Why do cats sniff their anuses? - Here the answer

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Why do cats sniff their anuses? - Here the answer
Why do cats sniff their anuses? - Here the answer
Why do cats sniff their anuses?
Why do cats sniff their anuses?

Those of us who have decided to share our lives and our homes with felines know that cats do many strange things. A particularly puzzling situation occurs when the cat puts its tail in her guardian's face or shows her anus. If you have lived through this experience, you are probably wondering what it means when a cat shows its behind to another cat or to its guardian, and if this would be a way of greeting each other with other cats, animals and people who share their environment.

On our site we will explain why cats sniff each other's anus, and why they show their tails to their tutors. We invite you to continue reading this new article to get to know your feline better.

Why do cats sniff each other's anuses?

To begin to explain to you why cats sniff their anuses, we must remember that cats express themselves differently from us, mostly using their body languageto communicate with other cats, with their guardians and also with their environment. To establish a bond of mutual trust, understanding and friendship with your cat, you will need to learn to interpret the postures, expressions and attitudes through which your cat expresses its moods, emotions and perceptions.

A large part of these "strange" behaviors, according to our perception, are totally natural for our cats. Although it may seem embarrassing to us, cats sniff their anuses as a way of greeting each other, making themselves known and exchanging information about their personality and state of mind with others individuals.

The social life of felines does not obey or is determined according to the same codes that people use to interact in their day-to-day lives. We will not see two or more kittens shaking hands, exchanging words, hugging or kissing to greet each other, because the language and communication of cats does not include this type of demonstration of affection or cordiality.

On the other hand, the attitude of sniffing another cat's butt and exposing its anus for the other individual to smell is perfectly normal for kittens, since they use their sense of smell in this opportunityto gather data about the other individual , interact and communicate.

Why do cats sniff their anuses? - Why do cats sniff each other's anus?
Why do cats sniff their anuses? - Why do cats sniff each other's anus?

Why does my cat put its tail in my face?

To understand why your cat sticks his anus in your face, we must first clarify why cats sniff each other to greet and get to know each otherIn this sense, we need to remember that cats' sense of smell is much more developed than ours. Kittens can perceive odors that we perceive , such as hormones and non-volatile chemical substances produced by the glands of the body of other cats, other animals and also of the people.

When two cats meet for the first time, we will see that they do not directly show their anuses. First they are usually smelled on the face and in the regions near their cheeks, where they concentrate a large amount of pheromones. By perceiving this substance, cats can calm negative emotions such as fear, insecurity and distrust, so this "introductory greeting" acts as a kind of friendship test.

Then, they continue to smell each other on the sides of their bodies to start getting to know each other and feel comfortable in each other's presence. Something similar to what happens when we shake hands with a person we just met and then exchange the first words in an attempt to establish a friendly relationship.

When two cats feel comfortable and safe in each other's company, it's time to raise their tails and sniff each other's anus This It is a key step in the communication and interaction of cats, since it means that they have decided to "exchange" their most personal or intimate information. When cats sniff their anuses, they establish a kind of " chemical communication" that allows them to collect data about their age, gender, he alth status, mood, diet and even about their genetic inheritance.

All of the above is possible because cats have some anal or perianal glands that concentrate all their chemical information through the production of certain secretions that reveal the identity of each feline. For this reason, it is often said that a cat's "smell signature" is located at its anus. By smelling each other in this region, cats can chemically interact with each other, making themselves known and, at the same time, knowing the personality and routine of their interlocutor through their smells. In other words, the anal glands and smell play a key role in communication and in the social life of cats, so we should not reprimand or punish a kitten for smelling another cat's anus or showing its tail to people.. In this way, if you wonder why your cat puts its tail in your face, here is the answer and you should not react negatively.

Why do cats open their mouths when they smell their anus?

You may also have noticed that cats open their mouths when they smell something, even when they sniff each other's anus to get to know each other and communicate. To explain this behavior, we must tell you that cats have a sensory organ called " Jacobson's organ", which is located between their mouth and nose, more precisely in his vomer bone. Not all the functions of this organ are yet known exactly, but it is known that it is responsible for receiving the stimuli captured by smell, playing a key role in hunting, reproduction and social interaction of cats.

When cats open their mouths slightly when smelling and breathing, they allow odors to reach the Jacobson's organ more quickly and intensely through a pumping mechanism. In this way, they are able to more easily perceive and recognize smells, hormones and chemical substances in their environment, enhancing their sense of smell.

However, if your cat always breathes with his mouth open and often panting, you should be very careful. Allergies, respiratory problems and some infections, as well as obesity in cats, can lead to difficulty breathing. For this reason, we recommend going to the veterinarian when observing that your feline is breathing with difficulty or is panting excessively.
