COLORPOINT Cat - Characteristics, care and behavior (with PHOTOS)

COLORPOINT Cat - Characteristics, care and behavior (with PHOTOS)
COLORPOINT Cat - Characteristics, care and behavior (with PHOTOS)
Cat colorpoint
Cat colorpoint

The colorpoint cat is a combination of Siamese cats and short-haired cats such as British and American shorthairs and Abyssinians. The result is a cat of varied colors and patterns, always respecting the colorpoint at the tips of the ears, tail and legs, areas of lower body temperature. Regarding their character, they are like the Siamese, that is, very expressive, meowing, intelligent, active and affectionate, so they need affection and close attention on a daily basis.

Your he alth can be affected by common congenital diseases of the Siamese, such as eye disorders, allergies or heart disease. Continue reading this article on our site to learn more about the colorpoint cat, its origin, its characteristics, its character, the care it needs and its he alth.

Origin of the cat colorpoint

The colorpoint cat is a feline that arose from the combination of the Siamese cat with other short-haired cats, especially the American shorthair or american shorthair As a consequence, a cat emerged with the colorpoint pattern of the Siamese, but with different coat colors, not accepted for the Siamese, such as red, tortoiseshell, cream, tabby and small variations.

The origin of this breed dates back to year 1940, when American and British Siamese breeders sought to obtain similar cats, but with colors different from those that Siamese commonly have, which are seal, blue, chocolate and lilac point. They crossed the mix between their Siamese, Abyssinian and British and American Shorthairs again with Siamese to get the desired pattern.

The International Feline Association (CFA) recognized them as independent breed in 1974, but the International Feline Association (TICA) and they are considered a type of Siamese cat by the International Cat Fanciers Association (AFCA).

Characteristics of the colorpoint cat

The colorpoint shorthair cat resembles the Siamese in that it also has short hair, a medium-sized body, muscular, angular and long hair and blue eyes with a characteristic natural elegance. The physical traits of the colorpoint cat are as follows:

  • The head of this breed is wedge-shaped, narrow and medium, with a flat skull, fine muzzle and long, straight nose.
  • The ears are pointed, wide at the base and quite long, continuing the line of the skull wedge.
  • Eyes are almond-shaped, medium-sized, vivid deep blue.
  • The tail is long and ends in a point.
  • The legs are slender and long.
  • The colorpoint shorthair cat's coat is short and fine, close to the body, very shiny and with a colorpoint pattern in the areas of lower body temperature, such as the tips of the ears, the tail and the part distal legs.

Cat Colors colorpoint

The colorpoint cat can present multiple colors and patterns, combined or not, always respecting the colorpoint in the aforementioned areas. These colors are as follows:

  • Red.
  • Cream.
  • Lynx.
  • Chocolate.
  • Tortoiseshell.
  • Tabby.
  • Blue.
  • Lilac.
  • Seal.

Cat character colorpoint

Colorpoint cats have a personality very similar to that of Siamese cats Thus, they are intelligent, affectionate, active, meowing and playful. They love interacting with their caregivers and being paid attention to. They are also very outgoing, even with strangers, whom they can greet with meows, since they use them for practically everything. It is a very communicative and expressive breed, as evidenced by the more than 100 vocal tones of meows they emit.

They are also cats very sensitive, who perceive the state of mind of their caregivers and do not hesitate to sit near them whenever they need it. However, they can also experience very rapid mood swings. Lastly, being a very intelligent race, they quickly learn games and commands, making their training easy.

Cat care colorpoint

Due to their nature, these cats require a lot of attention, that is, a lot of cuddles, games and daily care so that they don't feel lonely or unloved. Although they have short hair, they should brush at least 2-3 times a week, more during the moulting season, which normally occurs in spring and autumn. Brushing has to be more frequent to prevent hairballs, since in this way we remove dead hair that, otherwise, would be ingested in daily grooming. The bath is not necessary, except when they are very dirty or a shampoo has been prescribed as a treatment for a dermatological problem. Their skin is sensitive and prone to problems, so we must keep them away from humidity and extreme temperatures.

Because they are so affectionate and love the company of their own, in the home measures of environmental enrichment must be taken into account, especially everything for when they are left alone, such as high places to climb, enough scratching posts or interactive toys that, in addition, favor their activity and prevent overweight. Regarding food, if dry food is offered, it should be combined with wet food and given in several daily feedings. Sometimes complementary foods can be offered, such as snacks, soups, milk for adult cats or different prizes, especially to reward good behavior or after performing a cure, cleaning or treatment.

The litter box should be cleaned daily and, at least once a week, its ears, eyes and teeth should be cleaned to prevent diseases and diagnose any alteration early. It is recommended to visit the vet annually for a check-up and, when appropriate, for deworming and vaccination, as part of preventive medicine.

Cat He alth colorpoint

Colorpoint cats have a life expectancy of 8 to 12 years and are generally he althy cats, although it is true that they tend to develop the same pathologies as Siamese cats, such as the following:

  • Strabismus: loss of normal eye alignment that does not prevent correct vision.
  • Nystagmus: consists of the involuntary and rapid movement of the eyeballs, from top to bottom or sideways, which can be caused by the cs gene carried by conjoined twins.
  • Renal and hepatic amyloidosis: accumulation of amyloid substance in these organs, which can cause organ failure, with its corresponding consequences at the general.
  • Bronchial asthma: type of bronchitis that can lead to emphysema and bronchiectasis.
  • Congenital heart defects: such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in which there is hypertrophy or increased development of the heart muscle, affecting the the pumping of the heart and in the correct blood circulation.
  • Otitis: inflammation/infection of the ear canal.
  • Food allergy or adverse reaction to food: manifested through digestive and skin signs that subside with the withdrawal of the protein that causes the reaction.
  • Deafness: it can be an inherited disease in Siamese twins.
  • Hydrocephalus: Accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. It can compress the cerebral cortex, causing neurological signs, coma, incoordination, strabismus or nystagmus.
  • Breast cancer: it is the third most frequent tumor in females of this breed. There is a transformation of mammary cells into tumor cells with the capacity to invade nearby and distant structures (metastasis), especially in the lung.
  • Behavior disturbance: Colorpoint cats tend to be very moody.

Where to adopt a colorpoint cat?

Colourpoint cats can be adopted quite easily, especially from Siamese cat rescue associations or shelters. It should be noted, once again, that these cats require a series of care that, as responsible caregivers, we must provide. Therefore, before thinking about adopting a cat of this breed, the first thing is to recognize whether or not we are candidates to take care of a colorpoint cat in good condition. If not, it is best not to adopt it.
