MINIPRESS for CATS - Uses, dosage and side effects

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MINIPRESS for CATS - Uses, dosage and side effects
MINIPRESS for CATS - Uses, dosage and side effects
Mini Press for Cats - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects
Mini Press for Cats - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

The Minipress for cats is a drug that can be used as part of the treatment in cases where the veterinarian diagnoses urinary problems so common as idiopathic cystitis. This application is due to its relaxing and antispasmodic effect.

In this article on our site, we are going to talk about the uses and dosage of Minipress for catsIn addition, we will review in which cases its administration is contraindicated and what side effects we can detect in our cat after treating it with this medicine.

What is the Minipress for cats?

Minipress is the market name of the active ingredient called prazosin hydrochloride It is a smooth muscle relaxant and antispasmodic. Specifically, it is part of the group of alpha-adrenergic antagonist drugs specific for alpha 1 receptors. These receptors have as their main function vasoconstriction

Below, we review the most common situations in which the veterinarian will prescribe Minipress for cats. Of course, only this professional can prescribe this drug or not after examining the feline.

Uses of the Mini Press for Cats

In cats, MiniPress is prescribed primarily to deal with some problems that affect the urinary system. Its relaxing and antispasmodic effect allows it to act on the urethra, which is the tube that connects the bladder with the outside to eliminate the urine that has accumulated in it.

Thus, the vet can prescribe Minipress for idiopathic cystitis in cats This relatively common condition is closely related tostress Cats are very sensitive to any change in their environment and this can lead to behavioral problems as well as physical changes. It is known that, due to different mechanisms triggered by stress in the body, the wall of the urethra becomes inflamed, which causes considerable pain. This great discomfort further increases the stress the cat is already feeling, perpetuating the problem.

Also, as a result of this situation, the urethra can become obstructed This problem is more common in male cats. It is because they have a narrower urethra than females. Idiopathic cystitis can alter the cat's behavior due to the discomfort it causes. It is also normal to detect hematuria, which is the presence of blood in the urine. Likewise, the cat feels pain when urinating, try to do it outside the litter box, etc.

In cases where the symptoms of this cystitis are manifesting acutely, the Minipress can help prevent obstruction from occurring. The obstruction of the urethra, which may be partial or total, is an emergency. The cat should be taken to the vet as soon as possible.

Another clinical situation in which it is also recommended to administer Minipress is during recovery after catheterization This procedure consists of inserting a probe through the urethra with different objectives depending on the case. As in idiopathic cystitis, the Minipress is prescribed after catheterization in order to avoid obstruction of the urethra.

However, by their nature, cats do not usually show open signs of pain. For this reason, we encourage you to read this other article on 10 signs of pain in cats.

Minipress for cats - Uses, dosage and side effects - Uses of Minipress for cats
Minipress for cats - Uses, dosage and side effects - Uses of Minipress for cats

Dose of MiniPress for cats

The Minipress administration schedule can only be proposed by the veterinarian, as it will depend on each case. In general, for use after catheterization 0.5 mg orally every 12-24 hours is recommended. It usually occurs for about 2-3 days.

On the other hand, when idiopathic cystitis has been diagnosed, the dosage varies between 0, 25-1 mg every 8-12 hours for about ten days, also orally. If the vet prescribes Minipress for your cat, give him the treatment as prescribed and every day indicated. Don't finish it early.

Contraindications of MiniPress for cats

It is not recommended to administer Minipress to cats in the following circumstances:

  • Exemplars with heart disease.
  • Cats diagnosed with kidney failure.
  • Cats in gestation or lactation.
  • If the animal has previously shown any allergic reaction to the active ingredient.
  • You must inform the veterinarian if you are treating the cat with any other drug in case there is an interaction between the two drugs.

MiniPress Side Effects for Cats

Some side effects have been reported after administration of Minipress. They are usually of a mild nature and do not even make it necessary to stop treatment. Among the adverse effects reported, the following stand out:

  • Voltage drop.
  • Some sedative effect.
  • Hypersalivation.
  • Apathy.
  • Incoordination.
  • Diarrhea.

If after administering Minipress to our cat we detect these or other signs, we must inform the veterinarian. Also if the cat has ingested a higher dose than prescribed.
