PROCOX for dogs - Dosage and what it is used for

PROCOX for dogs - Dosage and what it is used for
PROCOX for dogs - Dosage and what it is used for
Procox for dogs - Dosage and what it is used for
Procox for dogs - Dosage and what it is used for

Procox for dogs is a drug with antiparasitic effect that can be administered from two weeks of age. It acts against well-known internal parasites, such as nematodes and coccidia. It is especially noteworthy that it manages to destroy the resistant forms of coccidia, which reduces their load on the environment and, therefore, reduces the risk of new infestations.

In this article on our site we are going to explain what we should take into account when using this product, what is the recommended dose of procox for dogsand how to manage it.

What is procox for dogs?

Procox is a drug whose active ingredients are the emodepside and the toltrazuril Emodepside is a semi-synthetic compound included in the depsipeptide group. For its part, toltrazuril is a triazinonic derivative.

Procox is formulated specifically for dogs and has an antiparasitic action against nematodes and coccidia, both relatively common internal parasites in dogs. Emodepside acts at the neuromuscular level and causes paralysis and death of nematodes. Toltrazuril kills all phases of the coccidia life cycle. Procox for dogs is presented as a yellowish white oral suspension which must be shaken before use and administered by syringe, directly into the dog's mouth. There are presentations of 7, 5 or 20 ml.

Procox for dogs - Dosage and what is it for - What is procox for dogs?
Procox for dogs - Dosage and what is it for - What is procox for dogs?

What is procox for dogs used for?

Procox is designed for the treatment of mixed parasitic infections, that is, in which the concurrence of more than one parasite, in this case, nematodes and coccidia Specifically, it is active against species of nematodes such as Toxocara canis, in various phases of its life cycle, adult Uncinaria stenocephala and Ancylostoma caninum also adults. As regards coccidia, it combats the Isospora ohioensis and Isospora canis complex. It acts both against the replication of isospores and against the diffusion of their oocysts, which are the forms that persist for long periods of time in the environment and are also resistant to certain disinfectants. In this way, infestations are reduced. It is a very important action and, due to this effect, procox is especially recommended for dogs that live in groups.

Of course, if our dog already has symptoms caused by these parasites, this product will not cure them and the vet will have to resolve them by resorting to other drugs. In other words, the damage that parasites can cause to the intestinal mucosa, such as enteritis, which usually manifests itself in the form of diarrhoea, will not disappear only if we give procox. The vet will need to consider other supportive treatment.

Prevention is also necessary, regularly treating the animals, cleaning the faeces as soon as possible and disinfecting the environment. Lastly, it is very important to use it only for coccidia and nematode infestations. Improper use can create resistance and end up affecting the effectiveness of the product.

Dose of procox for dogs

Only the veterinarian can indicate the administration schedule, since it will depend on the circumstances of each case. In general, a single dose is necessary, so the treatment should only be repeated if the veterinarian determines that the joint infestation of nematodes with coccidia continues.

Regarding the dosage, it is established according to the weight of the dog. For this reason, it is very important to weigh it just before to be able to make sure that the dose of procox is correct to be effective. The minimum dose recommended by the manufacturer is 0.5 ml per kg of dog weight But, as always, it will be the veterinarian who has the last word regarding dose and posology. It is very important to treat all the dogs that live together at the same time, even if not all have shown symptoms of parasitic infestation. To do this, we recommend you consult the article on Coccidiosis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment.

Contraindications of procox for dogs

Procox cannot be administered to puppies that are less than two weeks old or weigh less than 400 grams. Of course, it cannot be given to dogs that have shown an allergic reaction to any of the active ingredients or the excipients that make it up. It should be noted that one of these principles, emodepside, may be problematic when administered to collies or similar breed dogs. It seems that in these animals the safety margin is lower. Procox is not recommended for puppies of these breeds, as there are insufficient studies to determine tolerance.

On the other hand, in those dogs that are particularly weakened or with severe kidney or liver damage, the veterinarian will have to assess the advantages and the risks of administering procox. Also due to the lack of studies that support it, procox is not recommended for bitches that are pregnant or lactating, at least during the first two weeks. In addition, emodepside can interact with other drugs. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it together with ivermectin for dogs, erythromycin, prednisolone or cyclosporine, since the result is unknown.

Procox side effects in dogs

Regarding the side effects of procox in dogs, in general, it is a safe product. In some cases, after ingestion we could notice some mild digestive disturbances, such as vomiting or loose stools, which usually resolve soon.

It is difficult for poisoning to occur, since procox safety levels are high. If this were to occur, we would appreciate in the dog symptoms related to the digestive system such as those produced as a secondary effect, that is, vomiting and decomposition. Of course, before any symptoms it is essential to consult the veterinarian.
