Although many do not know it, the young of most animals receive a different name than when they are adults, such as the name of the young of the rabbits, which are called rabbits. Others, as you will see later, simply receive the name of baby or puppy. You will also discover some names of rare and curious animal babies, such as the baby quail, which is called guarnigón.
Whether it's because you're curious or because for academic reasons you need to know the names of baby animals, don't miss this article on our site about names of baby animals.
Domestic baby animals
There are many animals that can be kept at home today. However, the most common are the following, with the subsequent names of their offspring:
- Rabbit: rabbit.
- Cat: puppy or kitten.
- Hamster: baby hamster.
- Gerbo: baby gerbil.
- Dog: puppy or puppy.
- Rat/Mouse: baby rat or mouse or sorce.
Did you know that rats can also be kept as pets? Discover with our site the Types of domestic rats.

Names of the baby animals of the farm
Have you ever wondered what the baby sheep is called, what the baby chicken is called, or if the baby duck has a name? On our site we want to answer all your questions. For this reason, we have compiled this list of names of the offspring of the most common farm animals:
- Goose: gosling.
- Donkey: donkey or donkey.
- Donkey: donkey.
- Horse: foal or colt.
- Cabra: goat, chivato or caloyo.
- Ram: lamb.
- Pig:pig or piglet.
- Hen: chick.
- Oca: baby goose.
- Sheep: caloyo, lamb or lamb.
- Duck: duckling.
- Cow/bull: calf, calf, or steer.
If you are thinking of having an exotic animal at home or on your farm, we advise you to first read the following article on How to choose a pet.

Names of baby wild animals
Have you ever wondered what the name of the baby elephants is, or what the baby wild boars are called? Get rid of doubts with the following list of names of the offspring of wild animals:
- Squirrel: baby squirrel.
- Kangaroo: baby kangaroo.
- Zebra: foal.
- Elephant: baby elephant or baby elephant.
- Gazelle: baby gazelle.
- Guanaco: chulengo.
- Boar: wild boar.
- Giraffe: giraffe calf.
- Lion: young lion.
- Hare: Lebrato.
- Wolf: cub/wolf.
- Mono: little monkey.
- Bear: bear cub.
- Panther: panther cub.
- Frog/toad: tadpole.
- Tiger: tiger cub.
- Viper: viborezno
- Fox: fox cub.
All baby animals are cute and adorable, although for many the baby wild animals have a special charm. Do you think so too?

Baby Bird Names
Another name for baby animals that attracts the most attention is that of birds. Therefore, below, we have prepared a list with the names of the most common baby birds:
- Eagle: harrier.
- Owl: Chicken or owl chick.
- Deer: fawn or fawn.
- Stork: stork.
- Swan: Cygnet.
- Quail: side dish.
- Condor: condor chick.
- Raven: crow.
- Sparrow: gurriato.
- Owl: baby owl or owl chick.
- Parrot: Parrot hatchling or parrot chick.
- Bird: bird chicken.
- Dove: pigeon.
- Turkey: pavipollo or pavezno.
- Partridge: pellet.
In case you have found a baby bird and hence your interest in knowing what the baby birds are called, you may find the following article useful and interesting on What do birds eat? you drink?

Names of the young of marine and aquatic animals
Does the name fry or smolt ring a bell? Well, they are real, and they are baby fish and salmon, respectively. Next, we show you a list of names of baby marine and aquatic animals:
- Eel: baby eel.
- Whale: calf.
- Besugo: pancho.
- Delfin: Dauphine.
- Seal: baby seal.
- Orcas: Orca calf.
- Fish: fry.
- Penguin: baby penguin.
- Salmon: smolt.
- Shark: baby shark.
- Turtle: baby turtle.
And speaking of animal baby names, have you ever seen how sharks are born? Shark eggs are amazing. Find out in this other article on How are sharks born?

Insect baby names
To make this list of baby animal names complete, we also bring you the names of some of the most common insects:
- Bee: larva.
- Insect: larva.
- Butterfly: caterpillar.
- Fly: maggot.
- Mosquito: larva.

Baby Animal Names in English
If you are studying English, you may also be looking for the names of baby animals in English. For this reason, we have compiled the following list with some of the most common animals:
- Eagle: eagle (adult), eaglet (baby eagle).
- Ballena: whale (adult), calf (calf).
- Caballo: horse (adult), foal (horse calf).
- Alligator: alligator (adult), hatchling (baby alligator).
- Kangaroo: kangaroo (adult), joey (baby kangaroo).
- Pig: pig (adult), piglet (baby pig).
- Deer: deer (adult), fawn (baby deer).
- Swan: swan (adult), cygnet (baby swan).
- Raven: raven (adult), chick (baby raven).
- Seal: seal (adult), pup (seal pup).
- Gallina: hen (adult), chick (chick).
- Cat: cat (adult), kitten (baby cat).
- Lobo: wolf (adult), cub (wolf cub).
- Sheep: sheep (adult), lamb (sheep).
- Bear: bear (adult), cub (baby bear).
- Paloma: pigeon (adult), squab (baby pigeon).
- Rana: frog (adult), tadpole (baby frog).
- Fish: fish (adult), fry (baby fish).
- Dog: dog (adult), puppy.
- Vaca: cow (adult), calf (calf).
Now that you know the names of baby animals, you may also be interested in this other article on The 35 cutest animals in the world.