ALL about the CORNISH REX Cat - Characteristics and care (WITH PHOTOS)

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ALL about the CORNISH REX Cat - Characteristics and care (WITH PHOTOS)
ALL about the CORNISH REX Cat - Characteristics and care (WITH PHOTOS)
cornish rex cat
cornish rex cat

Sweet and affectionate, this is the Cornish Rex, a kitten with big ears and beautiful wavy hair that has conquered thousands and thousands of hearts all over the world. And it is not for less, there are many benefits of the felines of the Cornish Rex breed. Therefore, on our site we will talk about it and we will tell you all about the Cornish Rex cat, its care, its most outstanding characteristics, its size and its origin. Do you dare to discover more about him? Keep reading!

Origin of the cornish rex cat

A native of Cornwall, it was in 1950 when a curious kitten was born, which his caretakers baptized Kallibunker. This kitten was very special, as it had a beautiful wavy coat. It is because of the undulations in their hair that the breed is called the “rex”, sharing this name with a breed of rabbit that also has wavy hair.

The breed's popularity spread like wildfire, becoming a highly prized cat breed and reaching America in just a few years. Such was its growth, that in 1967 the breed standard had already been created in England, and just a few years later, around 1970, the breed was recognized in the United States.

Physical Characteristics of the Cornish Rex Cat

Focusing on the characteristics of the Cornish Rex, we can say that it is a small or medium-sized cat breed, with a slender, elongated body with a remarkably arched back. Normally the weight of Cornish Rex cats ranges between 2.5 and 4.5 kilos. The tail is equally fine and quite long, covered with wavy or even curly hair.

These felines have an elongated head, triangular in shape, with a thin jaw and a broader forehead. His eyes are oval, with a penetrating look and deep colors that match the color of his coat. On its head, its large triangular ears with high insertion and wide base stand out.

The most characteristic feature of the Cornish Rex breed is its coat, since these cats have a mantle of wavy, dense and short hair This The hair is extremely soft, with a light coat due to the fact that they do not have a hair undercoat. All colors are accepted by the standards, as well as the multiple possible patterns.

Cornish rex cat character

Cornish Rex cats are usually ideal companions, as they have a docile, affectionate and attentive temperamentThey are also perfect for families with children or other animals, as they get along well with dogs and other cats. These kittens are active and very playful, so they are not usually recommended for sedentary people or those with little time to give them the attention they need.

Due to their character, these cats do not tolerate loneliness well, so they are not a good choice if they have to spend long periods of time alone. Likewise, they adapt perfectly to living indoors, no matter the size of our house or apartment.

Cornish rex cat care

Since they have a short coat, it's easy to keep them in good condition with a simple weekly brushing and the occasional bath to keep them fresh. clean and silky. Likewise, to offer the best care to the Cornish Rex cat, it is important to provide it with a he althy and balanced diet, covering its nutritional needs.

On the other hand, it is essential to dedicate to the Cornish cat the time of activity and play that he needs, since, as we said, he has an active and playful character, and does not tolerate loneliness well. In this sense, providing adequate environmental enrichment is more recommended, for the care of the Cornish Rex cat but also for the rest of the cat breeds. Thus, it is important that at home they have scratching posts, preferably with different heights, a comfortable bed, a variety of toys, shelves with a mattress so they can lie down, etc.

And finally, as with any other breed, it is recommended to clean and maintain their nails, ears, mouth and eyes.

Cornish Rex Cat He alth

The Cornish Rex cat breed is a really he althy and robust breed, although somewhat prone to being overweight, so it is recommended not to Exceeding in the feeding of our feline companion, since overweight and obesity are potentially harmful to him. Likewise, it is crucial that you exercise, that is why it is so important, in addition to your active nature, not to neglect the time of activity and games.

A peculiarity of the breed is that due to their fur they are animals sensitive to low temperatures, so we must ensure that our feline is not exposed to the cold, as it could suffer from colds or pneumonia.

Cornish Rex Cat Pictures
