Cats have a highly developed sense of smell thanks to their more than 67 million olfactory receptors In comparison, humans have only 5 millions. The privileged nose of felines makes this sense and related behaviors an implicit part of the language and communication of cats, however, on some occasions, the meaning of certain behaviors can become unknown to guardians.
If you've made it this far, you may be wondering, Why does my cat sniff my nose? You should know that this behavior is very common and that is related to attachment. You want to know more? Keep reading!
The sense of smell in cats
Cats use their sense of smell to extract information, because in this way they know the changes that have occurred in the environment and in the various individuals with whom they live. Sometimes cats even analyze a substance by "tasting" it, which is known as flehmen. We can appreciate this feline behavior, also present in other species, when the cat raises its lips and opens its mouth, showing its teeth, so that the aroma reaches the Jacobson's organ, also known as the vomeronasal organ.
However, it is important to point out that this behavior goes far beyond the simple fact of inquiring, as it is also part of the pattern of affective behavior In addition to grooming and rubbing, a cat may sniff certain body parts as another form of social interaction. In fact, if you live with several cats, you will have observed similar behaviors. This intention to gather information perfectly explains why cats sniff their mouths or, even more curious, why cats sniff their anuses.

Why is my cat looking for my nose?
The social interactions are especially important for domestic felines, as well as environmental enrichment. All this has a direct impact on well-being and emotional stability. Although hunting games or brushing are basic routines that we must provide a cat for an adequate emotional relationship, there are many other behaviors that are important, such as "sniffing".
When cats smell our nose, as well as other areas of the body, we should know that they are greeting us in a friendly way, which it also translates as a he althy, positive relationship and a strong bond.
This argument would also answer other related questions such as "why does my cat smell my mouth" or "why does my cat smell my face when I sleep". They are behaviors that the cat performs to become familiar with new smells, maintain a approach with your human and build affective ties
We will also observe other signs, such as raised and relaxed ears, open mouth, relaxed mustache, raised tail and a calm way of walking.

Why does my cat lick and bite my nose?
It may happen that, in addition to approaching your nose, your cat touches your nose with his nose, or even worse: that he licks and bites it. We must know that many cats bite their caregivers as an invitation to play, although when it is too abrupt, this behavior may be caused by errors in the socialization of the puppy cat or due to premature separation from his mother and siblings.
Although a soft bite should not be interpreted negatively, when a strong bite occurs we are faced with unwanted and painful behavior that should not be ignored, especially if the cat lives with small children. In this case we advise stop the interaction and leave the place, so that the cat understands that, when a bite occurs, attention, play and affection end.
In addition, we must avoid playing with our hands and feet, because in this way the feline will understand that the parts of our body do not bite or scratch. Ideally, when playing with a cat, we use toys that act as an intermediary between our body and the cat, in addition, the feline will be able to bite them will, thus promoting the natural behaviors of the species.
Other curious behaviors of cats
Now you know the reasons that encourage your cat to smell your nose, your face and other areas of the body. However, in order for you to learn more about felines, we are going to show you other curious behaviors that you may not know how to interpret:
Why does my cat bring me stuffed animals?
This behavior is closely related to hunting. When a cat brings us a dead animal or a stuffed animal, it is offering us a valuable gift Some experts theorize about this behavior and suggest that the cat considers us lousy hunters, however, there is no scientific evidence about it.
Why is my cat touching my face?
Some cats use their paws when interacting with their handlers, this gesture suggests that the cat is looking to get our attention It is usually shown in a caressing session, accompanied by purring. This explanation is also valid when we wonder why my cat covers my mouth.
Why does my cat knead me and get excited?
The kneading behavior begins when the cat is a puppy and stimulates his mother to produce milk. In its adult stage, the cat continues to maintain this behavior, since it generates pleasure and well-being. It is a very positive behavior that shows the good bond between guardian and feline.
Why does my cat lick me?
Cats also use licking to socialize. It is a very positive behavior that shows the good bond between guardian and feline. It is one of the most natural gestures of affection, as it is associated with grooming. Some cats also lick us when we sleep. We must pay attention to this behavior when it is carried out compulsively and anxiously, consulting a veterinarian if it is very exaggerated.