How often should a poodle be bathed and groomed?

How often should a poodle be bathed and groomed?
How often should a poodle be bathed and groomed?
How often should a poodle be bathed and groomed
How often should a poodle be bathed and groomed

If you have a poodle or poodle as your best friend, it is very important that you properly inform yourself about the care that this breed of dog requires. In this article you will find complete information on the bathroom of the puppy and the adult poodle.

We will also explain how often you should cut your poodle's hair and what you should consider before doing it.

Keep reading and find out in this article on our site How often a poodle should be bathed and trimmed. Don't forget to comment and share your photos!

When to bathe the puppy poodle for the first time?

Poodle puppies are very delicate, and just like babies, they should be handled very carefully at bath time. If the puppy is living with the mother it will be important to wait for weaningto prevent the mother from recognizing her own child. She will clean and take care of him herself when she thinks her puppy is dirty

On the other hand, it is important not to bathe a puppy if he has just started his vaccination schedule as bathing could lessen the effect. The recommended age to bathe your puppy for the first time is at 3 months, once the vaccinations have been administered.

The frequency with which we should bathe our puppy should be approximately monthly since dogs have a natural protective lipid layer on their skin. If we bathe them excessively we will be eliminating this layer that protects them, so it is not advisable to abuse the bath.

Tips to clean him without bathing him

If the puppy is very dirty and smells bad, you don't have to leave him like that. There are some very effective tricks that will help you keep your rambunctious puppy clean:

  • Wet wipes: Use baby wipes to clean specific areas of the fur that are dirty, then brush his coat well. It is the cheapest and simplest option.
  • Wet sponge: Simply wet the sponge and wring it out well. Apply it on the dirty areas. Then you should dry your dog to prevent him from getting cold, to do this, wrap him in a towel and use the dryer if necessary.
  • Dry foam: In stores dedicated to pets you will find professional products for dry bathing a dog. It will suffice to apply the foam and then brush thoroughly to remove the remains of the product.

Bathing a puppy poodle step by step

The poodle's first bath will undoubtedly be the most important since it depends on it that in the future it can generate fear of water. It is a fundamental part of their socialization process.

To start, we recommend preparing a basin with warm water in your bathtub, around 37ºCOf course, do not fill it in excess, the height of the water should not cover it too much. Choose a place free of drafts and safe, it should not be excessively cold, remember that the poodle puppy can easily get upset.

We will wet our dog with the help of a sponge or with our hands and when it is completely wet we will apply the chosen shampoo. We recommend that you look for special shampoo for puppies, with an acid pH, and gently massage your puppy's skin. Do not forget to reach all areas: legs, belly, English. but never wash his head. You should try to make this experience as positive as possible so that the puppy associates it as something he likes and enjoys bath time. When you finish, rinse well.

At the end of the bath, we must take many precautions to avoid a possible cold because puppies do not regulate temperature as well as adult dogs. Wrap your poodle in a towel and when it is moderately dry, apply a hairdryer on low power

How often should a poodle be bathed and haircut - When to bathe the puppy poodle for the first time?
How often should a poodle be bathed and haircut - When to bathe the puppy poodle for the first time?

Poodle Bath Products

Although the poodle can use general products, it is advisable to look for specific shampoos, softeners and sprays for the breed. It can also be useful to use shampoo for white-haired dogs if our poodle is white, helping to prevent stains and dirt from leaving a mark on his coat.

How often should a poodle be bathed and haircut - Poodle bath products
How often should a poodle be bathed and haircut - Poodle bath products

How often to bathe the poodle?

In the dog's dermis we find the sebaceous glands that help keep the skin stable and give stability to the hair. It is very important to understand that excessive washing or the use of products that are not recommended will result in a dermatological alteration that can cause allergies, for example. We should bathe our poodle every 21 or 35 days approximately, enough time for the skin to regenerate and recover its natural fats. After this time we can bathe him without any problem.

Bathing an adult poodle step by step

Remember, use specific products, like the ones we mentioned above so that your dog's pH is not altered:

  1. Fill your bathtub with warm water without the water level being too high.
  2. Help your dog get into the tub, watch out for slips!
  3. Wet him with the help of your bathroom hose so that his whole body is wet.
  4. We recommend starting with the legs: rub thoroughly to remove dirt.
  5. Follow with the torso, genitals and neck. Do not wet or lather your head.
  6. When it is completely lathered you can start rinsing the whole body.
  7. Spend time rinsing so that there are no traces of soap on his coat.
  8. When you're done, cover it with a towel and wait for it to absorb some of the water.
  9. Afterward, just use the hairdryer to leave it completely dry. Use a brush to give it a better look.

Don't forget that after bathing you should apply a antiparasitic pipette to prevent fleas and ticks from settling in their recently washed fur.

How often should a poodle be bathed and haircut - How often should a poodle be bathed?
How often should a poodle be bathed and haircut - How often should a poodle be bathed?

How often do you cut poodle hair?

The cutting frequency will depend on the hairstyle chosen. If you are still not sure how you want to do your hair, do not hesitate to visit our article about the 10 types of haircuts for poodles. However, and in general, the average cut-off frequency is around 40 - 50 days

Although you can cut your dog's hair at home, it is highly recommended to go to a dog groomer until you acquire the necessary experience to do so. The different types of cuts need expert hands who know how to shape them and what are the points that we should pay attention to. For example, it is highly recommended to trim ear hairs carefully to prevent them from getting into the ears, causing moisture and fungus.
