He althy dog food - Recommended Food

He althy dog food - Recommended Food
He althy dog food - Recommended Food
He althy Dog Food
He althy Dog Food

Providing a balanced diet that meets the needs of dogs at all stages of their lives and meets the demands of caregivers can be quite a challengeThere are more and more options available, but so much variety ends up creating confusion if it is not clear what a food must have to be considered he althy. Below we review the keys to the best canine diet.

Feeding the dogs

Although dogs have the ability to eat anything, the reality is that they are mammalian and carnivorous animals. This means that during their first weeks of life they will feed exclusively on their mother's milk. They should stay with her and the rest of the litter for a minimum of eight weeks, but approximately from the month of life they will begin to show interest in thesolid food within their reach It is time to start weaning, offering them a quality food formulated especially for puppies and that takes into account their needs as carnivores and as animals in the growth phase Quick. Thus, the basic ingredient of your menu must be protein of animal origin Although throughout the life of the dog we change the food to adapt it to the requirements of an adult dog, which happens around a year of life, a senior dog, approximately seven years old, or a sterilized dog, animal protein must continue to be the base of a diet he althy of your puppy Just remember that when we talk about he althy food for dogs we are not only talking about the ethereal concept of "he alth" but also about the external appearance, teeth and hair of dogs.

Dog food ingredients

Animal protein from meat or fish is the main component of a dog's diet. If we choose to buy your food, we must check the list of ingredients on the label. These must be natural products and the first, that is, the one with the highest percentage, must be fresh meat or dehydrated in the case of feed. Then, the recipe can be completed with carbohydrates from cereals or legumes and vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. A he althy dog food cannot contain sugar or s alt. We must also avoid artificial preservatives, colors or flavors, which will be replaced by natural ones, such as vitamin E. In the case of feed, the way it is prepared is a plus, since it helps preserve all the nutrients. In other words, a he althy and wholesome food for our dog is one made with ingredients that are easily recognizable by us, such as chicken, oil of salmon, lamb, rice, peas or pumpkin.

What ingredients to avoid in dog food

In general, you should avoid foods whose list of ingredients is based on animal or vegetable by-products,artificial substances, sugars, as well as those whose main ingredient is different from animal protein. On the other hand, food intolerances and allergies are a relatively common problem in dogs. Although each individual can react badly to a different ingredient, some are known to trigger these types of disorders with a higher probability. Examples are wheat, dairy or soy. That is why in the most sensitive dogs it is advisable to avoid this type of ingredients or even resort to foods known as hypoallergenic. Remember that whenever your dog has an allergic reaction you have than going to a veterinarian, we recommend you have a first aid kit for allergic reactions. Remember that there are fruits and vegetables that we should not give our pets under any circumstances and that is because they can seriously affect their he alth.

Benefits of he althy food for dogs

A quality diet will guarantee that our dog receives all the nutrients it requires to cover the necessities of its body's functioning But Also, good nutrition helps preserve your he alth and, consequently, improve your life expectancy. The result will be a specimen full of vitality, with shiny hair and good digestive transit. In addition, the greater use of the food generates less waste, which translates into less voluminous and odorous stools. For this reason, regardless of our choice, we must always opt for quality, following the premises that we have pointed out. This point is especially important in the case of feed, since are a very popular food, but not all brands are the same. Thus, to take advantage of the benefits that the feed can offer dogs, we should choose a brand like Lobo Azul, which offers recipes with natural ingredients, without artificial preservatives and based on meat and fish suitable for human consumption, which gives an idea of its quality. In addition, they are prepared at a moderate temperature to preserve nutrients and flavor. It is a hypoallergenic feed and suitable for dogs of all ages, sizes and vital circumstances.
