Butterfly Life Cycle
Butterfly Life Cycle

The Insecta class is the most abundant not only of the arthropods, but in general of the rest of the species found on the planet. Within this group we find the order Lepidoptera, in which we have butterflies and moths. Moths and butterflies are characterized by having membranous wings with overlapping scales, sucking mouthparts and glands for the production of silk, in which they will form their cocoons, a structure that is an essential part of their reproductive life cycle.

In this article on our site, we want to offer you information about the life cycle of butterflies, these beautiful and fragile insects that form important part of the biosphere.

How long does a butterfly live?

The lifespan of an adult butterfly is a variable aspect because it is related to various factors, such as:

  • The type of butterfly.
  • Exposure to predators.
  • The environmental conditions where it is born.
  • Human influence on them.

Generally, a larger butterfly can have a longer lifespan than a smaller one, since it manages to resist or avoid certain impacts with greater strength than smaller ones, being itsaverage lifetime of 1 year.

The smallest and most fragile butterflies, on the other hand, usually live a few days or a week, while others can live for a month life. However, among the small butterflies, some of the longest-lived are the Nymphalis antiopa butterfly and the Danaus plexippus, which can live for several months. Some specimens have even managed to reach almost a year of life.

The reproduction of butterflies

The life cycle of butterflies begins with mating. The reproductive process of butterflies begins with the courtship of the male. Through flights, it will proceed to release pheromones to attract the female. If she is willing to reproduce, she will also release pheromones to communicate this to the male

Like other animals in the animal kingdom, butterflies are sexually dimorphic, meaning that males and females are visually different. In fact, males can identify females by the colors and shapes of their wings.

On the other hand, butterflies are oviparous animals with internal fertilization, so once their abdomens are joined, the male introduces his sexual organ inside the female and releases the spermatophore, which is a capsule that contains sperm. Then, she can reserve them inside her until she finds the ideal plant for oviposition, in which she will expel the eggsthat will leave fertilized before go outside

This form of reproduction has provided the females with the possibility of choosing the time and place to release the eggs, which guarantees that they are deposited on the plant where they will have greater protection during the development of the embryos and, in addition, this plant is a highly appetizing food for the caterpillars that will be generated. There are also other mechanisms for protecting their embryos, which is why some species of butterflies lay their eggs scattered on several plants, while others do so en masse in the same place.

In general, the reproductive strategies of the butterfly vary between the different species, so that some can copulate by flying, while others do so on some substrate.

For more information, don't hesitate to consult this other article on our site on How do butterflies reproduce?

Life Cycle of Butterflies - Reproduction of Butterflies
Life Cycle of Butterflies - Reproduction of Butterflies

States of the butterfly life cycle and its characteristics

The butterfly's life cycle is made up of four phases The first three stages last between 30 and 120 days, which will depend on both the species and the environmental conditions. Let's know the characteristics of each phase of the life cycle of butterflies:


Some butterflies lay their eggs on various types of plants, while others lay their eggs more specifically. The same vary in size and color ddepending on the species and, generally, once a plant is used for oviposition, other butterflies will not use it, probably with in order to avoid competition between caterpillars.

The eggs can be laid individually or in groups and if the environmental conditions are not favourable, the butterfly will avoid laying them, since this is the stage of greatest vulnerabilityfor these animals, which are also susceptible to predation by other species. This phase can last a few days or several weeks.

Larva or caterpillar

Individuals in this phase are normally known as caterpillars and starts when they hatch, consisting of a time mainly for the nutrition of the larva from the consumption of the leaves of the plant, since must store reserves for later stages.

Larvae are covered with a chitinous exoskeleton that provides protection and, as occurs in the egg stage, some species of caterpillars remain in groups, while others are alone. In the first case, this gives them advantages such as thermoregulation, defense against natural enemies and cooperation for the consumption of leaves that can be difficult if they do it individually. In the second they are less exposed to attack by parasites and predators, as well as to competition for food.

Within the larval stage, this animal goes through a period made up of four to seven phases, which are known as instar or stage of development, and the number of phases will depend on the species of butterfly. As the caterpillar must grow, in each of these stages or urges it sheds its exoskeleton Before starting the next phase, it decreases its food consumption and prepares to the next transformation.

Chrysalis or pupa

Also called pupa or colloquially "cocoon", it is a phase in which the animal remains fixed in a place it has chosen, but also great transformations occurin the same through metamorphosis.

Butterflies have developed adaptive strategies at this stage, so the chrysalises have particular shapes and colors that make them go almost unnoticed in the places where they are fixed. This stage can also last several days, but as in the previous ones it will depend on the species.


It is the final stage of the life cycle of butterflies, emerging from the pupa fully developed and sexually mature, so they can now reproduce. When emerging from the chrysalis, the individual is moistened, but once it spreads its wings and dries, it is able to fly.

Adults feed differently than in the caterpillar phase In this case they feed on nectar, pollen and fermenting fruits, in any case, they require nutrients rich in sugar that provide them with the energy necessary to make their flights.

Butterfly Life Cycle - Butterfly Life Cycle Stages and Characteristics
Butterfly Life Cycle - Butterfly Life Cycle Stages and Characteristics

Butterflies are quite susceptible animals, since they are not only exposed to their natural predators, but environmental conditions play a determining role for them. In addition, in the cases of species that select particular plants to lay their eggs, they are at greater risk if these plants are no longer present in their habitat, since not only the place for their development would be eliminated, but also their food source..
