Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something?

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Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something?
Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something?
Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something?
Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something?

Probably many times you have noticed that while your cat sniffs it opens its mouth slightly, making a kind of grimace. You might think he's surprised, but it's not really a shocked face.

People have a constant tendency to associate certain animal behaviors with those we humans carry out, which is perfectly normal, considering that it is the behavior we know best. However, most of the time it is not what we are thinking.

Each animal has a specific behavior that is different from the rest of the species. If you have a cat, it is important that you inform yourself about the usual feline behavior, in this way you will be able to detect any problem quickly and your relationship will be much closer. Next, on our site, we will explain why cats open their mouths when they smell something You will be surprised!

Why do cats open their mouths when breathing?

Cats are able to detect substances that are not volatile, such as pheromones These chemicals send messages through the different nervous stimuli to the brain, which in turn interprets them. This allows the feline to receive information from its social group, being able to detect heat in female cats, for example.

The vomer bone, located between the cat's nose and mouth, contains a sensory organ called the "vomeronasal", also known as Jacobson's organAlthough its functions are completely unknown, this organ is essential for hunting and reproduction, since it is partly responsible for receiving essential olfactory information for social relationships or relationships with the environment.

Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something? - Why do cats open their mouths when breathing?
Why do cats open their mouths when they smell something? - Why do cats open their mouths when breathing?

Why is the cat's mouth open?

That's because of Flehmen's response Cats lift their upper lip slightly to create a pumping mechanism that allows odors to escape. reach the vomeronasal organ For this reason cats open their mouths when they smell something, to facilitate the entry of pheromones and other chemical substances.

But the cat is not the only animal that has this incredible organ. If you've ever wondered why dogs lick other dogs' urine, now you know the answer: it's due to Jacobson's organ. There are several species that have this reflex, such as horses, cows, tigers, tapirs, wolves, goats or giraffes.

Why do cats open their mouths and pant?

The behavior we've talked about so far has nothing to do with panting. If your cat has started to pant like dogs do, for example after exercise, obesity is likely the cause.

Obesity in cats can cause various respiratory disorders It is common, for example, for overweight cats to purr more. If your cat coughs or sneezes, you should visit the vet immediately, to detect or rule out any pathology.

Some examples of respiratory-related illnesses are:

  • Viral infection
  • Bacterial infection
  • Allergy
  • Foreign object in nose

Whenever a change in the cat's usual behavior is detected, a trusted specialist should be contacted. Sometimes, small details can help us detect he alth problems in the primary stage, one of the keys to successful treatment and rapid recovery of the feline.
