Can BETADINE be used in DOGS? - Expert Recommendations

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Can BETADINE be used in DOGS? - Expert Recommendations
Can BETADINE be used in DOGS? - Expert Recommendations
Can betadine be used in dogs?
Can betadine be used in dogs?

Betadine is a very common pharmaceutical product in any home medicine cabinet. It is purchased without a prescription and is widely used by children and adults. But, as caregivers, we may wonder if betadine can be used in dogs. Therefore, in this article on our site we will answer this question.

Next, we will see how we can use it for proper disinfection of the most superficial wounds that we can treat at home or if betadine poisoning is possible. Read on to discover the uses of betadine in dogs

What is betadine?

Betadine is the commercial name of povidone-iodine This compound has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect , which helps to sanitize and prevent the appearance of infections. It is active against bacteria, fungi, some viruses, protozoa and spores. Therefore, it is a broad spectrum product. Its use is exclusively topical, which means that it acts only on the skin and cannot be ingested.

Betadine comes in several formats. The most common is the liquid container for direct use. This betadine can be used in dogs with ease. There is also betadine in gel, in soapy solution, in monodose or special for oral and vaginal use, although they are little used in veterinary presentations.

Uses of betadine in dogs

Betadine is recommended for application on light wounds or grazes and superficial cuts or burns. Therefore, they are minor injuries that we will be able to treat at home. Do not apply betadine on extensive or deep wounds since, in this case, they should be seen by a veterinarian, who may recommend other more appropriate drugs. At the clinic, the vet may also use betadine to clean the area to be operated on.

So betadine can be used on dog wounds as long as they are minor. For these wounds, we can also use home treatments such as those described in this article: "Home remedies to heal wounds in dogs".

Can betadine be used in dogs? - Uses of Betadine in Dogs
Can betadine be used in dogs? - Uses of Betadine in Dogs

How to cure a dog with betadine?

Since betadine can be used in dogs, it is one of the disinfectants that we can resort to when treating small injuries in these animals. To apply betadine to dog wounds, the injury must first be washed and dried. To do this, it is recommended, first of all, to trim the hair around of the entire perimeter, as well as any that, due to its length, falls and rubs against the wound. With this we achieve a better delimitation and observation of the lesion, we minimize the possibility of contamination, we maintain ventilation and favor healing.

The key to a good healing is clean the wound thoroughly To achieve this, it is best to irrigate it with plenty of water or, better, serum physiological. In this way, we drag any remaining pebbles, sand or earth that may have remained attached. Then, we dry with a clean gauze. It is a good idea that we carry out this procedure with disposable gloves or, at least, with very clean hands. After this, we can now apply the betadine directly or by soaking a gauze and dabbing with it. It is best to use betadine, which is usually found at a concentration of 10%, diluted to 0.2%. This corresponds to adding 2.2 ml of betadine in 2 liters of water.

The application can be done a maximum of twice a day. It is not recommended to bandage a minor wound. Its evolution must be controlled and, if it worsens, there is a bad smell, pus, inflammation, redness, etc., we have to go to the vet. It is also necessary to prevent the dog from licking or chewing it as much as possible, as it could infect it or delay its healing.

This betadine cannot be used on wounds inside the mouth, on mucous membranes, the ear or, of course, on the eyes. It must also be taken into account that betadine, unlike chlorhexidine, stains the wound, which can make visualization difficult. For more details about this other product, do not miss this article: "Is crystalmine good for dogs?".

Betadine soap can also be used for baths. For example, this type of betadine can be used when the dog suffers from pyoderma, that is, a bacterial skin infection. In these cases, washing with betadine would be part of the treatment that the veterinarian must establish.

Can betadine be used in dogs? - How to cure a dog with betadine?
Can betadine be used in dogs? - How to cure a dog with betadine?

Betadine poisoning in dogs

Betadine is normally used in such small amounts that it is not a problem. But, although betadine can be used in dogs, you have to be careful with the concentration. A too high can cause skin irritations Also, due to its small amount, the dog can lick the wound without consequences, although it is better, of course, that do not have access to it. If, for any reason, the unlikely event occurs that the dog ingests large amounts of betadine and we observe signs of intoxication such as tremors or vomiting, we must immediately contact the veterinarian and indicate our suspicion.
