The feeding of the puma

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The feeding of the puma
The feeding of the puma
Cougar Feeding
Cougar Feeding

The cougar, Puma concolor, also called the mountain lion, is a large feline that populates both American continents. It is, after the jaguar, the second largest American feline. It inhabits from Canada to Patagonia.

The puma is a beautiful feline and a great predator. It is currently in danger of extinction and world laws protect it to prevent its disappearance. It is mainly due to deforestation, the lack of prey and its persecution by man.

If you continue reading our site you will be able to find out about the puma's diet and other curiosities about this beautiful animal.

Cougar Habitat

The puma is the animal capable of living in the most diverse environments of both American continents. Its population density is very low, but its expansion area is huge.

The feeding of the cougar - Habitat of the cougar
The feeding of the cougar - Habitat of the cougar

Presas del puma

Cougar prey varies depending on where they live. In mountainous terrain and forests, their usual prey is ungulates such as deer, when we refer to North America.

In the South American continent, camelids such as the guanaco are the favorite prey of the puma. However, on this continent the puma competes with the jaguar and must also feed on smaller prey such as birds and rodents.

The feeding of the puma - Prey of the puma
The feeding of the puma - Prey of the puma

North America

The North American cougar, which lives in the North American West, is the subspecies: Puma concolor coguar. Their diet consists of 68% large prey such as white-tailed deer, mule deer and elk.

In the state of Florida, cougars feed preferentially on wild boars and armadillos.

A peculiarity of the puma is that the specimens that live near both poles are larger than those that live near the Equator.

Cougar Feeding - North America
Cougar Feeding - North America

Central America

In Central America lives the subspecies known as the Central American Puma, Puma concolor costaricensis.

This subspecies feeds on smaller fauna. Ungulates go down to 35% of their feed. Capybaras, porcupines, mice, birds, hares, and even reptiles are the main source of food for Central American pumas.

The feeding of the puma - Central America
The feeding of the puma - Central America

South America

On the South American continent, the puma is much more widespread throughout the continent than on the North American continent, where the population of this feline is basically concentrated on the western slope.

This fact explains why there are several subspecies of cougars:

  • Northern South American Puma, Puma concolor concolor.
  • Eastern South American Puma, Puma concolor anthony.
  • South American Puma, Puma concolor puma.
  • Argentine Puma, Puma concolor cabrerae.

Competition with the jaguar forces the puma to feed on much more diverse prey and smaller in size.

Puma feeding - South America
Puma feeding - South America

Distemper and cougar

In North America, distemper disease is currently spreading among wildlife. One of those affected is the puma.

A consequence of this disease is that the infected cougar has lost its usual prevention with respect to humans.

Until now it was very difficult to observe cougars in the wild, given their reserve and avoidance of humans. This has caused attacks and even break-ins into houses by sick cougars.
