Can guinea pigs eat strawberries? - Benefits and how to offer them

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Can guinea pigs eat strawberries? - Benefits and how to offer them
Can guinea pigs eat strawberries? - Benefits and how to offer them
Can guinea pigs eat strawberries?
Can guinea pigs eat strawberries?

The flavor, color and aroma of strawberries make this fruit one of the stars of the spring season. For this reason, with the arrival of this season it is common for guinea pig keepers to wonder if their companions can consume this fruit. If this is your case and you are wondering if guinea pigs can eat strawberries or not, do not hesitate to join us in the next article on our site, in which we will explain everything what you should know about strawberries in the diet of guinea pigs.

Are strawberries good for guinea pigs?

Before explaining whether strawberries are good for guinea pigs, we must make an important note about their diet. Guinea pigs are herbivorous animals whose diet should consist of three fundamental components:

  • Hay (70%)
  • Fresh Food (20%)
  • I think (10%)

Within fresh food, the vast majority (75%) should be leafy vegetables, such as spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, lamb's lettuce, escarole, watercress, cabbage, collard greens, etc. The remaining 25% must be made up of other vegetables and fruits.

Specifically, strawberries are on the list of fruits suitable for guinea pigs, since they have numerous nutritional benefits and do not contain any compound that is toxic to the body of these rodents. However, like all other fruits, it is important to offer them in moderation, since otherwise they could cause negative he alth effects. If you want to know how to offer strawberries safely to your guinea pig, do not miss the following sections in which we will clarify the form and quantity in which you should provide this fruit.

Benefits of strawberries for guinea pigs

Including strawberries in the diet of guinea pigs can provide numerous he alth benefits, due to their flavor and good nutritional value:

  • They are fruits very rich in vitamin C: an essential micronutrient for guinea pigs. As in people, the guinea pig's body is not capable of synthesizing vitamin C on its own, so they must consume this vitamin through food. Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C, even more than oranges, so they can be a good alternative to provide this vitamin naturally, without the need to resort to vitamin supplements.
  • They are low-calorie fruits: although they have sugar, their content is lower than that of other fruits, which means that their caloric value is also be too high. This means that including strawberries in the diet of guinea pigs does not lead to a notable increase in the energy value of their ration, which helps to maintain stable body condition in these animals. This is especially important in the case of guinea pigs, since they are animals with a great tendency to obesity.
  • They are a good source of fiber: which is a fundamental nutrient in the diet of guinea pigs, helping to maintain the better conditions your gastrointestinal he alth.
  • They contain flavonoids called anthocyanins: they are compounds with great antioxidant power, which prevent cell aging by avoiding the effect of free radicals over cells.

How to give strawberries to my guinea pig?

Strawberries should only be offered fresh, natural Strawberries dehydrated or in preparations such as compotes or jams should never be offered due to their high sugar content. It is also not recommended to offer them too cold (frozen or directly taken from the refrigerator), but they should be served at room temperature.

When preparing strawberries for your guinea pig, you must take into account the following considerations:

  • First of all, you should wash the strawberries with plenty of water to remove any traces of contaminants or pesticides that may be present on their surface.
  • After that, you should dry them well, because if they get wet and your guinea pig doesn't eat them right away, they may ferment and dangerous bacteria grow.
  • Although people are used to eating strawberries by removing the sepals or green leaves that crown the fruit, you should know that thisis the most recommended part for guinea pigs Therefore, once washed, we recommend that you cut the leaves along with a small amount of fruit (approximately half a centimeter) and offer them in this way to your guinea pig. This way you can enjoy all the flavor and nutritional value of this fruit, without involving a large amount of undesirable sugars.

Dose of strawberries for guinea pigs

As we have seen, strawberries are suitable fruits for guinea pigs. However, this does not mean that they can be consumed daily or in large quantities.

Guinea pigs should consume a daily portion of fresh food that includes about 5 different vegetables (mainly leafy vegetables). Once a week, this fresh food ration can include a small serving of fruit, such as strawberries. In terms of quantity, it will be more than enough to offer a couple of strawberries per guinea pig, but remember that you should only provide the green leaves with a small amount of fruit.

As a recommendation, we suggest you take advantage of the hottest days to offer this fruit, as it will be a juicy and refreshing snack that your guinea pig will especially enjoy.

Side effects and contraindications of strawberries in guinea pigs

Although strawberries are suitable fruits for guinea pigs, when they are not supplied properly they can produce some harmful effects on their he alth:

  • Its sugar content can cause the proliferation of harmful bacteria in your intestinal tract.
  • When given in excessive amounts, they can favor the onset of obesity.
  • Its sweet flavor and juicy texture makes most guinea pigs show great interest in this fruit. Therefore, if given too frequently, guinea pigs are likely to start to reject dry food (hay and dry food), which should make up the bulk of their diet. their feeding. This can cause significant nutritional imbalances, dental and digestive problems.

In addition, there are certain situations in which its administration can be counterproductive:

  • Guinea pigs with allergies or food intolerances.
  • Some guinea pigs may not tolerate this fruit well Whenever any fruit or vegetable is introduced into the diet of guinea pigs, it should be offered during 2-3 days in a row in small quantities and, in case of observing any negative effect on your he alth, it should be removed from the diet and not offered again.

Now that you know that guinea pigs can eat fruit, we recommend you continue learning about their diet with this other article: "Guinea pig hay - Types and how to choose the best".
