Telepienso - Bilbao

Telepienso - Bilbao
Telepienso - Bilbao

Telepienso is a company with more than 25 years of experience. They were pioneers at the national level in the commercialization of natural, premium and superpremium foods. Initially, they marketed to professionals (breeders, clinics, stores, etc…) but for 20 years they have been a benchmark for anyone who has a pet in Bilbao.

The staff has veterinarians and specialists in animal nutrition with extensive experience, as well as authentic aquarium professionals, both marine and fresh. In total, are a team of 14 people, trying to meet your needs at competitive prices, and with a variety of more than 14,000 references.

Services: Pet stores, Online sales, Clothes for dogs, Aquariums and accessories for fish, Recovery of pets, Food for exotic animals, Beds and kennels, Physical store, Toys and accessories, Accessories for animals exotic, Card accepted, Collars, harnesses and leashes, Antiparasitic products, Food for dogs and cats, Carriers