Why do cats love a person more?

Why do cats love a person more?
Why do cats love a person more?
Why do cats love a person more?
Why do cats love a person more?

As happens with people, cats have preferences when it comes to maintaining social relationships, so it is not surprising that they have one person or several as "favourites". However, is that really true? Do cats prefer one person over others? Or is it just a myth?

On our site we have decided to review some of the most popular scientific studies of feline ethology to discover why cats love a person more, don't miss it, many details could surprise you.

Why do cats prefer a person? What factors influence?

The puppy cats, especially those that are in full stage of socialization, do not yet perceive fear, which allows them to socialize positively with all kinds of animals and people. If we add to this the loss of the mother figure and siblings, it is likely that the feline will look for a support figure in the new home, which will continue and use as a reference.

The interactions that the puppy has during the socialization process also explain this selective behavior: cats that have been handled by several people strangers are less fearful, but tend to be stressed, show poor social behavior and lack of play behavior. Meanwhile, kittens who have only interacted with one or a few familiar people in their puppyhood tend to be more skittish but have more positive social behavior with those they know and frequent play behaviors.[1]

It is important to note that the cat's quality of life and behavior are directly influenced by the owner characteristics[2], such as sex, age or care offered, so it is not surprising that those who spend more time with a cat are candidates to be their figure of reference and support.

Finally, highlight that the cat's own character is influenced by genetics, fears and learning, sometimes unconscious, so not all cats create a bond special with a single person.

Why do cats love a person more? - Why do cats prefer a person? What factors influence?
Why do cats love a person more? - Why do cats prefer a person? What factors influence?

How do I know if I'm my cat's favorite person?

There are many signs that a cat loves you: kneading, purring, licking or sleeping with you are some of them, but there are many more. Even naughty bites can be a way of expressing affection, even if we don't like it.

To find out if you are your cat's favorite person, you must Analyze your relationship with him and the relationship he has with other people, only from In this way you will know if the displays of affection and calls for attention are exclusive to you or if they are made to anyone in the household equally. But remember, even if you're not his favorite person (or he doesn't have any) that doesn't mean your cat doesn't love you.

When a cat chooses you…

Obviously, a cat's various signs of affection tell us that he loves us, however, when he chooses us, he begins to foster a much closer bondwith us. It is not surprising that he dares to smell our mouths, to sleep on our heads, to climb on top of us (even if it hurts), to touch our faces with his paws or to sleep on top of us. They are much more personal and close behaviors that undoubtedly indicate that we are his favorite person
