Food for dogs with arthritis

Food for dogs with arthritis
Food for dogs with arthritis
Arthritis Dog Food
Arthritis Dog Food

We must be responsible both with the care of our animal and with the information we use to keep it in good he alth, so it is important to clarify that Feeding is not a miraculous solution for any problem, but the truth is that it directly influences the state of our dog's body, so we must always take it into account and adapt it according to the animal's needs.

Arthritis in dogs is a disease that causes inflammation in the joints of the dog, therefore, provide through food those nutrients that help keep the structures that form the joint he althywill improve the management of the disease, which is why making changes to our pet's diet is essential. You want to know more? Then be sure to read this article on our site where we talk about food for dogs with arthritis

Improving arthritis with a natural diet

When arthritis becomes evident in our dog's he alth, the damage to the joints causes pain and decreased functionality. To counteract these consequences, nutritional supplements are often recommended that strengthen and regenerate cartilage, such as chondroitin or glucosamine.

The components included in these products can be obtained in sufficient quantities by following a natural diet for dogs that also includes meaty raw bones(always of adequate size and consistency). The ends of the bones contain high proportions of cartilage , the structure that is responsible for keeping the joint cushioned against the small impacts generated by the dog's daily movement.

To keep cartilage he althy, collagen is necessary and its internal synthesis is boosted with protein foods, such asmeat or fish , for this reason it is important not to abuse cereals in the dog's diet and respect a majority proportion of proteins.

Adding oil to your dog's food is also a good recommendation, since oils such as Krill, coconut and flaxseed help manage arthritis pain, by containing essential fatty acids such as Omega-3, with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Some natural supplements for dogs such as fish oil or turmeric are highly indicated and recommended as nutraceuticals for arthritis.

Food for dogs with arthritis - Improve arthritis with a natural diet
Food for dogs with arthritis - Improve arthritis with a natural diet

Nutritional supplements and specific feed for dogs with arthritis?

There are specific feeds and nutritional supplements designed for dogs with arthritis, some examples are those veterinary food products that containNew Zealand mussel.

The positive effects of this food on canine arthritis are supported by some scientific studies (Whitehouse, 1997- Bierer, 2002- Bui, 2000), which state that this food reduces the inflammatory process and consequently arthritis symptoms.

But in this case, how to provide this food? The same manufacturers of these products indicate that it is only valid through the preparation of an already prepared feed, although it can be incorporated in other ways into your dog's diet when it is homemade.

What should also be taken into account is that a nutritional supplement is not a substitute for a good diet and that it is difficult for a dog to be perfectly nourished if it only consumes feed, therefore if we use it, it should be supplemented with natural foods on a regular basis, apart from its diet.

Protect your dog from being overweight

Overweight in dogs is a load that falls directly on our dog's joints, so it is essential to avoid this situation. The caloric intake should be in line with your pet's weight, although the proportions mentioned above should be maintained to improve canine arthritis and the dog's general he alth.

It will also be essential that your dog performs moderate physical exercise, always respecting itspossibilities of movement, since if a total sedentary lifestyle is reached the weight increases, the arthritis worsens and the dog's vitality drastically decreases.
