The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador

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The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador

Although extinction is a process that has taken place in all eras of planet Earth, since the appearance of man it has intensified, especially due to the modifications made in the natural habitat of species to expand cities and illegal animal trafficking.

All over the world, more and more species are in danger, are the necessary measures being taken to avoid their disappearance? If you want to know what are the 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador, you can't miss this article on our site.

Guayaquil Parrot

Scientific name Ara ambiguus guayaquilensis, the Guayaquil parrot is currently distributed only in some areas of Ecuador, such as the Central Coast, certain northern and Andean provinces, and in the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve.

It is characterized by being a colorful bird, whose plumage combines green, blue, yellow and red. Despite being the symbol of the city that gives it its name, it is critically endangered due to the destruction of its habitat, the illegal trade and the fact that they form pairs for life, so when one of the birds dies, the other dies shortly after.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Papagayo de Guayaquil
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Papagayo de Guayaquil

Galapagos Albatross

The Phoebastria irrorata or Galápagos albatross is a bird endemic to these islands, but while it is not breeding lives in Ecuador, Colombia and PeruIt can live up to 80 years and feeds mainly on marine animals, such as fish and crustaceans.

The danger that threatens the albatross is the illegal trade, the fishingof the areas it inhabits and tourism , since there is very little awareness of the risk that threatens it.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Albatross of the Galapagos
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Albatross of the Galapagos

Black-breasted Puff

Eriocnemis nigrivestis is a species endemic to Ecuador that lives at high altitudes, especially in forests and around the Pichincha volcano. It is a variety of hummingbird, so it feeds on the nectar of many flowers, except for the chicks, to whom their mother regurgitates insects.

It is the emblem of the city of Quito, but it is in danger of extinction due to changes in the ecosystems it inhabits. There are currently several programs aimed at its conservation.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Black-breasted Puff
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Black-breasted Puff

Central American Tapir

Scientific name Tapirus bairdii, the Central American tapir inhabits the continent from Mexico to Ecuador, especially in jungle areas. It feeds on plants and seeds, it is a silent and solitary mammalian animal, rarely seen in a herd. If you want to know more animals like this, consult the article "The 10 loneliest animals in the world".

Currently it is estimated that there are less than 5000 specimens in the entire American continent. The main threat to the tapir is hunting, as its meat is highly valued in gastronomy.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Central American Tapir
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Central American Tapir

Giant otter

The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is native to almost the entire American continent, so it can be found in the Amazon River basin, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Lives in family groups, builds burrows and feeds mainly on fish and crab.

Since the late 1990s it is considered critically endangered in Ecuador and other countries. Its main threats are hunting, as it is valued for its fur, as well as the deterioration of its habitat, especially with regard to logging and pollution.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Giant Otter
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Giant Otter

Black-headed spider monkey

Also called bracilargo, the Ateles fusciceps is endemic to Ecuador, but it is currently possible to find it in Colombia. Its tail is prehensile and its limbs very long, so it spends most of its life in the treetops, where it feeds on fruits, leaves, bark, honey and some insects.

The current number of individuals at large is unknown. It is Critically Endangered due to hunting and deforestation.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Black-headed spider monkey
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Black-headed spider monkey

Andean toucan

The Andigena laminirostris, or Andean toucan, is a species that inhabits the mountains and humid forests of Colombia and Ecuador Most of its body is black, with some brown, yellow, gray and green areas; it feeds on a wide variety of insects.

There are no records on the number of specimens released. Its greatest threat is the destruction of the jungles and forests where it lives.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Andean Toucan
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Andean Toucan

Andean Condor

The Vultur gryphus, or Andean condor, is the largest terrestrial bird on the planet and another of the animals in greatest danger of extinction in Ecuador and other states, since its distribution extends throughout the entire South American continent. It can live almost 80 years and lives in rocky areas at 5,000 meters above sea level.

There are several factors that threaten the condor, among them the caza, since it is considered a threat by ranchers, thedestruction of its habitat and the low level of reproduction of the species There are various programs in charge of its breeding in captivity.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Condor of the Andes
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Condor of the Andes

Spectacle Bear

The spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), also called frontino or Andean bear, lives only in some regions of the Cordillera de los Andes, both in Ecuador and in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. Its differential mark is the white or cream-colored spots that it presents around the eyes; the rest of the fur varies between black and dark brown.

Their current number is unknown, but does not exceed 300 specimens, since the population of this mammal has decreased since the years of the colonization of America. Their biggest threats are destruction of the ecosystem and hunting.

The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Spectacled Bear
The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador - Spectacled Bear

Sword-billed Hummingbird

The Ensifera ensifera is a species of hummingbird that is found in different countries of America, such as Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and Colombia. Its beak is the longest among these species, with which it feeds on the nectar of flowers.

There are no programs aimed at their conservation, so the number of specimens in the wild is unknown. The Sword-billed Hummingbird is in danger of extinction in Ecuador and other states, and is threatened by habitat destruction with actions such as logging and pollution.
