Wood Pigeon: characteristics and photos

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Wood Pigeon: characteristics and photos
Wood Pigeon: characteristics and photos
Wood Pigeon
Wood Pigeon

The wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) is the largest of the pigeonsand usually inhabits wooded areas. Unlike the domestic pigeon, which can have a great variety of tones in its feathers, the coloration pattern of the wood pigeon is always the same, and the white spots on the neck are never missing.

It is becoming more and more common to see this species of the Columbiformes order in our cities, which is why in this page of our site we want to talk about this precious bird. Find below everything you need about the wood pigeon: origin, habitat, characteristics, feeding and reproduction.

Origin of the wood pigeon

The wood pigeon is native to Europe and Western Asia They are year-round residents in Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, Morocco and other countries of the Mediterranean basin. They have a large breeding area in northern Europe, but in winter they migrate to warmer areas in the south.

Several subspecies are known, one of them extinct:

  • Columba palumbus azorica, occupies the Azores islands.
  • Columba palumbus casioti, found from southeastern Iran to Nepal.
  • Columba palumbus iranica, ranges from southern Iran to Turkmenistan.
  • Columba palumbus maderensis, extinct, inhabited Madeira.

Characteristics of the wood pigeon

Compared to other species of columbiformes, the wood pigeon is large in size, in addition, its wings and tail are longer than that of other pigeon species. They measure about 40 centimeters long and their wingspan can reach 80 centimeters. Its body is mostly greyish, with a pinkish weight and a characteristic white spot on both sides of the neck and on the shoulders. When they fly, on the wings we can see a transverse white stripe, very striking.

Habitat of the wood pigeon

The wood pigeon is, above all, a country pigeon It likes to live in forests where it can easily find holes to shelter from inclement weather. Over the years and the gradual disappearance of the forests, this pigeon has been approaching the crop fields, where food abounds. It was not usual to see it in cities, since they are very elusive animals, but today they are the main species of pigeon in the gardens of certain cities

Wood pigeon feeding

As we said, this bird is typical of forest areas where pines, holm oaks and cork oaks abound. Throughout the year, these pigeons feed on the piñones that are in the treetops and those found on the ground. In autumn, when cork and holm oak groves bear fruit, these animals feed on acorns, which they are capable of swallowing whole.

In winter, they can also feed on the small shoots that lie dormant on tree branches waiting for spring. Likewise, in the mornings, they go to the fields to collect grass seeds.

Reproduction of wood pigeon

The breeding season of the wood pigeon takes place between the months of April and August During this period, a pair of pigeons can have between 3 and 4 broods. In her natural environment, the male courts the female by launching himself from the top of a tree to the ground and once there, he begins to jump after the female with his tail feathers unfurled. In the city, we will not see the jump from the top of the tree.

The nests of these pigeons are usually located in a high area of a tree or the lowest part of the branches. Several days after copulation, the female will lay up to a maximum of two eggswhich she will incubate for 15 to 18 days. Both parents will incubate the eggs, the female usually from 4 pm to 8 am the next day and the male the rest of the time.

Once the chicks hatch, they will be fed with crop milk produced by their parents and with some seeds. After 3 or 4 weeks being fed, the new pigeons will leave the nest, and the pair can make a new brood.

Photos of Wood Pigeon
