablespoons of coconut oil in his bowl of water and allow him to drink at his own pace.


How many times have you had honey to relieve a sore throat, cough or runny nose? In the same way that it is an excellent natural remedy for us, it provides the same medicinal properties for dogs. Of course, it is essential that the honey is natural or organic, without preservatives or added sugars. That said, simply give your furry companion a teaspoon of honey every four to five hours, without going overboard to avoid stomach damage. On the other hand, if a dog with bronchitis is less than a year old, do not use this remedy, since it is totally contraindicated in puppies.

Other home remedies for canine bronchitis

Although the remedies mentioned are the most indicated, the truth is that they are not the only ones that you can apply to complement the treatment of canine bronchitis stipulated by the specialist. Thus, we encourage you to consult our article on remedies to relieve your dog's cough in order to review each and every one of them. Remember that it is essential that natural treatments are reviewed, first, by the veterinarian.

Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Home remedies for canine bronchitis
Bronchitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Home remedies for canine bronchitis

Prevention of canine bronchitis

Although this disease often has a genetic predisposition, there are some things you should avoid, since they may be the origin of this u other breathing problems::

  • Chimney smoke.
  • Aerosol sprays.
  • Air fresheners.
  • Perfumes.
  • Tobacco.
  • Other vapors.

Basically, you should avoid anything that can irritate your dog's respiratory system, especially if you have observed your dog coughing or sneezing, since, as we say, they can be the cause of canine bronchitis.
