The ideal age to adopt a puppy

The ideal age to adopt a puppy
The ideal age to adopt a puppy
The ideal age to adopt a puppy
The ideal age to adopt a puppy

The adoption of a puppy dog is a very special process that should be well thought through. It is important to be sure that all household members want to have a puppy, to avoid possible abandonment, because at this stage dogs require special care, attention and much patience. In addition, we must ensure that the age of separation of the puppy from the mother is correct, because if this is not the case, we may be causing the appearance of future behavioral problems, such as fear or aggressiveness

In this article on our site we will explain what is the ideal age to adopt a puppy, taking into account various factors and also offering you extra advice so that the adoption is carried out properly and that the dog adapts smoothly to the new home. Do not miss it!

What is the best age to adopt a puppy?

The recommended age to adopt a puppy is closely related to the socialization period, a stage that begins at three weeks of age and ends around three months. This is a phase also known as " sensitive period" because it is at this time that the puppy begins to learn canine language, begins to recognize other species as "friends", discover their environment and experience the limits of the game, among many other behaviors.

Therefore, the optimal age to adopt a puppy is around two months, at which point it has already started to socialize with his mother and siblings, but where he still has the window of socialization open to adjust to recognizing new individuals, sounds, and surroundings.

The ideal age to adopt a puppy - What is the best age to adopt a puppy?
The ideal age to adopt a puppy - What is the best age to adopt a puppy?

Behavioral problems associated with the age of adoption

Adopting a puppy at the wrong time can lead to the appearance of various behavioral problems, although they do not always have to manifest themselves. They generally occur when an early separation is carried out, but also in an excessively late separation. In addition, behavioral problems are not only related to the socialization period, but are also influenced by genetics and learning

Here are the most common:

  • Excessively early adoption: adopting a puppy less than a month and a half is not recommended at all, because in addition to seriously harming the socialization period, we will be intervening in breastfeeding, essential for the proper development of the child. Early adoption can cause them not to know how to recognize members of their own species, that they are not able to socialize with them and that, all of this, leads to behaviors related to fear, which, if poorly managed, can lead to aggressiveness. Likewise, the mother's lack of learning usually causes a strong bite and little inhibition of certain behaviors.
  • Excessively late adoption: on the other hand, adopting a puppy older than three months can cause the dog to not adapt adequately to the environment, that is not able to socialize with people, environments and animals if it has not done so previously and also favors the appearance of new fears.

In any case, if we observe the appearance of behavior problems in a puppy we should go to a professional, ethologist, dog educator or trainer, because the sooner we start working, the more favorable the prognosis and the possibility of solving it.

Puppy dog care and education

To ensure a proper adaptation of the puppy to the new home we must be aware of everything he will need, in order to prepare for his arrival in time. The basic accessories should not be missing: a bed, a drinker, a feeder and various toys, as well as underpads if the vaccination and deworming schedule has not yet started. Don't forget you'll also need specific premium puppy food

Likewise, as responsible owners, we must inform ourselves about the education of the puppy, always based on the use of positive reinforcement, because punishments, in addition to being less effective, can cause the appearance of fears in the dog and the lack of bond with its new guardians.
