Brazil is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in its native fauna and flora. It is estimated that 10 to 15% of the existing species in the world inhabit Brazilian ecosystems. However, the South American country has more than 1,150 animals in danger of extinction, which means that more than 9, 5% of its fauna is in a state of risk or vulnerabilitycurrently.
In this article on our site, we will present you 15 animals in danger of extinction in Brazil that draw attention for being very emblematic species of the Brazilian fauna and whose populations have suffered a radical process of decline in recent decades, mainly due to hunting and the deforestation of their natural habitat. We explain everything below.
Top 15 animals threatened with extinction in Brazil
According to the Taxonomic Catalog of Species of Brazil, carried out at the initiative of the Ministry of the Environment, about 116,900 species have already been registeredof vertebrate and invertebrate animals that make up the Brazilian fauna. But as we mentioned in the introduction, almost 10% of the species that inhabit Brazil are in danger of extinction
Animals at risk of extinction in Brazil are classified into the following three categories, depending on their conservation status: vulnerable, endangered or critical. Logically, species in critical condition are those that are most in danger of disappearing and require immediate attention from the authorities, private initiatives and non-profit organizations with protectionist actions.
According to the evaluations carried out between 2010 and 2014 by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), in conjunction with the Ministry of the Environment, the The Atlantic Forest is the most affected biome in recent decades, with more than 1,050 threatened species. These studies also reveal that, among the vertebrate animals at risk of extinction in Brazil, there are about 110 mammals, about 230 birds, 80 reptiles, 40 amphibians and more than 400 threatened fish (marine and continental).
Considering these high and unfortunate figures, it is evident that we will go far from mentioning all the threatened species in Brazilian ecosystems. However, we made a great effort to select the 15 animals in danger of extinction in Brazil that stand out for being very typical or endemic to this country After this brief explanation, We can now move on to our list.
1. Pink dolphin
The pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), called boto cor de rosa in Brazil, is the largest freshwater dolphin in the world, characterized by the pink coloration of its skin. In Brazilian folk culture, there is a well-known legend that says that these cetaceans used to take advantage of great beauty to seduce young, single women from the Amazon region.
Unfortunately, the pink boto is among the most endangered animals in Brazil, as its population has declined more than 50% in the last 30 years, mainly due to fishing and the construction of hydroelectric plants in the voluminous masses of water of the Amazonian rivers.

two. Maned Wolf
The Guara wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest canid that has originated in South America, living mainly in the Pampas region and in the great swamps of Brazil (the famous Brazilian Pantanal). It is characterized by its tall and slim body, with well stylized lines, reddish fur with dark legs (almost always black). Deforestation of its habitat and hunting are the main threats to the survival of this species.

3. Ariranha
The ariranha (Pteronura brasiliensis), popularly known as riolobo, is an aquatic mammal of fresh waters that are recognized as giant otters and is among the 15 animals in danger of extinction in Brazil. Its natural habitat extends from the Amazon region to the Brazilian Pantanal, but its population has fallen sharply thanks to water pollution (mainly with heavy metals, such as mercury), illegal fishing and hunting.

4. Cuxiú black
The Cuxiú Negro (Chiropotes satanas) is a species of small-sized monkey native to the Amazon, which lives mainly in the jungle Brazilian Amazon. Their appearance is very striking not only because of their completely black and shiny fur, but also because of the dense and long hair that forms a kind of beard and top on their head, making them difficult to go unnoticed.
Currently, it is considered to be in a critical state of danger of extinction, since its survival is threatened by food shortages caused by the deforestation, hunting and illegal trafficking of exotic species.

5. Jacutinga
The jacutinga (Aburria jacutinga) is a species of bird endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forestwhich is also among the 15 animals in danger of extinction in Brazil. Its plumage is mostly black with some white or cream colored feathers on the sides, on its chest and on its head.
Its beak may show a greenish hue and its characteristic small dewlap exhibits a combination of blue and intense red On days of Today, it is one of the birds with the highest risk of extinction in Brazilian ecosystems, already extinct in several regions of the Northeast and Southeast of the country.

6. Sand Lizard
The sand lizards (Liolaemus lutzae) is a type of lizard endemic to the state of Rio deJaneiroIts popular name comes from its natural habitat, which is found in the strips of sand that extend along the entire coastline of Rio de Janeiro, approximately 200 km long.
With the unstoppable urbanization and the progressive contamination of the beaches, the survival of these lizards has become something unfeasible. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of its population has disappeared and sand lizards are among the endangered animals in Brazil classified as critically ill.

7. Northern Muriqui
In Brazil, the word " muriqui" is used to name various species of monkeyssmall and medium-sized that inhabit the ecosystems covered by the Atlantic Forest and are generally endemic to Brazil.
The muriqui del Norte (Brachyteles hypoxanthus), also known as the northern woolly spider monkey, stands out as thelargest primate that inhabits the American continent and also for being among the 15 animals in danger of extinction in Brazil, where it finds its main habitat. Its conservation status has become considered critical in recent decades due to indiscriminate hunting, the absence of effective legislation to protect this species, and the intense deforestation that its natural habitat continues to suffer.

8. Yellow Woodpecker
The yellow woodpecker (Celeus flavus subflavus), called pica-pau amarelo in Brazil, is a very important bird forpopular culture , since it has inspired the famous work of children's and youth literature called " Sitio do pica-pau amarelo ", written by Monteiro Lobato and adapted for television and the cinema with great success.
This is an endemic bird from Brazil, which is logically similar to other types of woodpeckers, but stands out for its predominantly yellow plumageIt is among the 15 animals in danger of extinction in Brazil, since it is estimated that there are only about 250 individuals left today and its habitat is constantly being threatened by deforestation and fires.

9. Leaf Toad
The leaf toad (Proceratophrys sanctaritae) is a species endemic to Brazildiscovered in 2010, in the Sierra de Timbó, located in the state of Bahia in the Northeast region. Its appearance is very striking, since its body has a format very similar to that of a leaf and its colors are mostly brown or slightly greenish, facilitating its camouflage in its surroundings.
Unfortunately, along with its discovery, its critical state of conservation has also been verified, since very few individuals manage to resist the food shortage caused by deforestationthat its habitat has been suffering to give rise to new crops of cocoa and bananas, as well as for the expansion of livestock activity.

10. Leather Turtle
The Leather Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), also known as the leatherback turtle, the largest species of sea turtle in the world, that inhabits the tropical and temperate oceans of the American continent. In Brazil, these reptiles come every year to the coastline of the state of Espírito Santo to spawn and continue to be victims of illegal hunting, despite the efforts of protectionist organizations and initiatives.
In some countries, the consumption of their meat, eggs and oil is not only still allowed, but they are also products with a high market value. This encourages indiscriminate capture and hunting and makes it difficult to protect this species. Unfortunately, the leatherback turtle is in a critical state of conservation, currently being one of the animals with the highest risk of extinction in Brazil.

eleven. The armadillo
The tatu ball (Tolypeutes tricinctus) is a species of armadillo endemic to the Brazilian Northeast that has gained international recognition after being chosen as the Official mascot of the 2014 Soccer World Cup. This species with such a peculiar and attractive appearance stands out for being one of the animals best adapted to the most arid region of the country, called Caatinga.
Despite its great resistance and adaptability, the armadillo population has been reduced by almost half in the last two decades, due to hunting and predation and pollution of its natural habitat.

12. Uacari
The uacari (Cacajao hosomi) is another of the primates native to the Amazon region that unfortunately are included among the 15 endangered animals of extinction in Brazil. It is characterized by a medium size, a small face with large bulging eyes and dark fur with reddish reflections.
For several centuries, this species has inhabited the indigenous lands of the Yanomami tribes, living in harmony with its members. However, the reduction of indigenous reserves, illegal hunting for species trafficking and deforestation have been threatening their survival in recent decades, and today the monkeys uacari are in a critical state of conservation.

13. Little Cerrado Bat
The small Cerrado bat (Lonchophylla dekeyseri), known in Brazil as morceguinho do Cerrado, is one of the smallest species of bat that inhabit the American continent, weighing around 10 or 12 grams.
This animal is endemic to the Brazilian Cerrado, where it mainly inhabits the caves and holes of the regions where the Atlantic Forest is present. In addition to deforestation and environmental degradation, the absence of a tourist infrastructure and organization that respects the native fauna and flora is also one of the greatest threats to their survival.

14. Golden lion tamarin
The golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia), called "mico leão dourado" in Brazil, is the most representative marmoset species of the Brazilian fauna that has almost disappeared thanks to the indiscriminate hunting of exotic species and the deforestation of its natural habitat.
Its situation has become so critical that the last living representatives of the species were limited to small natural reserves in the state of Rio de Janeiro. With the creation and growth of protectionist projects and initiatives, it is estimated that it will be possible to progressively recover part of its population in the country. But for now, the mico leão dourado remains among the most endangered animals in Brazil

fifteen. The Jaguar
The beautiful yaguareté (Panthera onca) is the largest feline that inhabits ecosystems Americans and is known as painted onça in Brazil. Originally, they were spread throughout practically all the Brazilian biomes, but hunting, the advance of agricultural activities and the deforestation of their habitat have caused a radical decrease in their population.
Their skin continues to have a high market value and it is still common for landowners to kill these felines to protect their livestock, as is the case with pumas. For all these reasons, the painted onça is at risk of extinction in Brazil and its conservation status is even more critical in neighboring countries, such as Argentina and Paraguay, where the species has been on the brink of extinction

And the blue macaw? Is it among the animals in danger of extinction in Brazil?
After the enormous success of the animated films "Rio", the controversies and various questions about the conservation status of the blue macaw, known as Arara Azul, have returnedin Brazil. But before knowing if these beautiful birds are among the animals in danger of extinction in Brazil, we must clarify something very important.
As we have already explained here on our site, macaw or blue arara is usually called four different species belonging to the genera Anodorhynchus (in which are 3 of these 4 species) and Cyanopsitta, which stand out for having a plumage entirely or mostly in shades of blue. This variety of species has generated some confusion when talking about the conservation status of the blue macaw.
But when we talk about the most popular blue macaw, we are referring to the Cyanopsitta spixii species that stars in the "Rio" movies. Currently, this species is extinct in the wild, since there are no longer individuals living freely in their natural habitat. The last surviving specimens (less than 100) are developed in a controlled manner in captivity and are protected by initiatives that seek to recover the population of blue macaws in the Brazilian fauna. However, it is not correct to say that the species has disappeared, data that we have been able to hear in the past year 2018.