11 sounds of cats and their meaning

11 sounds of cats and their meaning
11 sounds of cats and their meaning
11 cat sounds and their meaning
11 cat sounds and their meaning

Many guardians state that their cats "just need to talk", pointing out how expressive their beautiful kitties are. And they're right about something… Although cats don't really need to talk, since they have various forms of communication, the vocalization capacity that domestic cats have is impressive they developed. Although they mostly use their body language to express themselves, they emit various sounds that, depending on the context, can have different meanings

You can be absolutely certain that your kitty is "talking" to you all the time, whether through sounds, body postures or facial expressions. And if you want to learn to understand it better, we invite you to continue reading this new article on our site to discover 11 cat sounds and their meaning

How many sounds can a cat make?

It is a difficult question to answer even for the most expert in feline ethology. Currently, it is estimated that cats can emit more than 100 different vocalizations However, 11 sounds appear as the most used by felines in their daily communication. Therefore, we chose to focus our article on the possible meanings of these top 11 cat sounds.

Before we begin, it is important to note that each feline is a unique individual, which is why each home can have its own "cat sounds dictionary". That is: each cat can use different sounds to get what they want or to communicate their emotions, thoughts and moodsto the other members of your environment.

11 sounds of cats and their meaning - How many sounds can a cat make?
11 sounds of cats and their meaning - How many sounds can a cat make?

1. Meow: Everyday Miaow

The meow is the cat's most common sound and also the one it uses most directly to attract the attention of its guardians. There is no single meaning for the "Miaow" of our kittens, since its possibilities of meanings are very wide. However, we can interpret what our feline wants to express by paying attention to the tone, frequency and intensity of its meow, in addition to observing its body posture. In general, the more intense a cat's meow is, the more urgent or important the message it wants to convey to us.

For example: if your kitty maintains the same meowing pattern for a long and is located near his feeder, it is very It is likely that he is asking you for food to satisfy his hunger. If he meows near a door or window, he may be asking you to go outside the house. On the other hand, a stressed or aggressive cat may emit intense meows, interspersed with growls, and adopt a defensive posture. In addition, cats in heat also emit a very specific meow.

two. The feline purr and its meanings

The purr is characterized as a low-volume, rhythmic sound, which can have different frequencies. Although the purring of domestic cats is the most famous, wild cats also vocalize this characteristic sound. Felines purr for different reasons according to their age and the reality they experience.

A "mother cat" uses purring to calm her kittensduring labor and to guide her kittens through their first days of life, when his eyes had not yet opened. Baby cats vocalize this sound both when they feel pleasure sucking their mother's milk, and when they are afraid of unknown stimuli.

In adult cats, purring appears mainly in positive situations, where the feline feels comfortable, relaxed or happy, such as when eating or being caressed. However, purring is not always a synonym of pleasure. Cats may purr when they are sick and feel vulnerable, or as a sign of fear in threatening situations, such as a possible confrontation with another feline or being scolded by their tutors.

11 sounds of cats and their meaning - 2. The feline purr and its meanings
11 sounds of cats and their meaning - 2. The feline purr and its meanings

3. Cat sounds: the squeak (or trill)

The trill or squeak is a sound similar to a " trill ", which the cat emits with its mouth closed. It is a very short rising vocalization, less than 1 second. In general, this sound is used more by cats and their puppies, to communicate with each other during nursing and weaning. However, adult felines can also "thresh" to say a friendly hello to their loved ones.

4. The cat's snort and its meaning

Are you wondering why your cat hisses? Felines use snorts as a form of self-defense They fully open their mouths and expel air sharply, to scare possible predators or other animals that invade their territory and may threaten your well being. Sometimes the air is expelled so quickly that the snorting sound is very similar to spittingIt is a very peculiar and typical vocalization of felines, which can begin to be emitted during their 3rd week of life to protect themselves.

5. Sexual calls between felines

When the mating and reproduction season arrives, almost all animals capable of vocalization emit "sexual calls". In cats, males and females loudly vocalize a long wail to communicate their presence and attract mates. But males can also make this sound to warn other males of their presence in a given territory.

11 sounds of cats and their meaning - 5. Sexual calls among felines
11 sounds of cats and their meaning - 5. Sexual calls among felines

6. Cat sounds and their meanings: the growl

Growling is a warning signal that cats emit when they are angry or stressed and don't want to be disturbed. The vocalizations can be short or long, but the meaning is the same. If your cat growls at you, it's best to respect his space and leave him alone. However, if he does it frequently, it is essential to consult your trusted veterinarian, as this may be a symptom of some diseasethat causes intense pain.

7. The shriek or cry of pain: a distressing sound

If you've ever heard a cat scream in pain, you know how distressing this sudden, high-pitched sound delivered at extremely high volumes is. Felines screech when they get hurt for any reason and when they finish mating.

8. The distress call in kittens

The distress call ("distress call", in English), is voiced almost exclusively by the kittens, during their first weeks of life. Its meaning, in very popular terms, is basically "mom, I need you". The sound is similar to a meow, but the kitten makes it very high pitched and loud to communicate some urgent need or imminent danger (hence the name "emergency call"). If they got stuck, if they are very hungry, if they are cold, etc.

11 sounds of cats and their meaning - 8. The call for help in kittens
11 sounds of cats and their meaning - 8. The call for help in kittens

9. Howls and howls: threatening sounds of cats

Howls and howls are high, long, high-pitched sounds that often appear as the "next step" after growling, when the cat already tried to warn about his bad condition, but the other animal or person did not stop bothering him. At this level, the intention is no longer to alert, but to threaten the other individual, summoning him for combat. Therefore, these sounds are more common among unspayed adult male cats.

10. The clucking of cats

"Cuckling" is the popular name for a type of high-pitched vibrating sound that cats make while shaking their jaws. It appears in situations in which there is a mixture of extreme excitement and a certain frustration, such as when watching a possible prey through the glass.

eleven. Murmur: the most charming cat sound

The murmur sound is very special and resembles a mixture of purr, growl and meow In addition to being pleasant to the ears, the murmur also has a nice meaning, since it is emitted to show gratitude and satisfaction for having received some food that pleases them very much or a caress that generates great pleasure.
