ALL ABOUT SAVANNAH CAT - Caring character and more

ALL ABOUT SAVANNAH CAT - Caring character and more
ALL ABOUT SAVANNAH CAT - Caring character and more

With an exotic and unique appearance, the Savannah cat is reminiscent of a real miniature leopard, right? But don't let that fool us, we are talking about a domestic feline that adapts perfectly to coexistence within the home. In addition, we are talking about a cat that is especially active, sociable and affectionate However, we are also talking about a very "exclusive" cat, since the Savannah cat has a really exorbitant price. Do you wonder if it is really worth paying for animal life, no matter how beautiful it is?

In this tab on our site we will explain everything about the Savannah cat, from its origins to its care. We will also mention some aspects related to its he alth and offer you photographs of the breed at the end of the publication, don't miss it!

Origin of the savannah cat

These felines are native to United States, the product of crosses between various breeds of domestic cats with the serval (Leptailurus serval) cats wild natives of Africa, which stand out for their large ears. These roots have raised a great controversy since it became known that these hybridizations were being carried out, as there are those who consider that they violate various ethical principles and premises regarding the breeding of felines. The name of this feline is a tribute to the habitat of this wild cat, which is one of the African animals of the savannah. The first crosses were made in the 1980s and after several generations the Savannah cat breed was officially recognized by the International Cat Association (TICA) in 2012.

In the United States its ownership is regulated by the state Department of Agriculture, which establishes the requirements and guidelines to follow regarding adopt one of these felines as a pet. In states like Hawaii, Georgia or Massachusetts the laws are more restrictive, with many more limitations regarding having one of these hybrid herds in the home. In Australia, its importation to the island has been prohibited, as it could be an invasive species that could affect the preservation of the local fauna.

Characteristics of the savannah cat

Of a considerable size, the cat specimens of the Savannah breed stand out as one of the giant cat breeds. Although it usually weighs between 6 and 10 kilograms, one individual broke the record of 23 kilograms. They reach between 50 and 60 cm. to the cross, although it can be greater. In addition, this feline breed exhibits sexual dimorphism, since generally females are smaller than males. Normally the size and wingspan of these specimens mentioned is due to the fact that in them there is more genetic presence of their wild ancestors than in those other specimens of smaller dimensions. Some specimens have a life expectancy of 20 years, although it is normal for them to live between 10 and 15.

The body of a savannah is slender and wiry The limbs are elongated, agile and slender, having an overall very elegant bearing. The tail is thin and its length is remarkable. The head is medium, with a wide and slightly pronounced nose. The ears that constitute its hallmark, these are large and pointed, they are set high. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size and usually present shades of grayish, brown or greenish

The coat is short and thick, with a soft and velvety touch, but it is nonetheless hard and resistant. In fact, the mantle is what gives them such an exotic and wild air, since it resembles that of a leopard, because it normally has a pattern very similar to that of those wild and dangerous creatures, in addition the color is also similar, it usually be a mixture of colors such as yellow, orange, brown, black, and/or gray.

Savannah Cat Character

Despite their wild appearance, which can make us think that Savannahs are dangerous or unfriendly cats, we must know that they are actually domestic animals affectionate and sociable They form a bond of emotional attachment with their guardians and, properly socialized from puppies, these cats can live wonderfully with children and other animals. In addition, there are many who try to teach these felines some trick or order of obedience, because they are extremely intelligent

We are also talking about a cat very active, so we must provide daily play sessions, including especially those activities that help them to develop the hunting sequence, so important for the species. The mental stimulation, through toys that help them think, or the enrichment of the home will also be important pillars for the well-being of the Savannah, a tireless cat.

Savannah cat care

These cats have a peculiarity and that is that they love bathing and playing with water, especially if we encourage this behavior from when they are puppies, using positive reinforcement. Thus, they can get into the shower, play with tap water or with the garden hose. If we decide to bathe our cat, we will always use specific products for felines, never shampoo for human use.

We must brush his coat frequently to remove excess hair and dirt that may have accumulated. So that their hair looks shiny we can give them contributions of fatty acids such as omega 3, either with nutritional supplements or through the diet, for example giving salmon or other oily fish, we will also find commercial feed that provides these fatty acids.

To keep your eyes he althy and clean, it is recommended to clean them regularly using gauze and either an ophthalmological cleanser or the well-known infusion of Bitter chamomile that our grandmothers used as a remedy for eye conditions, thus we will avoid conjunctivitis and other eye discomfort. We will also attend the hearing cleaning through ear cleaners specifically designed for it.

Savannah Cat He alth

These domestic cats, being a particularly recent breed, have no known hereditary diseases. Even so, it will be convenient to make regular veterinary visits every 6 or 12 months, follow the cat's vaccination schedule and regular internal and external deworming. All this will keep them protected against the most serious diseases that felines can suffer from and parasite infestations.

Savannah Photos
