My dog bleeds a lot in heat - Most common causes

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My dog bleeds a lot in heat - Most common causes
My dog bleeds a lot in heat - Most common causes
My bitch bleeds a lot in heat
My bitch bleeds a lot in heat

Dog keepers, if they are not sterilized, will face periods of heat, which usually occur twice a year, and it is a situation that can generate doubts. One of them, and perhaps the most frequently expressed, has to do with bleeding. " My bitch bleeds a lot in heat", is usually the most frequently asked question, since there is no exact amount that can be established as normal. For this reason, in this article on our site we are going to clear up any doubts about this topic that is so worrying.

What is heat like in female dogs?

In order to determine if our bitch bleeds a lot in heat, we must first know how her reproductive cycle runs. This can be divided into four phases, which are as follows:

  • Proestro: in this period, which can last up to three weeks, is where bleeding occurs This can have different shades, from a color of fresh blood to another more pink, yellowish or brown. The bitch is eliminating droplets or small jets. An abundant amount of fresh blood would be a reason for veterinary consultation, in the same way as if a bad smell or any symptoms such as fever or pain appear. In this period an inflammation of the vulva is also visible and it is not strange that our dog urinates more times. At the end of this phase, already connecting with the next one, the bitch, which has been attracting males by producing pheromones, will become receptive. To show it off, she will flip her tail to the side, leaving her genitals exposed. This symptom tells us that she has started the next phase
  • Estrus or receptive heat: as we have said, it is in this phase that the bitch accepts the male and, therefore, She is in her fertile period, in which, if she meets a whole dog (unneutered male), she could become pregnant. It can last even up to three weeks and we will notice that it ends because the female stops accepting the male. The heat period is considered to include proestrus and estrus and lasts an average of three weeks. In oestrus there should no longer be bleeding and, if this occurs, it will be a reason for veterinary consultation, since we could find ourselves facing an infection or irregularity in oestrus.
  • Destroy: as we have said, the bitch will reject mating at this stage and the male will also lose interest. If the dog had become pregnant, this period would last a few months, those corresponding to the pregnancy, and would end at the time of delivery. If there is no pregnancy, this period will be followed by anestrus. No bleeding should occur.
  • Anestro: corresponds to the period of sexual inactivity and will last until a new heat cycle begins.
My dog bleeds a lot in heat - What is heat like in female dogs?
My dog bleeds a lot in heat - What is heat like in female dogs?

Normal bleeding duration and amount

It is only in the period known as proestrus that our bitch has to bleed. It is impossible to say what amount is "normal", precisely because there is no fixed amount, not even a number of bleeding days that is common to all bitches and even there will not be an equal heat in the same bitch. As generalities that serve as a guide, we can point out the following:

  • Normal duration of bleeding in the bitch's heat: more than three weeks would be cause for veterinary consultation. Until then, the bleeding can be normal, but we should always notice that it decreases and changes color, from an intense red to a brownish-pink. Of course, these secretions should not give off a bad smell. If they do, they may indicate infection and require veterinary care.
  • Normal amount of blood in oestrus: also is very variableIn some bitches it is almost negligible, because the quantity is small and, in addition, they lick themselves. The normal thing is that we see droplets of blood coming off the vulva. Sometimes, they are small streams that can stain the adjacent area and even the legs, as they fall, but it must be taken into account that when the dog spends time lying down, when she gets up, a larger amount will fall, which is what has been accumulating in those hours. We may also see small puddles in her bed or the place where she is lying, so we must protect beds and sofas if we let her climb on them. Likewise, it may be advisable to cover your bed with underpads, sheets or old towels that we can throw away after the heat if the blood stains do not come out well when washing.

As we can see, whether our bitch bleeds a lot in heat or not is very relative and very different bleedings can be normal, therefore the most important thing is that we do not observe any warning signs, such as fever, pain, pus or apathy.

My dog goes into heat very often, is it normal?

Finally, we should know that bitches usually come into heat around 6-8 months, although it will be earlier in small breed bitches and much later in larger breed bitches. During the first two years it is not uncommon for female dogs to present irregularities in their reproductive cycle. Thus, although the norm is to have heat approximately every 6 months, sometimes it can occur earlier or later. This can explain a bleeding outside the expected time frame and, although they are disorders that usually resolve themselves in the following cycles, we can confirm this by visiting our veterinarian. You also have to know that the bitches will space their jealousy in their maturity. Therefore, if we think that our bitch bleeds a lot in heat or has two heats in a row but she is already old (about 10 years old), perhaps the bleeding is caused by a tumor and, of course, she will need veterinary attention..

In any case, sterilization is recommended before the first oestrus or just after, since, in addition to avoiding this bleeding when removing, generally, the uterus and ovaries, the appearance of pathologies such as breast cancer or canine pyometra is reduced. It is worth knowing that the use of medications to control heat has considerable side effects, so, as a contraceptive method and for he alth reasons, sterilization is always recommended before drugs.
