DRONTAL for CATS- Dosage, Price and Side Effects

DRONTAL for CATS- Dosage, Price and Side Effects
DRONTAL for CATS- Dosage, Price and Side Effects
Drontal for cats - Dosage, price, package insert, side effects
Drontal for cats - Dosage, price, package insert, side effects

drontal for cats is a product mainly used to eliminate internal parasitesin cats. We must know that, at present, there are many cats that live in homes without access to the outside. This leads some caregivers to neglect deworming based on the belief that they cannot contract parasites indoors. But the truth is that some even can transport us or they could get infected if they live with other animals.

Precisely for this reason it is so necessary to use antiparasitics for internal use, Drontal being one of the most common. Do you want to know what price it has? Or what are its possible side effects? In this article on our site we tell you everything about the drontal for cats, keep reading.

What is the drontal for cats used for?

Drontal is a dewormer that acts on nematodes and cestodes, which are internal parasites that commonly affect cats. We are talking about Toxocara cati or Dipylidium caninum, to mention some of the best known species. Some of these parasites can also infect humans.

It is possible to use drontal for kittens, since, from the third week of life, these little ones can already contract cestodes. Of course, the use of Drontal in kittens weighing less than 1 kg is not recommended. The vet will prescribe another more suitable product.

The composition of generic drontal for cats is based on pyrantel and praziquantel embonate We can find the Drontal plus format for sale, which, In addition to pyrantel and praziquantel, it includes febantel in its prescription, but it is not marketed for cats. If we want more information we should consult the prospectus of Drontal for cats and ask the veterinarian.

Drontal for cats - Dosage, price, prospectus, side effects - What is drontal for cats for?
Drontal for cats - Dosage, price, prospectus, side effects - What is drontal for cats for?

Drontal for cats: dosage

Drontal is available in breakable tablets for cats weighing between 2, 1 and 4 kg. For cats between 1 and 2 kg, half a tablet will be administered. Cats from 4.1 to 6 kg will receive one and a half tablets and those from 6.1 to 8 kg will have to take two of these tablets. Drontal can be given directly, if the cat accepts pill administration well, or mixed with food.

In general, a single dose of Drontal will produce the desired effect, eliminating the parasites that we have mentioned, but in some cases of nematodes, with a single administration it is not possible to kill all the parasites. This happens especially in kittens and, to avoid it, the vet will prescribe the repetitions and the necessary drugs.

How often Drontal should be administered, therefore, it will depend on the circumstances of each cat. Kittens will be dewormed frequently during their first few weeks of life, while they are receiving their first cat vaccinations. They will have to be dewormed every 2-4 weeks In adulthood, the protocol calls for deworming every 3-4 months, but in cats with low risk of contracting parasites this pattern can be established every 6-12 months As always, it will be the veterinarian who guides us.

Drontal for cats: side effects and contraindications

Drontal is a very safe product and only in a very small percentage of cases can some effects occur such as alterations of the digestive system, hypersalivation, vomiting or mild neurological problems such as ataxia in cats. In general, they are all temporary signs.

It is not advisable to administer Drontal in pregnant cats, since there are no studies on its safety in these cases. Finally, keep in mind that using the same antiparasitic for a long time can generate resistance in cat parasites, so it is recommended to alternate between several.

Drontal for cats - Dosage, price, package insert, side effects - Drontal for cats: side effects and contraindications
Drontal for cats - Dosage, price, package insert, side effects - Drontal for cats: side effects and contraindications

Drontal for cats: price

The price per tablet of Drontal is about 3-6 euros If we ask ourselves where to buy Drontal for cats, the answer is in a veterinary center It is true that it is sometimes possible to buy these pills online, but the tendency is to limit their sale to veterinary clinics, since they are a medication that can only be administered prescribed by this professional.

Drontal for cats: opinions

Drontal is a good alternative for internal deworming of cats. The only drawback is the difficulty that in some cases it is to administer a pill to a cat. Although it can be mixed with food, some cats still detect the tablet and are reluctant to swallow it.
