The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - List WITH PHOTOS

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The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - List WITH PHOTOS
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - List WITH PHOTOS
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras

Honduras is a country that, despite its small size, has a wide diversity of animal species, for which rigorous controls and laws have been implemented in order topreserve animal life and nature.

However, there are many species threatened by different causes, such as deforestation and poaching. Do you want to know the 12 animals in danger of extinction in Honduras? Then you can't miss this article on our site! Ahead!

1. Honduran shrew

The Honduran shrew (Cryptotis hondurensis) is a species endemic to Honduras characterized by its large eyes, its elongated snout and its little size. It lives in places where humidity prevails and in areas with abundant vegetation, such as jungles and forests. The Honduran shrew feeds on insects such as larvae and worms, but also eats nuts and hunts small vertebrates.

The species is in danger of extinction mainly due to deforestation and the destruction of its habitat as a result of human action, with which which considerably reduces the number of specimens in the wild.

two. Green Iguana

The green iguana or Iguana iguana is one of the most common animals in South America. In Honduras inhabits coastal areas, where it prefers to live in trees over a meter and a half tall. It is one of the largest land animals, reaching up to two meters in length. It also stands out for its agility, which allows it to move easily through the branches. The iguana has a robust body with strong limbs, its tail is its most reliable defense system, since it throws it like a whip when it feels threatened.

Because they are very calm animals, many people remove them from their natural habitat to keep as pets, thus shortening their hope of survival. life. In Honduras it is only possible to have one at home processing permits under special conditions.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 2. Green Iguana
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 2. Green Iguana

3. Whale shark

The whale shark (Rhincodon typus), unlike other shark species, is a very intense gray color and its body is covered with spots and white and yellow lines. It measures up to 20 meters long, which makes it the largest aquatic mammal in the world Another of its characteristics is its flat head with tiny eyes, which is why which his vision is not very good, so he mainly depends on his sense of smell.

This species feeds on plankton, crab larvae and small fish such as sardines and tuna, making it an oviparous animal. A curious fact that also helps us understand how difficult it is for this species to reproduce is that it reaches sexual maturity after 30 years, with a life expectancy of about 60. In addition to this, it is another of the animals in greatest danger of extinction in Honduras due to hunting for commercial consumption and artisanal. Currently there are laws that regulate these activities for the preservation of the species.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 3. Whale shark
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 3. Whale shark

4. Scarlet Macaw

The scarlet macaw or macaw macaw (Ara macao) is a bird of about 96 centimeters in length that shows various colors, predominantly red, blue and yellow. It lives in humid places such as forests and tropical areas. It likes to feed on fruits and seeds such as sunflowers, although it also consumes flowers, some insects, plant stems and leaves. The macaw is a gregarious animal that gathers in groups of several dozen specimens and forms pairs for life

It is in danger of extinction in Honduras due to the destruction of its habitat and the theft of its young forillegal sale on the black market. In addition, climate change has also contributed to the decline of the species.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 4. Scarlet Macaw
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 4. Scarlet Macaw

5. Jaguar

The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the largest carnivore in Honduras and the American continent. It inhabits various ecosystems, such as humid forests, tropical jungles and thickets. Its name comes from indigenous languages and means "fierce".

Its diet is very varied, it hunts from young tapirs to rodents, lizards and monkeys, although it also consumes some fruits and fish. They are very solitary animals and reproduce at any time of the year, although the young leave their mothers after three months of birth.

It is another of the most endangered animals in Honduras due to the constant deforestation of its habitat, which makes it difficult for it to task of finding food and mate. In addition, poaching and illegal trafficking have accelerated its disappearance.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 5. Jaguar
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 5. Jaguar

6. American crocodile

The American crocodile, or Crocodylus acutus, is a large, prehistoric-looking reptile. It measures 4 meters long and weighs more than 380 kilograms. Its body is greenish in color with small black spots around its back.

The crocodile lives in areas with abundant fresh water, such as rivers, lakes and streams. It feeds on fish and turtles most of the time, although it also hunts birds, insects and other animals.

It is in danger of extinction due to poaching for consumption and for the use of its skin in the manufacture of clothing To wear. The pollution of the rivers and the destruction of the forests that surround their aquatic habitat also contribute to the decline of the specimens.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 6. American crocodile
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 6. American crocodile

7. Crested Eagle

The crested eagle (Morphnus quianensis) is a large bird, reaching up to 81 centimeters in height. Inhabits lowlands, especially in wooded and humid areas. It is characterized by a sharp crest, in addition to the fact that the neck, chest and head have grayish and yellowish tones, while the belly is brown and white, culminating in a black tail.

Feeds on snakes and smaller birds, as well as small mammals such as frogs and monkeys. It can live up to 60 years. This huge animal is in danger of extinction in Honduras due to the loss of its habitat due to intense deforestation.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 7. Crested Eagle
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 7. Crested Eagle

8. Toucan

The toucan, of the genus Ramphastidae, is a common bird in the tropical regions of Honduras, where there are 5 different species It is characterized by its colorful beak and a range of colors that adorns all its plumage, although black and white predominate. It has small saw-shaped teeth that it uses to defend itself against predators.

As for its diet, it is based on fruits and seeds, but the toucan also often steals eggs from other birds to feed itself, in addition to hunting small insects.

It is in danger of extinction due to the low birth rate of the species and poaching, since the bird is appreciated as a source of food and its parts are used in the manufacture of handicrafts.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 8. Toucan
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 8. Toucan

9. Emerald Hummingbird

The emerald hummingbird (Amazilia luciae) is a small hummingbird native to Honduran lands It is characterized by its emerald green color, together with green, blue and yellow, along with a long black bill; this set of contrasts gives it a beautiful look.

The Emerald Hummingbird feeds on the nectar of flowers, as well as small insects. Regarding its habitat, it prefers tropical regions and dry forests.

This species is another of the most endangered animals in Honduras due to the loss of its natural habitat due to deforestation, the agricultural activities and the urban growth, which have rapidly displaced the animal, causing you to look for new places to live, but that do not always adapt to your needs.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 9. Emerald Hummingbird
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 9. Emerald Hummingbird

10. Sea cow

The manatee (Trichechus manatus) is a huge aquatic mammal weighing about 500 kilograms and measuring up to 4 meters in length. Its diet consists solely of plants from the different vegetation that exists on the seabed, of which it consumes up to 60 kilograms per day. It is characterized by its impressive strength and large lung capacity, which allows it to dive for up to 20 minutes.

This huge animal is not threatened by predators in nature, although it is by humans, since the indiscriminate hunting and the destruction of its habitat have brought the species to the brink of extinction.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 10. Manatee
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 10. Manatee

eleven. Spider monkey

The spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) is a primate with a slender body and elongated tail, with medium-sized fur of various colors ranging from dark brown, blond and black. It is very dexterous and moves through the trees with ease due to its long limbs. It feeds on fruits, flowers, leaves and small insects. It prefers to live in rainy areas and mangroves, where it stays in groups of up to 20 members.

The spider monkey is in danger of extinction in Honduras due to poaching, the destruction of their habitat and the abduction of these specimens with the intention of adopting them as pets. For this reason we always recommend opting for responsible adoption and not removing he althy animals from their natural habitat for the simple whim of "wanting them as pets". In case of finding an injured or sick specimen, it is essential to go to the nearest fauna recovery center.

The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 11. Spider monkey
The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras - 11. Spider monkey

12. Pava pajuil

The pajuil pava, or Penelopina nigra, is a bird that has intense black plumage in males, while females drift towards chestnut tones; however, both genders have a red bill and throat.

They live in humid areas such as forests and thickets. It feeds on fruits, seeds and small insects. It is a very common bird in Honduras and Nicaragua, where it is also called black chachalaca and genderbreaker.

It is in danger of extinction due to hunting for the consumption of its meat and Destruction of their habitat.
